A Stark Predicament

By jumpingmanatee

345K 10.3K 1.3K

What happens when Tony Stark's baby sister, a powerful Mutant, teleports to Middle Earth? Read to find out. S... More

Chapter 1: The Mutant Stark
Chapter 2: A Mutant Meets The Dwarves
Chapter 3: Time To Move On With a Mutant!
Chapter 4: Traveling To The Misty Mountains
Chapter 5: Across The Misty Mountains With The Help of A Mutant
Chapter 6 The Pale Orc, The Feral Mutant And The Carrock
Chapter 7: Beorn And The Predator In The Woods
Chapter 8: Beorns House And The Beginnings Of Love
Chapter 9: Conversation With Dwalin.
Chapter 10 A Dream and A Decision.
Chapter 11 Tony And A Wish
Chapter 12 Back To Middle Earth
Chapter 13 Escape From Mirkwood And The Bargeman
Chapter 14 Bard And LakeTown
Chapter 15 Another Mutant In The Family
Chapter 16 The Master's House
Chapter 17 The Dwarves Departure and The Arrival of Orcs and Elves
Chapter 18 Smaug The Bowman and An Elemental
Chapter 19 Along The Lakeside And In The Mountain
Chapter 20 The Mountain Curse
Chapter 21 Return to The Mountain But Not Alone
Chapter 22 Meet the Brother-In-Law And Secrets Revealed
Chapter 23 Contracts and Alliances
Chapter 24 Armour Avengers And Babies
Chapter 25 Good News, Iron Men And Dwalin's One
Chapter 26 Tony Helps, Getting Engaged and Having A Plan
Chapter 27 Learning The Truth, Dealing With The Consequences
Chapter 28 Dwalins Proposal, Steves Assignments
Chapter 29 Tony's Intel
Chapter 30 Thorin Talks, Thranduil Spys, And The Captian Plans
Chapter 31 Tony Informs His Sister
Chapter 32 Announcement to the Soldiers And Battles plans
Chapter 33 A Night Together
Chapter 34 Talking To Tony And Two Ferals Train
Chapter 35 X-Men Training
Chapter 36 Tony Against Gundabad Orc Army
Chapter 37 The Eve Of The Battle
Chapter 38 Day of the Battle
Chapter 39 The Battle Begins
Chapter 40 The Battle Rages On
Chapter 41 After The Battle
Chapter42 Bruce Takes Over
Chapter 43 Feasting and Sneaking
Chapter 44 New Worries
Chapter 45 Bilbo's Confession and Exciting News
Chapter 46 And Babies Makes Four
Chapter 47 Thorin's Idea Tony's Plan
Chapter 48 Going Back
Chapter 49 Healing and Fili's Announcement
Chapter 50 Bath Time
Chapter 51 Cleaning, Healing, and Eating
Chapter 52 The Dinner
Chapter 53 Avengers Return
Chapter 54 Learning About the Twins
Chapter 55 Disappearance and Cravings
Chapter 56 Discussion and Delightful Delay
Chapter 57 The Shire and Ered Luin
Chapter 58 Celebration and the Council
Chapter 59 The Road To Erebor.
Chapter 60 Finally Home.
Chapter 61 Thorin's Welcome Home.
Chapter 62 Fili, Friendships, and Changes
Chapter 63 the Council Meeting
Chapter 64 Due Date and Hormones
Chapter 65 The News
Chapter 66 The Council Continues
Chapter 67 Welcome Home Feast.
Chapter 68 Dis' Thoughts, Bombur's Report and Alina's Idea
Chapter 69 Going Baby Shopping
Chapter 70 Something Wicked This Way Comes
Chapter 72 The Waiting Goes On.
Chapter 73 Finally Awake.
Chapter 74 The Road To Recovery and Discovery
Chapter 75 Bruce's Results, Thorin's Frustration
Chapter 76 Enthusiasm
Chapter 77 While the King's Away Logan Will Play
Chapter 78 Going Out On the Town.
Chapter 79 Dining With the Avengers and a Spa day
Chapter 80 Time to Go Home
Chapter 81 Executing the Plan.
Chapter 82 Letters of Response and the Execution
Chapter 83 Relaxation Time.
Chapter 84 Self Sustaining.
Chapter 85 The Letter Is Sent
Chapter 86 Arriving In Dale
Chapter 87 Informing Bard and Getting Underway.
Chapter 88 Politics And Fridges
Chapter 89 Pepper Visits Erebor
Chapter 90 Exploring Erebor
Chapter 91 A Feast In Pepper's Honor.
Chapter 92 Arriving in the Shire
Chapter 93 The Autumn Festival.
Chapter 94 Enticing The Hobbits
Chapter 95 Lover's Quarrel
Chapter 96 Mood Swings
Chapter 97 Worries and Night Terrors
Chapter 98 Forgiveness
Chapter 99 Marriage Plans
Chapter 100 The Preparations

Chapter 71 Tony comforts, Logan Investigates

2.1K 83 16
By jumpingmanatee

Dwalin and Bruce go back to Thorin's chambers to wait it out. They all sit in the living room with worried looks on their faces. Alina is sitting there alone, eyes red and swollen from crying. Suddenly the door bursts open and Tony comes walking in. He looks around the room, spotting his little sister, he rushes towards her.

"Honey Bunny!"

Alina looks up and bursts into tears.

"Tony, I'm so glad you're here! How did you know what's going on?" Tony sits down next to her, gathering her up in his arms. Tony starts rocking back and forth and rubbing her back.

"Jarvis contacted me, he told me what was going on. I have him send me regular reports on you."

He kissed the top of her head. Dis became furious, her brother may very well be dying and another lover shows up out of the blue.

"Girl, who is THIS now?" Dis looks at her with disgust. Tony looked at Dis, his eyes narrowed.

"Oh, so you're Dis, I've heard a lot about you from Jarvis," he looked at the Iron Man suit that was by the door.

"See, I'm Tony Stark. The last name should sound familar, I share it with my sister." Tony says as he hugs Alina a little tighter.

"Not that it's any of your business, but I'm her older brother." Dis' eyes widen in surprise.

"I apologize if I offended you." Dis says with a slight bow, she at least understood the importance of family.

"IF you offended me, lady, you don't know the half of it. Do you have any idea what my sister has gone through to be with your brother? A hell of a lot, I can tell you that. And for you to assume that Logan and her are lovers is not only gross, but wrong. I know for a fact that her heart belongs completely to Thorin as his belongs to her."

"How do you know what happened?" Alina asked Tony.

"I told you, Jarvis sent me updates on how you're doing. So he told me what this bitch wants you to do, no offense." Tony says to Dis as he gives her the classic Stark smirk.

"How dare you say such a thing to me! Who do you think you are to speak to me in such a way?" Tony sets Alina down on  the seat next to him, then stands up to face Dis."

"Um, I think I'm Tony Stark. Genius, billionaire, play boy, philanthropist, oh and the person who took out the Gundabad army by himself."

"That's impossible, no one person can defeat an entire army alone,  especially a human like yourself."

Tony looks Dis dead in the eyes and smiles, "Well, you're looking at the only man that did it. Of course I had a little help from my friends."

Tony turns to look at JARVIS who is now standing next to him.

"And by friends I mean my armor." When he said that, the Iron Man next to him fell apart and wrapped itself around Tony. Dis gasps, stepping away from Tony.

"Now if you'll excuse me, it's time for my baby sister to go sit with her husband."

He looks at Bruce for approval, Bruce nods.

"Yeah it's okay if she sits with him." Tony takes Alina by the hand, leads her into the bedroom. shutting the door.

"What was that?" Dis asks.

"That would be Iron Man, Lady Dis" Balin answers.

"Who or what are these people, Balin? There is one man with metal claws coming out of his hands, another who has an empty suit of armor as a guard that then falls apart and attaches itself to him. And lets not forget the girl, who healed Thorin only by touching him with blue water!

"It is a long story, Dis and I don't think its my place to explain. Balin informs her. "Let us wait until Thorin wakes up for him and the others to tell you."

Tony and Alina walked into the bed chamber, Tony took off the suit, turning back into Iron Man guard.

"Jarvis how are his vitals?" Tony asks as he ushers his sister into a chair next to Thorin.

**His vital signs are low but steady, Sir**

He nods, pulling up a chair to sit next to his sister. He puts an arm around her.

"He's going to be alright, Alina, you have to believe that." Alina is staring at Thorin's pale face, as tears run down her face.

"I know he will, Tony, I just can't standing seeing him lying there helpless and unresponsive."

"I know you can't, Honey Bunny, but there's nothing you can do except wait for Logan's blood to takes affect. He'll be back to his old self in no time, only with a little of Logan's attitude mixed in."

Alina laughs through her tears at the thought of Thorin acting like Logan. She scoots the chair closer to Thorin, taking Thorin hand in hers she kisses it.

"Come back to us, Baby." Alina pleads with him. "The babies and I need you, please don't leave us alone."

"Us, Babies? What in Mahal's name are you talking about, girl?"

Tony and Alina whip their heads around to see Dis standing by the door, a look of disbelief on her face. Tony sighs, rolling his eyes at the sight of the Dwarrowdam.

"Oh, god, how much of that did you hear?" Tony asks

"Enough to come to the conclusion that the girl is pregnant. Tell me girl is that how you ensnared my brother, by getting pregnant in order to get your hands on his gold? Is the babe even Thorin's, girl?"

Alina has had enough, she angrily stands up, marches over to Dis and gets in her face.

"First of all, I'm getting sick and tired of you calling me girl! My names is Alina, A-LI-NA, if that is too hard for you to say, you can call me Miss. Stark…Or even my Queen." Alina says with a smirk.

Tony snorts trying not to laugh, while Dis bristles at the comment.

"Second of all, the babies are Thorin's, I haven't been with anyone else for the past two years. Not that it's any of your business or that you even care, but we're having twins.

"And third, I don't want or need any of his gold. Tony and I are more than wealthy enough on our own.  Now if you don't mind I'd like to be alone with MY husband."

"No, I will not leave him alone, he is my brother." Dis says ademantly

Alina could understand that, she would do the same if it was Tony in this position.

"Fine, just stay out of the way, I'm sick and tired of seeing your face."

Dis huffed, "I will be wherever I want to be, Miss Stark, and you cannot stop me."

Alina growls at her, grabs her by the throat, slams her against the wall. She pops her claws holding them at Dis' neck. Tony jumps out of his chair and races over to his sister.

"Alina, don't, remember she's Thorin's sister, besides she's not worth it." Tony says as he places a calming hand on her shoulder.

"What kind of monster are you?" Dis asks wide eyed as she rubs her neck.

Alina gets a glint in her eyes, then smiles. "The worst kind, now sit down and shut up." Dis automatically falls into the chair that Tony had brought over.

The hours go by and still no response from Thorin, Balin had come in the room to take Dis to her room for the night. She refused but with a little convincing from Balin he was able to convince her to retire.

"If anything happens, Dis, we shall inform you at once." Balin reassures her, Dis nods.

It was harder to convince Alina to leave his side.

"No, Balin, I will not leave his side, no matter what."

"But Lass you need your rest, if not for you for the babes." Balin pleads.

Alina hesitates for a minute, "Fine I'll rest but I'm not leaving his side, ask Bruce if I can lie down with him."

Tony walks out of the room to ask Bruce, he tells Tony that it was fine.

"Bruce said it was fine, so lie down next to him and get some sleep, Alina?"

"Tony come look, doesn't Thorin look different."

Tony looks at Thorin and he notices that his grey hair is gone, that the little wrinkles that Thorin had were gone. Tony and Alina looked at each other.

"What the fuck is going on." Tony asks.

"I don't know, Tony, and language! We're going to have to talk to Bruce about this" Alina tells Tony

"Later, this can wait, right now you need to get some rest."

Tony helped Alina onto the bed next to Thorin, she desperately wanted to cuddle with him, but was afraid to move him. So she settled for holding his hand instead.

Meanwhile Logan jerked awake he let out a growl and leaped out of bed, he was immediately confront by Jarvis in the Iron Man suit.

**Mr. Howlett, I must ask you to take it easy, sir, Dr. Banner is still concerned about your health.**

"Nah, I'm fine where's Dwalin I need to speak to him."

**He's in the sitting room waiting for word on the King**

"And Alina, where's she, how's she holding up?"

**Miss Stark is with Sir in the King's bedroom, Sir finally convinced her to lie down and rest.**

"Good I need to head back, I need to do some investigatin' on who could have stabbed Thorin. I'm positive I can pick up a scent." Logan gets out of bed and heads to the Royal suites.

Bursting through the doors he surprises everyone, he walks passed everyone, only glancing at Dwalin indicating with his head for Dwalin to follow him. Dwalin gets up to follow him into the Royal bed chambers. Logan opens the door carefully seeing that Alina is sound asleep next to Thorin and Tony is dozing off. When Tony hears the door open he's instantly alert.

"Pincushion!" Tony whisper yells.

"Tin Can." Logan answers.

"Man, I want to thank you for everything you did for Thorin and Alina, if you hadn't have  been here, Thorin would be dead by now and Honey Bunny would have lost it. How you feeling anyway?" Tony asks

"Never better, how's Thorin"?

"Jarvis says his blood pressure is still a little low but steady, we did notice something weird though. The grey hair that he has is gone now and he looks younger, any ideas what that could be?"

Logan shrugs, "Maybe my blood has affected him in some weird way, we'll need to ask Bruce to run some test."

"Hey not to be an ass or anything, but what are you guys doing here anyway?" Tony questions.

"I need Dwalin to open the secret passageway, I need to see the location where Thorin was stabbed, maybe we can pick up a few clues." Logan informs Tony.

Logan looks at Dwalin, "Aye, Lad, I will open the passageway for you."

Dwalin walked over to the far wall and pulled a lever, just behind the tapestries, to secret door slid open and Logan was assaulted by the smell of Thorin's blood.

"Damn, I'm surprised he didn't bleed to death getting up here." He says.

Grabbing a brazier off the wall he goes into the tunnel with Dwalin following behind, Tony was going to go too, but he didn't want to leave his sister alone. The tunnel takes many twists and turns, there are places where Logan and Dwalin can tell Thorin had collapsed, there would be a small pools of blood. They made their way down the tunnel, and finally ending up in the forges.

"Where exactly are we, Dwalin?" Logan asks.

"We're in the under belly of the Mountain, the forges. I can't imagine what Thorin would be doing down here?" Dwalin says

Following Thorin's scent, Logan comes to one of the forges and discovers what he was doing, he shows what Thorin was working on to Dwalin.

"He was fashioning himself and Alina new crowns." Dwalin observes.

Logan continues to sniff around, luckily no one else was in the area and Logan was able to pick up two scents. One Thorin's and the other an unknown Dwarf. At that moment Jarvis comes out of the passageway.

**Mr. Stark has asked me to come scan the crime scene, Mr Howlett.**

"Good idea, let's see what you pick up. I can pick up the scent of another Dwarf near where Thorin was stabbed and I'm pretty sure I'll pick up the same scent on Thorin's clothes. What have you picked up?"

**Sir, I have picked up two distinct set of boot prints, one belonging to the King Under the Mountain and the other to some unknown person. Judging by how deep the imprint is in the blood, it would have to be a large male. I have also picked up stray hairs in the blood, we should be able to get a DNA match when you find the assassin. And judging by the spray pattern from the wound, this Dwarf has gotten some blood on clothes, perhaps not enough for him to notice, but definitely enough for you to pick up the scent, Mr. Howlett.**

Logan smiles evily at the thought of catching the would be assassin, he has every intention of making him pay. The smile kind of unnerves Dwalin.

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