Yu-Gi-Oh! Xenus

By YGOXenus

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In the far future, Duel Monsters has taken a turn. Duelists no longer use the Fusion, Synchro, and Xyz Monste... More

About Zeo Monsters
I. First School Duel (Part 1)
II. First School Duel (Part 2)
III. Battle With Sirens
IV. Yellow's Princess
V. Space Tactics
VI. Autocon Mayhem
VII. Detention's Due
VIII. Election Day
IX. Love Game
X. Ice Age
XII. Showdown with Fire and Water
XIII. Hyper Zeo
XIV. Wings of Terror
XV. Burning Deployment
XVI. Dragon Master vs Machine King
XVII. Beast of the Sea
XVIII. Real Steel
XIX. New Threat (Part 1)
XX. New Threat (Part 2)
XXI. Relic Master
XXII. Tao Force (Part 1)
XXIII. Tao Force (Part 2)
XXIV. Power of One
XXV. Heart and Soul (Part 1)
XXVI. Heart and Soul (Part 2)
XXVII. Zeo Solution
XXVIII. Family Trials
XXIX. Back In Action
XXX. Clone of Darkness (Part 1)
XXXI. Clone of Darkness (Part 2)
XXXII. Last School Duels
XXXIII. Cosmic Terror
XXXIV. Magic vs Technology
XXXV. Dragon Tamer Showdown
XXXVI. Beginning of the End (Part 1)
XXXVII. Beginning of the End (Part 2)
XXXVIII. This Is War
XXXIX. Sea-Machine Tag Team
XL. No Angels
XLI. Seismic Power
XLII. Burn It Down
XLIII. Promise of Sorrow (Part 1)
XLIV. Promise of Sorrow (Part 2)
XLV. Flames of Pain (Part 1)
XLVI. Flames of Pain (Part 2)
XLVII. Waves of Love (Part 1)
XLVIII. Waves of Love (Part 2)
XLIX. Storm of Revenge (Part 1)
L. Storm of Revenge (Part 2)
LI. Heart of Unity (Part 1)
LII. Heart of Unity (Part 2)
LIII. Heart of Unity (Part 3)
LIV. Brothers (Part 1)
LV. Brothers (Part 2)
LVI. Itaru Crisis (Part 1)
LVII. Itaru Crisis (Part 2)
LVIII. Two Hearts Apart (Part 1)
LIX. Two Hearts Apart (Part 2)
LX. Pain's Origin (Part 1)
LXI. Pain's Origin (Part 2)
LXII. Song of Babylon (Part 1)
LXIII. Song of Babylon (Part 2)
LXIV. Creation's Betrayal
LXV. In The Name of Unity (Part 1)
LXVI. In The Name of Unity (Part 2)
LXVII. In The Name of Unity (Part 3)
LXVIII. In The Name of Unity (Part 4)
LXIX. In The Name of Unity (Part 5)
LXX. Final Bout (Part 1)
LXXI. Final Bout (Part 2)

XI. The Rematch

713 28 8
By YGOXenus

Kenji stood on top of his roof and watched the night sky after returning home from his duel with Grace. He was in deep thought. All he could think about was his duel against Yuko. Kenji wanted a rematch with Yuko for awhile now. Tammi found Kenji on the roof.

"Hey aren't you cold?" Tammi asked.

"I'm fine."

Tammi seemed worried. Seeing her brother so deep in thought made her sad. She knows that he's a dark and reserved person, but lately he's been out of it.

"Thinking about your rematch tomorrow?" Tammi asked.

"Yeah." Kenji kept having flashbacks of when he dueled Yuko.


•Yuko(300): Draws. Activates Tora's effect and reveals a monster(2500 atk/3000 atk). Equips Tora with Megamorph(3000 atk/6000 atk). Attacks Thunder Yang Dragon with Tora. Activates Ego Boost(6000 atk/7000 atk). Destroys Thunder Yang Dragon with Tora. (Kenji:4000/0)


"I have to win tomorrow." Kenji balled his fist. Ever since he lost to Yuko, he vowed to never lose again. "My dream is to become the best and I can't do that unless I beat Yuko."

"Ken..." Tammi stopped herself. She didn't want her brother worrying so much, but there was no way to convince Kenji to stop.

"I was caught off guard." Kenji closed his eyes. "That Tora card means so much to him. If only I can crush it and his spirit." Kenji kept thinking about how Yuko destroyed both of Kenji's aces. To Kenji, that was a sign vulnerability. He couldn't do anything to save his dragons. "I need a new strategy."

"Like what?"

Kenji began to walk inside and smiled. "I'm going to use this card." He flashed Tammi the card. Tammi gasped.

"Kenji you can't! You said you would never use that card unless..."

"Tammi, I know what I said." Kenji turned to his sister. His eyes gleamed like ice crystals. "But I'm going to use it no matter what." He turned away and walked inside. "Besides, it's not like he's going to come back anytime soon anyway. It's been years now. He's dead and we need to accept that."


Yuko layed in his bed and looked out his window to watch the stars. He couldn't stop thinking about his victory against Kenji.

"I wonder if I'll be able to win again. Now that Kenji has seen me duel a few times, he could've planned something to use against me." Yuko closed his eyes. "This time, I might not be so lucky."


Everyone sat in the Duel Arena and watched Yuko and Kenji walk in. Tammi and Benta sat by each other. They were eager to see who was going to reign victorious. The referee came in.

"Today is the year's second Duel-Off and what an epic duel we have today!!" The referee looked at both Yuko and Kenji. "Whoever wins this duel will be able to participate in the city's yearly National Tournament and represent our school!" Yuko wanted to participate in that tournament, but so did Kenji. "Now let's see our duelist! In the right, it's Kenji Itaru the Dragon Master and in the left is Yuko Sorama the Academy's Champion!"

"Good luck." Yuko said turning on his Duel Gear.

Kenji smirked. "You too."



"I'll start off this rematch!"-Yuko

•Yuko(4000): Draws.

{I'll start this duel off with offense to lure him in}-Yuko

Summons Gearfried the Iron Knight(Earth/Lv.4/1800 atk). Sets 1 card.

"{I set my Mirror Force trap. That'll send Kenji packing}Your turn Dragon Master!"-Yuko

•Kenji(4000): Draws. Summons Mirage Dragon(Light/Lv.4/1600 atk).

"Remember this guy Yuko?"-Kenji


"Good because I don't want to use old cards against you!"-Kenji

Banishes Mirage to Special Summon Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon(Dark/Lv.10/2800 atk).

"That's a new one!"-Yuko

"Thank you. I can summon him by banishing a dragon I control."-Kenji

Activates Red Eyes' effect.

"Now let me show you why I'm called The Dragon Master! My Red-Eyes has the ability to Special Summon a dragon from my hand or graveyard!"-Kenji

"Uh oh. This is bad."-Tammi

Special Summons Alexandrite Dragon(Light/Lv.4/2000 atk) from his hand.

"But that's not all."-Kenji

Activates Mystical Space Typhoon and destroys Yuko's set-Mirror Force.

{My trap card!!!}-Yuko

"Now Yuko's wide open!"-Benta

"Time for my assault."-Kenji

Attacks and destroys Gearfried with Alexandrite. (Yuko:4000/3800) Attacks directly with Red Eyes. (Yuko:3800/1000)

"Keep on giving me your best Kenji. This duel is going to be a good one."-Yuko

"Will do."-Kenji

Sets 1 card.

"This duel is already getting intense."-Tammi

"I know right and they've only had one turn each so far."-Benta

"My turn!"-Yuko

"Yuko wait."-Kenji

"What is it?"-Yuko

"Summon Tora."-Kenji


"Why do you want me to summon Tora?"-Yuko

"That card bothers me. I need to defeat it."-Kenji

{Kenji's serious about this?}-Yuko

•Yuko(1000): Draws. Activates Monster Reborn and Special Summons Gearfried(Earth/Lv.4/1800 atk). Summons Sonic Chick(Earth/Lv.1/300 atk).

"Since you want me to summon him so badly, here's Tora!"-Yuko

Melds Gearfried(Earth) and Sonic Chick(Earth) to Zeo Summons Tora(Earth/Lv.6/2500 atk).

"Time for his effect."-Yuko

Activates Tora's effect. (Tora:2 ZU/1 ZU)

"Go on ahead Yuko. Draw your card. Get lucky."-Kenji

"Fine then!"-Yuko

Reveals a monster. (Tora:2500 atk/3000 atk)

"Now let's slay that Red-Eyes!"-Yuko

Attacks Red Eyes with Tora.

{He fell for it}-Kenji

Kenji activates Shadow Spell.

"This trap decreases Tora's power by 700!"-Kenji

"No way!"-Yuko, Benta, Tammi

(Tora:3000 atk/2300 atk) Destroys Tora by Red-Eyes. (Yuko:1000/500)

{He actually destroyed Tora}-Yuko

"You fell right into my trap Yuko. I knew you were going to summon Tora rather if I told you to or not."-Kenji

"Kenji's not playing around. He really means buisness this time."-Benta

"Your field is empty. You have no more defenses so just give up."-Kenji

"Give up? Give up?!? I'll never give up!!!!"-Yuko

Activates Swords of Revealing Light.

"This spells protects me from your attacks for three turns!{This should buy me some time}"-Yuko

"My turn!"-Kenji

•Kenji(4000): Draws.

"It's over Yuko."-Kenji

Summons Iceborn Dragon(Water/Lv.1/0 atk) and activates its effect.

"When my dragon is summoned, it changes the attributes of two dragons I control to water."-Kenji



"Why water? I thought Kenji played a chaos deck."-Benta

"There's a lot about my brother that you don't know.{He's about to bring out that card}"-Tammi

"Yuko, ever since you beat me, I've been training for this very duel."-Kenji


"Yes really and I'm about to show you the result of that training!!!"-Kenji

Melds Red Eyes(Water), Alexandrite(Water), and Iceborn(Water) to Zeo Summon Meteor Yuan Dragon(Water/Lv.8/3000 atk).


"I may have a soul full of fire and lightning, but my heart is ice cold. Yuko meet my newest dragon!" Kenji shouted out as a grey dragon with large wings made of ice and a long tail also made of ice appeared behind him. The whole room's temperature become cooler than before as Kenji's new dragon intimidated not only Yuko, but everyone else in the arena.


"New card? I didn't expect this."-Yuko

"Of course you didn't. I activate my dragon's effect!!!"-Kenji

Activates Meteor Yuan's effect. (Meteor Yuan:3 ZU/0 ZU)

"By banishing all three of its Zeon Units, I can decide to destroy every face-up monster or spell and trap you control and I choose to destroy your Swords of Revealing Light!"-Kenji

Destroys Swords of Revealing Light.

"No. I.....I..."-Yuko

"You lost. Meteor Yuan Dragon attack Yuko directly with Cosmic Blizzard Stream!!!!!"-Kenji

Attacks directly with Meteor Yuan. (Yuko:500/0) Kenji wins.


Yuko couldn't believe what had just happened. He just suffered from his first loss at KCA. Tammi and Benta were just as surprised as Yuko. Kenji simply smiled and walked off without a word.

"Kenji Itaru wins!!! Once again, he rules DHA!!" The referee screamed, but everyone stood still as they watched Yuko fall to his knees.

"He won and there was nothing I could do about it."

"Yuko!!!" Tammi and Benta came running onto the field.

"I lost."


On top of the school roof stood two people. One with a red mask and one with a blue mask. They both wore a black coat.

"I can feel a lot of power coming from both of those guys, but since Yuko lost, does this mean that Kenji might be who we're looking for?" Red mask asked.

"I don't know. Kenji's last name is Itaru right? That name alone already poses as a problem." Blue mask crossed their arms. "But I am curious to find out more about this Yuko though."

"You're right. I say we challenge Yuko first and then Kenji." Red mask revealed his duel disk which had a flame design on it. "Maybe then we'll decide who has what we want. They're the only two duelist in this city who can give off so much energy while dueling. We need to strike fast."

"Won't we need to check with Diron first?"

"I approve your request." Another black coated figure appeared. This one had a dark purple and golden mask. Both colors on opposite sides of the mask. "Yuko may have lost, but he's still considerable. They say that it's the weak that will overpower the strong if pushed far enough. If he can catch my attention then he must be something special. So I want you two to test Yuko's strength. I'll keep watch on the Itaru. Is that understood Alec and Asia?"

"Yes Lord Diron." Alec the red mask and Asia the blue mask vanished without another word leaving their leader alone on the roof. Diron stared into the school's roof window over the arena. Yuko was still in shock about his lost. Tammi and Benta were comforting him. Diron turned away and opened a portal.

"Phase One starts now."

Featured Zeo Monster:

1. Meteor Yuan Dragon





-3 Water Dragon Monsters

-You can banish 3 Zeon Units to destroy all other face-up monsters or all Spells/Traps on the field. If you have both 'Inferno Yin Dragon' and 'Thunder Yang Dragon' in the graveyard, pay half of your Life Points to Special Summon them to the field. Their effects are negated and their ATK and DEF becomes 0.

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