Charlie and the Wolf Pack

By Bo0kJunki3

324K 4.4K 600

Charlie was just you average seventeen year old half werewolf, quarter vampire, quarter witch mix trying to l... More

Charlie and the Wolf Pack
Charlie and the Wolf Pack {2}
Charlie and the Wolf Pack {3}
Charlie and the Wolf Pack {4}
Charlie and the Wolf Pack {5}
Charlie and the Wolf Pack {6}
Charlie and the Wolf Pack {7}
Charlie and the Wolf Pack {8}
Charlie and the Wolf Pack {9}
Charlie and the Wolf Pack {10}
Charlie and the Wolf Pack {11}
Charlie and the Wolf Pack {12}
Charlie and the Wolf Pack {13}
Charlie and the Wolf Pack {14}
Charlie and the Wolf Pack {15}
Charlie and the Wolf Pack {16}
Charlie and the Wolf Pack {17}
Charlie and the Wolf Pack {18}
Charlie and the Wolf Pack {19}
Charlie and the Wolf Pack {20}
Charlie and the Wolf Pack {21}
Charlie and the Wolf Pack {22}
Charlie and the Wolf Pack {23}
Charlie and the Wolf Pack {24}
Charlie and the Wolf Pack {25}
Charlie and the Wolf Pack {26}
Charlie and the Wolf Pack {27}
Charlie and the Wolf Pack {28}
Charlie and the Wolf Pack {29}
Charlie and the Wolf Pack {30}
Charlie and the Wolf Pack {31}
Charlie and the Wolf Pack {33}
Charlie and the Wolf Pack {34]
Charlie and the Wolf Pack {35}
Charlie and the Wolf Pack {36}
Charlie and the Wolf Pack {37}
Charlie and the Wolf Pack {38}
Charlie and the Wolf Pack {39}
Charlie and the Wolf Pack {40}
Charlie and the Wolf Pack {41}
Charlie and the Wolf Pack {42}
Charlie and the Wolf Pack {43}
Charlie and the Wolf Pack {44}
Charlie and the Wolf Pack {45}
Charlie and the Wolf Pack {46}
Charlie and the Wolf Pack {47}
Charlie and the Wolf Pack {48}
Charlie and the Wolf Pack {49}
Charlie and the Wolf Pack {50}
Charlie and the Wolf Pack {51}
Charlie and the Wolf Pack {52}
Charlie and the Wolf Pack {53]
Charlie and the Wolf Pack {54}
Charlie and the Wolf Pack {55}
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Charlie and the Wolf Pack {58}

Charlie and the Wolf Pack {32}

4.8K 71 18
By Bo0kJunki3

Charlie and the Wolf Pack

Chapter Thirty-Two

When we got downstairs Eli told us that Sirena had Megan in her office and she would like both of us in there. So Nick and I walked to her office, when we got there I knocked on the door softly and Rion opened it. Sitting in the chair in front of Sirena's desk was a female, she turned to face us. She had brown eyes, and light brown hair, she was cute, this was the real Megan Barrett. Aside from her Sirena and Penny were also in the room.

"Are they more guards? " Megan asked nodding at me and Nick.

"Ms. Barrett, your Chevy truck where is it?" Sirena asked jumping right into business and completely ignoring Megan's question.

"My ex has it, is that really important? Oh my stars, did he get in trouble with the vampires?" Megan asked.

"This ex, what is his name?" Sirena asked.

"Maddix Cruz, why is something wrong?"

"And where can we find this Maddix?" Sirena asked.

Sirena caught my eye and I nodded knowing what she wanted. I pulled out my cell phone and texted Danny, I told him to look up Maddix Cruz.

'U got it boss' Danny texted back two seconds later.

"He works at 'Ride' it's a garage, what's going on?"

"When's the last time you spoke to him?" Sirena asked totally ignoring her question again.

Megan stood up and she was pissed "Stop ignoring my questions and tell me what the hell is going on!"

Rion, Nick and Penny tensed up ready to move if they needed to, Sirena just sat back in her chair as if she wasn't worried.

"You need to sit back down and relax" I said.

Megan turned to face me she looked really pissed off.

"I'll sit down when someone tells me what the hell is going."

"Either you sit or I'll make you" I told her.

She looked like she wanted to argue but she was outnumbered so she sat down.

"Now the last time you spoke to Mr. Cruz?" Sirena asked as if nothing happened.

"Three days ago when he came and get the car, he paid for it so I guess its his car."

Sirena nodded her head while looking down at her phone for half a second, she picked her head up and smiles.

"Well that is all, Penny please see to it that Ms. Barrett finds here way home" Sirena said.

"Wait, that's it you want me to leave now?" Megan asked clearly confused.

"That will be all, if we need you we need know where to find you. Penny will see you home" Sirena said.

Penny snapped to attention and was leading out of the room. No one said anything until we knew it was clear.

"Danny is a God send" Sirena said smiling to herself.

A minute later there was a knock on the door which Rion opened and in walked Danny, Wade, Connor and Brad. It was really made me laugh that no one seemed to notice that Brad was human. Everyone showed him things and spoke to him like he was one of us. I guess he was one of us now.

"So what's this?" Rion asked as he closed the door.

Sirena nodded to Danny who started talking "Well I looked up Maddix Cruz and when I found him I did a little more digging. Now I know everything about him, his address, bank statements, phone numbers. Everything."

"I know your super smart but you amaze me" I said.

"Thank you. You make me feel whole when you complement me" Danny said.

"Don't be a-" I stopped short in pain.

There was chorus of are you okay's, everyone rushed to my side. Nick put me in a chair like I was child. It seemed like when I caught my breath everyone relaxed.

"I'm fine. Danny don't be a smart ass, but please continue."

"Maybe we should get you-" Danny started.

"I'm fine!" I snapped.

Everyone looked at each other like no one believed me.

"Ah -okay I'm putting a trace on his cell and a tap on his house phone" Danny said.

"I'm sorry, may I be excuse?" I asked once Danny stopped talking.

Everyone looked at me, what the hell was wrong with them. Sirena nodded at me and I walked out of the room. I made my way to the kitchen and found it empty. Which was good because I didn't want to deal with anyone right now.

"Mrs. Kane, are you alright? Do you want me to get Mr. Kane?" Said a voice from behind me.

I turned to find one of the kitchen staff, I wasn't sure what her name was. Gods how this must look to her, me hunched over a chair, breathing heavy, and holding my stomach. I felt like shit and I knew I must have looked like it also.

"I go get Mr. Kane" she said before turning around.

"No, no" I said stopping her. "Please don't tell him I'll be fine."

She seemed unsure but she stayed where she was. "Is there anything I can get for you?"

"I can't recall your name, what is it?" I asked.

"It is Jane, Mrs. Kane" she said.

"Please call me Charlie, now Jane can you do me a favor?" I asked and she nodded so I continued. "Can you get me some water and something soft to eat like rice if we have any. And please don't tell Nick."

"Don't tell me what?" Nick said coming into the room.

Jane looked at me with wide eyes, then she looked at Nick. I sighed I was slacking how didn't I know he was there. I shook my head.

"I go get stuff" Jane before quickly beating feet out of the kitchen.

"So what wasn't she supposed to tell me?" Nick asked.

Like I was going to answer that, so I stood up straight hoping he wouldn't notice leaning on the chair like a cripple. I knew that was stupid.

"I'm still waiting and why are you leaning like that?"

I sighed "Nothing, no reason, everything is fine."

"Really so why do you look like death rolled over?"

"Oh Dominic, you say the sweetest things" I said while sitting down.

"Are you making jokes right now, Charlie what the fuck is going on with you?"

Just then Jane came back in the kitchen with a glass of water and a bowl. Gods bless that vampire speed, it sure did come in handy. She put the stuff in front of me and bowed, and then she got the hell out of there. I started to eat ignoring Nick. Honestly I wasn't trying to be a bitch but I didn't know what was going on and I didn't want to worry him.

"So you're going to act like I'm not here?"

I sighed for like the hundredth time today and said, "Nick please."

"Please what Charlie? You tell me what you want me to do, what can I do when I don't know what the fuck is going on with you!"

He yelled and I flinched, someone cleared their throat from the doorway. Nick and I both turned towards the sound and saw Shawn standing there, giving us a funny look.

"Ah- yeah, Danny's got something" Shawn said before walking away.

I finished off the rice and downed the water before standing and making my way back to Sirena's office. I could feel the heat coming off Nick as he followed me the whole way. When we got back in the office they all watched me like they were scared I was going to fall over or something.

"So-" I said a little pissed off.

"Right, so I got something. Both Maddix and mystery girl's cell phones are in the same place. I'm going to call her and if she picks up I can place a listening device on the phone. So we'll be able to hear her even if she hangs up" Danny said.

"Did you come-" I paused and caught my breath before continuing. "Come up with that?"

"Ah yeah -Charlie are you sure-"

"Yes Danny, -I'm fine" I stopped again dammit. "Could someone get me some water please?"

"Yeah sure" Pam said.

Pam? When the hell did she get in here? I looked around the room for the first time and noticed that it was packed. Everyone was in here. I sat in a chair and tried to get my shit together, without having everyone know what I was doing.

"Here Charlie" Pam said.

"Thanks" I said taking the cup from her.

It was easier to talk when I was only saying one word at a time. I finished the water so fast you would have thought I hadn't had a drink in years. Everyone was watching me like I was going to steal.

"What?" I asked.

"No-nothing. Ah- should I call now?" Danny asked.

"Yes, Daniel, thank you" Sirena said.

I sat back in the chair and closed my eyes, I was rubbing my stomach while Danny did his thing. I knew he would be plugging his phone into the computer and then I heard him dialing the number.

"Hello?" Mystery girl said, she was on speaker.

No one said a thing, I could hear Danny's fingers flying over the keyboard and a retarded speed. What the hell was he typing so fast?

"Hello? I can hear you typing. - Who is this? - Can you hear me?"

Danny kept typing away until finally mystery girl hung up.

"Who was that" Some guy asked.

"I don't know, wrong number" Mystery girl said.

Danny sat back smiling to himself.

"Can they hear us?" Krystal whispered.

"No!" Danny yelled.

We all looked at the phone expecting them to hear but they didn't, that was cool. Instead of talking I gave Danny two thumbs up and smiled. He smiled back.

"What should we do about this Shug?" Mystery girl asked.

I shook my head, what the hell was a Shug?

"Nina, why don't we just talk to him?" Shug asked.

"Fine, you want to talk to him go ahead" Mystery girl or Nina said.

There was the sound of moving around then there was some grunting.

"Maddix, we need to talk to you, alright buddy?" Shug said.

"What's going on guys?" Maddix asked.

"Madd, listen I want to kill you because you fucked up and now we have people asking questions. But Shug doesn't want to do that, but here we need to do something and you were hiding. You know how much hate this damn garage but here I am at your job."

"Look man it's only the three of us here, so we can figure something out" Shug said.

"Okay, I got a picture of the garage Maddix works at" Danny said.

"I think we should go there and bring they're asses in" Wade said.

Sirena nodded "that's a good idea."

"Let me see the picture of the place so I can portal us inside" I said without stopping to catch my breath at all.

I was about to stand up so I could look at the picture.

"You're not going" Nick said.

I looked at him like he was stupid and said "Excuse me?"

"You're. Not. Going."

"Yes, I am."

"Charlie, don't argue with me."

"Maybe we should give you guys a moment" Angelica said.

"No one has to go, there is no argument because I'm going" I said. Why couldn't I go, what was going with him.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now, Charlie?"

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"What the hell is going on you? Do you really think you can go out and maybe fight like that?"

"Are you going?" I asked.

"Yes" was his answer.

"Then so am I."

"Charlie" he said on a sigh.

"No, don't Charlie me. Me and you we're a team, dammit. If your going then so am I, that's the way it works. So someone show me the fucking picture."

Danny turned the computer screen around so I could see. I pictured the place in my head but instead of a portal, I stumbled back. Everyone rushed to help me and it pissed me off.

"I'm fine!" I snapped at them.

They backed up and I tried to make a portal again only this time it worked. So we stepped through it and found ourselves in a garage. And believe me it smelled like one and that damn smell was making me sick. We walked in further and there they were, the fake Megan Barrett, Maddix Cruz, and some guy I've never seen before.

"Hey Megan" Connor said.

They turned around to face us and the shock was clear on their faces.

"What the hell is this?" Shug asked.

"These are the people that were looking for Maddix" Nina said.

"Yeah, Maddix its nice to see your back in town" Wade said.

Maddix looked at Nina and he looked confused. I shook my head they needed to get their bad guy shit together. The three of them looked at each other and all tried to make a run for it at the same time. That was stupid as hell because they were outnumbered, and where the hell were they running to. But Nina was obviously the smart one in the group because she picked up a wrench and threw it. Causing everyone in its path to get out of the way fast while Nina ran. The only bad thing about that was today I wasn't myself so I wasn't fast enough to get the hell out of dodge.

So the wrench hit me right in the stomach and I swear I saw my life flash before my eyes. The pain was too much that it knocked me right off my feet. I hit the floor and felt something warm coming down my leg, I looked down but my vision was fading but I could smell the blood, my blood. My last thought before darkness took my under was that Nick was going to be pissed.

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