A Stark Predicament

Por jumpingmanatee

345K 10.3K 1.3K

What happens when Tony Stark's baby sister, a powerful Mutant, teleports to Middle Earth? Read to find out. S... Mais

Chapter 1: The Mutant Stark
Chapter 2: A Mutant Meets The Dwarves
Chapter 3: Time To Move On With a Mutant!
Chapter 4: Traveling To The Misty Mountains
Chapter 5: Across The Misty Mountains With The Help of A Mutant
Chapter 6 The Pale Orc, The Feral Mutant And The Carrock
Chapter 7: Beorn And The Predator In The Woods
Chapter 8: Beorns House And The Beginnings Of Love
Chapter 9: Conversation With Dwalin.
Chapter 10 A Dream and A Decision.
Chapter 11 Tony And A Wish
Chapter 12 Back To Middle Earth
Chapter 13 Escape From Mirkwood And The Bargeman
Chapter 14 Bard And LakeTown
Chapter 15 Another Mutant In The Family
Chapter 16 The Master's House
Chapter 17 The Dwarves Departure and The Arrival of Orcs and Elves
Chapter 18 Smaug The Bowman and An Elemental
Chapter 19 Along The Lakeside And In The Mountain
Chapter 20 The Mountain Curse
Chapter 21 Return to The Mountain But Not Alone
Chapter 22 Meet the Brother-In-Law And Secrets Revealed
Chapter 23 Contracts and Alliances
Chapter 24 Armour Avengers And Babies
Chapter 25 Good News, Iron Men And Dwalin's One
Chapter 26 Tony Helps, Getting Engaged and Having A Plan
Chapter 27 Learning The Truth, Dealing With The Consequences
Chapter 28 Dwalins Proposal, Steves Assignments
Chapter 29 Tony's Intel
Chapter 30 Thorin Talks, Thranduil Spys, And The Captian Plans
Chapter 31 Tony Informs His Sister
Chapter 32 Announcement to the Soldiers And Battles plans
Chapter 33 A Night Together
Chapter 34 Talking To Tony And Two Ferals Train
Chapter 35 X-Men Training
Chapter 36 Tony Against Gundabad Orc Army
Chapter 37 The Eve Of The Battle
Chapter 38 Day of the Battle
Chapter 39 The Battle Begins
Chapter 40 The Battle Rages On
Chapter 41 After The Battle
Chapter42 Bruce Takes Over
Chapter 43 Feasting and Sneaking
Chapter 44 New Worries
Chapter 45 Bilbo's Confession and Exciting News
Chapter 46 And Babies Makes Four
Chapter 47 Thorin's Idea Tony's Plan
Chapter 48 Going Back
Chapter 49 Healing and Fili's Announcement
Chapter 50 Bath Time
Chapter 51 Cleaning, Healing, and Eating
Chapter 52 The Dinner
Chapter 53 Avengers Return
Chapter 54 Learning About the Twins
Chapter 55 Disappearance and Cravings
Chapter 56 Discussion and Delightful Delay
Chapter 57 The Shire and Ered Luin
Chapter 58 Celebration and the Council
Chapter 59 The Road To Erebor.
Chapter 61 Thorin's Welcome Home.
Chapter 62 Fili, Friendships, and Changes
Chapter 63 the Council Meeting
Chapter 64 Due Date and Hormones
Chapter 65 The News
Chapter 66 The Council Continues
Chapter 67 Welcome Home Feast.
Chapter 68 Dis' Thoughts, Bombur's Report and Alina's Idea
Chapter 69 Going Baby Shopping
Chapter 70 Something Wicked This Way Comes
Chapter 71 Tony comforts, Logan Investigates
Chapter 72 The Waiting Goes On.
Chapter 73 Finally Awake.
Chapter 74 The Road To Recovery and Discovery
Chapter 75 Bruce's Results, Thorin's Frustration
Chapter 76 Enthusiasm
Chapter 77 While the King's Away Logan Will Play
Chapter 78 Going Out On the Town.
Chapter 79 Dining With the Avengers and a Spa day
Chapter 80 Time to Go Home
Chapter 81 Executing the Plan.
Chapter 82 Letters of Response and the Execution
Chapter 83 Relaxation Time.
Chapter 84 Self Sustaining.
Chapter 85 The Letter Is Sent
Chapter 86 Arriving In Dale
Chapter 87 Informing Bard and Getting Underway.
Chapter 88 Politics And Fridges
Chapter 89 Pepper Visits Erebor
Chapter 90 Exploring Erebor
Chapter 91 A Feast In Pepper's Honor.
Chapter 92 Arriving in the Shire
Chapter 93 The Autumn Festival.
Chapter 94 Enticing The Hobbits
Chapter 95 Lover's Quarrel
Chapter 96 Mood Swings
Chapter 97 Worries and Night Terrors
Chapter 98 Forgiveness
Chapter 99 Marriage Plans
Chapter 100 The Preparations

Chapter 60 Finally Home.

2K 78 16
Por jumpingmanatee

This chapter has not been beta'd so all mistakes are mine!

Thorin was beginning to get antsy. He kept walking up and down the rows of Dwarrows checking and rechecking everything, making sure nothing or no one was left behind. He wanted this to go off without a hitch. Dis watched her brother as he paced the rows like a Dwarf possessed. What was wrong with him?

Dis went to stand next to Dwalin.  "Dwalin, tell me, what has Thorin so agitated." Her voice laced with concern.

"He is just anxious to get home, that is all." Dwalin answers.

Dis narrows her eyes, she was beginning to suspect something more. What could there possibly be in Erebor that would have Thorin rushing back? Whatever it was, she was going to get to the bottom of it.

"Dwalin I know you know there is something going on, tell me."

"Sorry Dis, it is not my place to tell you. If you want to know, you need to speak with Thorin."

Dis huffed, crossed her arms and walked away. At that moment Thorin had just come back from his manic pacing of the rows when Dwalin put a hand on Thorin's shoulder.

"You must stop this incessant pacing, Dis is becoming suspicious."

"Suspicious, suspicious of what?!" Thorin asks.

"Of what has you in such a state. Now, unless you plan on telling her right now that you have found your One, I suggest you calm down, it's only a few more hours." Thorin took a deep breath and tried to calm down.

Meanwhile in Erebor:

Balin, with the help of the remaining Company, was assigning temporary housing to each Dwarf family. Later they could choose more suitable homes if they wished, once more of the clean up was done. The people didn't mind where they were put as long as they were home. Though they were curious how they were able to get  home so quickly.

"All will be explained in due time." Balin assured them. The two hours were up, Kili's  group came through and the process was started all over again.

Now that he was no longer needed, Fili went in search of Sigrid. He spots her on the balcony with Bruce and the others. Fili's face lights up, his heart fills with so much joy at the sight of her. He begins running up the stairs taking them two at a time until he reach them. Fili rushes forward and sweeps Sigrid into his arms holding her close and swings her around, causing her to laugh.

"Oh, how I missed you!" Fili declared.

"And I missed you, my love, more than you'll know. But you are home in time." Sigrid tells him with a smile.

"In time for what?"

"In time for the sonogram, Fili." Bruce tells him. Fili's eyes open wide in disbelief.

"Truly?" Fili asks

"Yes, Fili, we can go do it right now if you like." Bruce informs them.

An excited look comes over both of them and they agree. Bruce leads them to the birthing room closing the door behind them.

Natasha, Logan and Alina watch the happy couple follow Bruce into the birthing room, they all smile.

"Soon it will be you and Dwalin, Nat." Alina tells her dear  friend. Natasha reaches down and strokes her flat belly. Then something occurred to her.

"I wonder how long my pregnancy will be?"

"You know that's a good question, we'll have to ask Bruce when he's finished with Fili and Sigrid. In the meantime let's go get something to eat and watch a movie, it's going to be a while until Dwalin and Thorin come through." Alina tells the others, they both agree.

"Jarvis, let us know when it's time for Dwalin and Thorin to come through." Natasha tells the A.I.

**As you wish Miss. Romanoff.**

The hours passed, Logan, Alina, Natasha, and Bruce, who joined them later, were having a James Bond marathon with Daniel Craig. By the time they finished the last movie, it was almost time for Dwalin to arrive. They watched one more movie, when Jarvis announced

**Miss. Natasha, Master Dwalin should be coming through the portal in 20 minutes.**

Natasha scrambles off of Alina's giant bed, rushing out of the room. She runs to her and Dwalin's chambers, so she can change back into her dress. Natasha and the others had all changed into their pajamas to be more comfortable watching movies.

Alina and the others followed more slowly behind her. Alina decided to stay in her PJ's. It was late and she was too tired to put on something pretty. She put on her bunny slipper, which Thorin found hilarious, her robe and went to the front gate. She walked up next to Logan who looked down at her then did a double take. He burst into a fit of laughter.

"What the hell are you laughing at?"

"You," he gasped, "You look like a five year old on Christmas morning!" Then collapsed into another fit of laughter, holding his stomach.

"I think she looks cute." Bruce said

"So do I." Natasha agreed.

At that moment the portal opened and out walkes Dwalin. He has a very serious and grumpy look on his face until his eyes meet Natasha's. His eyes light up but his expression never changes, trying to keep up appearances. Dwalin leads his group over to Balin who immediately takes over. Dwalin stands by to see if he can help, but Balin waves him off.

"Everything is under control, Brother, you can go on to see your lady love." Balin tells his little brother.

Dwalin gave Balin a sly smirk. He patted his brother on the back then walked calmly up the stairs to where the others were waiting. Once he was out of sight of the people down below he sprinted the rest of the way up the stairs. When he made it to the Royal Halls, he was nearly tackled by Natasha. She started peppering him with kisses, while he hugged and twirled her around.

Dwalin put Natasha down and went to say hello to the others. He embraced Bruce and Logan, giving Logan a head butt in greeting and, of course, nearly knocking himself out. Alina couldn't help but smirk. Dwalin walks up to Alina, crosses his arms as he looks down at her.

"Well, don't you look nice and fluffy," Dwalin says as he gently touched he forehead to Alina's, "You look nice and cozy oh and I love the shoes." Dwalin jokes.

Alina looks down at her slippers, wiggling her toes making the bunny's nose wiggle. Dwalin cracked a smile.

"Oh leave me alone, Dwalin, it's late, I'm tired and I just want my husband so I can go to bed."

Dwalin gave her a wry smile, "I think going to bed is the last thing on Thorin's mind, Lass."

Alina turns bright red at Dwalin's comment. Everyone gets a  good  laugh at her expense especially, Logan.

"Shut up, it's not funny!" she says dying of embarrassment.

"Of course it is, how often do we get to see a Stark blush." Natasha says with a glint in her eye.

After they all had a gotten a good laugh at Alina's expense, Natasha started dragging Dwalin away. He was more than eager to go home. Dwalin picked her up in his arms  bridal style and practically ran to their chambers. Natasha couldn't wait to tell him he was going to be a father, but she wasn't sure how to do it.

Immediately upon reaching their home Dwalin attacked her neck while wrapping his arms around her. The great Black Widow was turned into a puddle of goo. Suddenly she came to her senses, she pulled away from Dwalin. Dwalin gave her a questioning look.

"Is something wrong, my ghivashel?"

A little smile played across her lips, "No nothing's wrong, Baby, I have a gift for you."

Dwalin smiled. "You needn't get me a gift, Amrâlimê, you are the greatest gift I could ever have."

"But you'll love this one."

Natasha turns to face Dwalin, taking his hand, placing it gently on her tummy. It took a minute for Dwalin to connect the dots. When he finally did, his eyes grew as wide as saucers.

"Can it be true?"

Natasha walked over to him, giving him a hug.

"Yes, baby, it's true. I wasn't feeling well, so to satisfy Bruce's curiosity, he had me take a pregnancy test and it came out positive. We're going to have a baby, Dwalin!"

"But how could this be? You said you were sterile."

"During the battle, when Alina healed me, she must have healed me completely."

Dwalin whooped and hollard, spinning Natasha around.

"Thank you, my love, this is the greatest gift you could have given me besides yourself." Dwalin said with tears spilling over into his beard. Natasha couldn't help but tear up as well out of sheer happiness.

Meanwhile waiting on the Royal Halls overlooking the commotion stood Alina, Bruce, and Logan, waiting for the last group to come through the portal, waiting for Thorin.

"Do ya suppose Nat told Dwalin she's pregnant?" Logan asked. Just then they heard whooping and Hollaring.

"I'd say that's a safe bet," Bruce says with a yawn, "well I'm going to bed, tell Thorin welcome home for me when he returns." With that Bruce left to his chambers to turn in for the night.

"You don't  have to stay with me, Logan, I'm perfectly fine on my own."

Logan patted her on the head just to annoy her. "Hey I promised to protect ya no matter what. If that means standing up here with ya, waiting for Hubby to arrive, I will. Then I'll hand you over to him."

Alina sighed and rolled her eyes, "Tell you what, Pin Cushion, let's go play poker until it's time for Thorin to get here."

Logan frowned, "Don't you start with me too, Stark!"

"I'm just playin' you know that." Logan throws an arm around her and they head back to the Royal Chambers.

Two hours and several hands later, Jarvis walks into the sitting room and annouces that the last group will be arriving in 5 minutes. Alina scrambles to her feet, puts on her robe and bunny slippers. Logan chuckles at the excited look on her face, he takes out a cigar which she automatically lights it with the snap of her fingers, then rushes out the door. Logan gets up at a leisurely pace then follows behind her.

Alina goes running down the hall and nearly slides off the balcony when she stops, Logan grabs her in time before she topples over.

"Would you calm down! Killing yourself is not going to get Thorin through any faster."

"Sorry, sorry, I'm just really excited to see him, I missed him so much."

"Noo, I didn't notice with all your sighing, and whining, and the self pitying you were doing." She smacks him on the arm.

Just then the portal opens and a bright white light erupts inside Erebor. From that white light steps the last of the Dwarves of Ered Luin. Some step boldly through, others more cautiously, but they were all looking around in wonder and awe. They could not believe that the trip that would have taken them a year or more to complete was done in merely a few seconds. Dwarves young and old shuffled through the portal, were greeted by Balin and the others. Alina searched the crowd trying to find Thorin, then she finally spotted him he was bringing up the rear, making sure every last Dwarrow had gone through.

Thorin was so happy to be home, though you couldn't tell by the expression on his face. He still had the stoic and majestic look of a Dwarven Monarch. His eyes roamed the halls though as he looked for one person in particular. He made his way over to where Balin stood.

"Hello Thorin."

"Hello Balin, how goes everything? Has everyone been able to find adequate homes."

"Yes, Thorin everything is under control, now let me do for you what  I did for my brother and send you up to your chambers. I'm sure there's a certain young lady who is dying to see you."

Balin motioned with his head toward the balcony, where Alina was jumping up and down pulling on Logan's sleeve, while Logan had this annoyed look on his face. A half smile flickered across his face, then it was gone.

"No, I have a duty to my people to make sure they are made comfortable."

"Thorin, I'll take care of this, remember you have a wife and unborn children to attend to." At that thought a full blown smile blossoms on Thorin's face.

"Alright, I shall retire for the night, if anything should arise, inform Jarvis right away." With those instructions Thorin did an about face and headed for the stares. He suddenly heard his wife squeal in delight at watching him ascend the stairs. Thorin's pace up the stairs never changed.

Once he reached the top of the stairs and walked onto the balcony however, Thorin and Alina rushed into each other's arms. Thorin twirls her around then holds her at arm's length to get a better look at her. She blushes at what she's wearing.

"I was wearing something cute earlier but it got late."

Thorin laughed, then hugged her to him. "You look adorable in whatever you wear and I love your bunny shoes." Thorin says with a chuckle. That's when he noticed Logan standing there with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face. Thorin gives Logan a little nod, then cuddles Alina to him a bit more.

"Well, Thorin, I officially give your wife back to you and believe me she has been a pain in the ass to take care of." Alina hits Logan on the shoulder.

"Thank you, Logan, I'm sure it was a difficult job watching over my brat," Thorin says as he kisses her forehead, "but I do appreciate it more than you know."

Logan chuckled. "It was my pleasu… someone's coming and I don't recognise the scent." Logan almost popped his claws when Thorin stopped him.

"It is alright, Logan, Tis only my sister, the Lady Dis." At the mention of his sister's name, he felt Alina give a shutter. Thorin held her tighter.

"Shh, Men gehyith (My little Dove), everything will be alright." Thorin whispers to his mate.

Dis climbed the last of the steps, looking around the royal halls in wonder. It had been a lifetime since she had seen these halls, now she gazes upon them in awe. It was like nothing had changed in these past 60 years. She could still recall running around those halls with her brothers chasing after her. As she looked around, her eyes landed on three figures. A tall burly man with some semblance of a beard that stopped at his chin. He was wearing some sort grey loose fitting trousers and was wearing some odd white foot wear.

The man was standing next to Thorin in a defensive position in front of him.  That didn't bother Dis in the least bit, what did bother her was how the human girl she had just spotted was clinging to Thorin and he, in turn, was clinging to her. Thorin  takes Alina by the hand and leads her towards Dis. Alina resists at first, but after an encouraging smile from Thorin, she falls in place next to him. Together they approach Dis.

"Ah, Sister dear, I am glad you are here before we retired for the night. I would like to introduce to you Alina Elizabeth Stark. Alina, this is my sister the Lady Dis." Alina curtseys in front of Dis as she would any Royal. Except this time feeling incredibly stupid, wearing her blue fleece pajamas with snowflakes on them and her white bunny slippers. Dis raised an eyebrow and looked her up and down.

"I apologize for the way I'm dressed, Lady Dis. I was already ready to go to bed, I was just waiting on Thorin." Ooh Alina wanted to bite her tongue off when she saw Dis' eyes grow wide then narrow.

"Brother, what exactly does this girl mean to you?" Thorin's chest puffed up with pride.

"Alina is my friend, my companion, my love and most importantly, my One." Dis' mouth fell open at Thorin's confession.

"And this man, who is he?" Logan stiffen when he was mentioned. He didn't like this Dwarrowdam, not one bit.

"This is Logan, Sister, the man who defeated Azog the Defiler. He is also our friend and Alina's body guard." Dis only nods.

Dis had so many questions she wanted answered but Thorin cut her off.

"Sister, let us discuss things tomorrow. It is late and I am sure we are all tired. Your rooms have been prepared and a maid has been made available. Now if there is nothing else we shall bid you goodnight." Thorin and Alina were walking toward their chambers when a thought occurred to Dis.

"Brother, which guest rooms belong to Miss Stark and which belong to Mr. Logan?" She looked around, but Logan was already gone.

"Logan's chambers are here in this wing nearby, while Alina shares my chambers."

Dis gave Thorin a disapproving look, a look which normally would have affected him, but not anymore.

"Do you think it is prudent for you and this human girl to be sharing a room? I think it would be better if she were to stay in the the guest wing, come with me, girl." Alina was about to follow Dis, if for no other reason than to appease Dis, when Thorin grabs her arm, pulling her into a tight embrace.

"She is not going anywhere, Dis, except to bed with me." Dis gives him an incredulous look.

"Why, Thorin?"

"I told you, she is my love. She is my life, and she is my wife."

Dis gasps. "Thorin tell me you did not."

Thorin gave her a smirk. "I did not what, Dis, take Alina as my bride? That is exactly what I did. And I know what that means by Dwarrow law, I am bound to her, to make her my wife according to our laws and traditions. I would not have it any other way. Now, Dis if there is nothing else, my wife and I would like to retire."

Thorin picks up Alina bridal style and carries her to their chambers, kicking the door shut after he enters. Leaving Dis no other choice but to retire to her own chambers. She would find out what was going on tomorrow, boy was she in for more surprises.

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