A Stark Predicament

By jumpingmanatee

345K 10.3K 1.3K

What happens when Tony Stark's baby sister, a powerful Mutant, teleports to Middle Earth? Read to find out. S... More

Chapter 1: The Mutant Stark
Chapter 2: A Mutant Meets The Dwarves
Chapter 3: Time To Move On With a Mutant!
Chapter 4: Traveling To The Misty Mountains
Chapter 5: Across The Misty Mountains With The Help of A Mutant
Chapter 6 The Pale Orc, The Feral Mutant And The Carrock
Chapter 7: Beorn And The Predator In The Woods
Chapter 8: Beorns House And The Beginnings Of Love
Chapter 9: Conversation With Dwalin.
Chapter 10 A Dream and A Decision.
Chapter 11 Tony And A Wish
Chapter 12 Back To Middle Earth
Chapter 13 Escape From Mirkwood And The Bargeman
Chapter 14 Bard And LakeTown
Chapter 15 Another Mutant In The Family
Chapter 16 The Master's House
Chapter 17 The Dwarves Departure and The Arrival of Orcs and Elves
Chapter 18 Smaug The Bowman and An Elemental
Chapter 19 Along The Lakeside And In The Mountain
Chapter 20 The Mountain Curse
Chapter 21 Return to The Mountain But Not Alone
Chapter 22 Meet the Brother-In-Law And Secrets Revealed
Chapter 23 Contracts and Alliances
Chapter 24 Armour Avengers And Babies
Chapter 25 Good News, Iron Men And Dwalin's One
Chapter 26 Tony Helps, Getting Engaged and Having A Plan
Chapter 27 Learning The Truth, Dealing With The Consequences
Chapter 28 Dwalins Proposal, Steves Assignments
Chapter 29 Tony's Intel
Chapter 30 Thorin Talks, Thranduil Spys, And The Captian Plans
Chapter 31 Tony Informs His Sister
Chapter 32 Announcement to the Soldiers And Battles plans
Chapter 33 A Night Together
Chapter 34 Talking To Tony And Two Ferals Train
Chapter 35 X-Men Training
Chapter 36 Tony Against Gundabad Orc Army
Chapter 37 The Eve Of The Battle
Chapter 39 The Battle Begins
Chapter 40 The Battle Rages On
Chapter 41 After The Battle
Chapter42 Bruce Takes Over
Chapter 43 Feasting and Sneaking
Chapter 44 New Worries
Chapter 45 Bilbo's Confession and Exciting News
Chapter 46 And Babies Makes Four
Chapter 47 Thorin's Idea Tony's Plan
Chapter 48 Going Back
Chapter 49 Healing and Fili's Announcement
Chapter 50 Bath Time
Chapter 51 Cleaning, Healing, and Eating
Chapter 52 The Dinner
Chapter 53 Avengers Return
Chapter 54 Learning About the Twins
Chapter 55 Disappearance and Cravings
Chapter 56 Discussion and Delightful Delay
Chapter 57 The Shire and Ered Luin
Chapter 58 Celebration and the Council
Chapter 59 The Road To Erebor.
Chapter 60 Finally Home.
Chapter 61 Thorin's Welcome Home.
Chapter 62 Fili, Friendships, and Changes
Chapter 63 the Council Meeting
Chapter 64 Due Date and Hormones
Chapter 65 The News
Chapter 66 The Council Continues
Chapter 67 Welcome Home Feast.
Chapter 68 Dis' Thoughts, Bombur's Report and Alina's Idea
Chapter 69 Going Baby Shopping
Chapter 70 Something Wicked This Way Comes
Chapter 71 Tony comforts, Logan Investigates
Chapter 72 The Waiting Goes On.
Chapter 73 Finally Awake.
Chapter 74 The Road To Recovery and Discovery
Chapter 75 Bruce's Results, Thorin's Frustration
Chapter 76 Enthusiasm
Chapter 77 While the King's Away Logan Will Play
Chapter 78 Going Out On the Town.
Chapter 79 Dining With the Avengers and a Spa day
Chapter 80 Time to Go Home
Chapter 81 Executing the Plan.
Chapter 82 Letters of Response and the Execution
Chapter 83 Relaxation Time.
Chapter 84 Self Sustaining.
Chapter 85 The Letter Is Sent
Chapter 86 Arriving In Dale
Chapter 87 Informing Bard and Getting Underway.
Chapter 88 Politics And Fridges
Chapter 89 Pepper Visits Erebor
Chapter 90 Exploring Erebor
Chapter 91 A Feast In Pepper's Honor.
Chapter 92 Arriving in the Shire
Chapter 93 The Autumn Festival.
Chapter 94 Enticing The Hobbits
Chapter 95 Lover's Quarrel
Chapter 96 Mood Swings
Chapter 97 Worries and Night Terrors
Chapter 98 Forgiveness
Chapter 99 Marriage Plans
Chapter 100 The Preparations

Chapter 38 Day of the Battle

3.6K 96 31
By jumpingmanatee

The sun had risen when Thorin opened his eyes. Though he only had a few hours of sleep he feels refreshed. His resolve to protect his One and unborn child strengthened. Thorin had thought to let Alina sleep a while longer. But the minute he unwound his arms from around her she was awake.

"Is it time? What do we do, where should we go, how does this work, Thorin?" Thorin could hear the anxiety in her voice.

"Just stay with me or Logan. I'm sure he has a great deal of battle experience."

Alina thought about it "Yeah in his lifetime he's been through five different wars."

Thorin was impressed. Though he couldn't help notice the admiration on Alina's face. He felt a slight twinge of jealousy.

They got washed and Alina helped Thorin get into his armor. While Thorin was attaching his sword to his hip, he turned around to see his wife putting on a tee shirt, a black sweater a pair of jeans her Nike sneakers and a black leather jacket.

Thorin raises an eyebrow. "Where is your armor, beloved?"

She looked up at him as she was tying her shoelaces. "Don't have any. I don't need it, Thorin, remember healing factor. I wouldn't wear it even if there was armor for me, and Tony knows it." 

Thorin felt his anger growing within him. But more than that he felt anxiety. Just looking at Alina kneeling before him tying her shoes made her look so small and helpless. Thorin knows she is a powerful mutant of that he has no doubts. But still, she is so petite and the thought of having her going up against Orcs that would be towering over her made him ill. Then the thought of the baby also being at risk even though Alina had her healing factor was a little too much for Thorin to handle. All of his fears and anxiety finally caught up with him and came crashing down upon him. It felt like his heart was being crushed. He was having trouble catching his breath. His hands began to shake and sweat was just pouring down his face. Thorin clutched at his heart.

Alina had just finished brushing her hair when she caught the scent of Thorin's great fear and his anxiety level shooting up, and the look upon his face. "Thorin! Thorin, look at me!"

She placed her hands on either side of his face trying to keep him focused on her. "Thorin, you're having an anxiety attack. You need to calm down and try to control your breathing." Alina said to him in a strong but gentle voice.

"Now look at me and try to take nice slow deep breaths. Focus on my eyes, nothing more." Slowly Thorin's breathing returned to normal.

"Are you alright, my love?" Alina asked as she ran her fingers through his thick mane.

Once he had himself under control, Thorin latched onto Alina's middle and would not let go. "I can not, Alina. I can not allow you to go into battle. Please forgive me, but if I have to have Logan stay behind and watch over you, I will. I can not allow you to enter into this battle."

Alina was taken aback! How could he do this to her? She needed to be there to protect him no matter what. She needed to keep him safe. Nothing Else Matters!

"Thorin, why are you saying this to me? I have to be there! I have to keep you safe! And my healing abilities may be needed elsewhere on the battlefield. Please don't make me stay behind!" Alina pleaded with him. "I won't be able to stand not knowing if you're alright."

His resolve was almost broken when he saw her hand fall unconsciously to her belly. Once again his resolve strengthened. Thorin sat her down on the bed next to him and looked intently into her eyes with his beautiful blue eyes.

"Alina, I love you with all of my heart." Placing his large hand over her's as it rests on her belly, he continues, "The very thought of harm coming to either one of you makes me want to die. I know you can heal from any injury. But it's too much for me. The thought of you getting hurt, much less the sight of it will drive me to distractions. Causing me to make mistakes, thereby costing not only my life but others as well. I cannot take that risk. You are too important to me to let go out into all that chaos. So please, please Alina. If you truly love me and want my mind and heart at ease. Please stay here and help in the healing tents."

Alina had every intention of arguing with Thorin about leaving her behind. And that she was perfectly capable of taking care of herself. But after everything he said, she couldn't bring herself to do it.

She let out a sigh of defeat. "Alright, Thorin, I'll stay on two conditions." She grasped his hand tightly.

One-"That if someone injured calls for me I can go to them and help I'll come right back to the healing tents afterward." She added seeing the distressed look on Thorin's face.

Two- "That if you so much as sneeze you will call me so I can heal you." Thorin chuckled at this.

But Alina was not laughing. "I'm not joking Thorin. You are my everything and if I can't help you fight, then I'm going to keep you alive one way or another. So promise me, my King."

Thorin stood up and brought her in his arms. Giving her a passionate kiss that made her swoon. Thorin pulled away from his precious wife. Looking at her right in the eyes. He places his hand over his heart.

"I promise, my love." Then he kissed her again as they left the tent and went to get breakfast.

The air was electrified with anticipation. Everywhere you looked there was chaos, organized chaos. The Men and Dwarves were making their final preparations to move out and await the oncoming Orc Army on the battlefield as far from Dale and the healing tents as possible. Thorin and Alina were making their way to the tents for breakfast. When they arrived everyone else was already eating. The royal couple greeted everyone around. Alina's eyes were instantly searching for one person in particular. She found him already staring at her, concern flashing across his face.

While Thorin spoke with Steve about when they would march onto the field, Alina motioned with her head to go outside and walked away from Thorin. She walked behind the tents and waits for Logan, hugging herself tightly.

"What's up, Kid? I could sense your anxiety before you got close to me."

Alina turned around and rushed into Logan's arms, hugging him tightly. Logan looks down at his friend who is hugging him for dear life and is crying hysterically.

He curiously quirks an eyebrow. Once the waterworks slows down, Alina spoke. "Thorin wants me to stay behind." She sniffled.

Logan looked at her surprised. "Why the fuck does he want you to stay behind?" Logan asked a little irritated that the King would ask his partner to stay behind.

Didn't Thorin realize that with two ferals that were practically immortal and one as powerful as Alina, they were virtually unstoppable?! What possible reason could Thorin have?

"He had an anxiety attack earlier," Alina informs him.

Logan's eyebrows shoot up. "Why?"

Alina continues "Over the thought of me and the baby getting hurt. He said that the thought of us getting hurt would drive him to distractions. Thereby causing him to make mistakes that could cost him his life or someone else's."

Logan nodded, he could understand that. He knows how much the King loves his wife, he could smell it. It rolled off him in waves.

"I tried to convince him that we would be alright. With my healing factor, but he pulled out the if I loved him I'll stay card. Logan, what am I going to do?" Logan hugged his best friend tighter and kissed her head.

"You're gonna stay put, Kid. What else can you do?" She looked up at him shocked.

"Don't give me that look, Kid. Now that you've explained, I actually understand Thorin's reasoning. If you were mine, I'd probably do the same thing. Besides you can still help out here healing people."

She sighed. "Well, we did make a deal that if anyone got hurt and called I can help and if he did too I can go to  heal him."

Logan chuckled. "Well, there you go. You won't be totally useless."

Alina slapped him in the back of the head.

"No really, I'll keep a close eye on him, he so much as gets a paper cut I'll call you."

She hugs him again, "Thanks, Logan, for watching out for him, I know I can trust you."

He smiles down at her. "Anytime, Kid, now let get some food in ya before you and that baby starve to death."

Thorin was still talking with Steve and now Bard when he saw Logan and Alina enter the tent. His brow furrowed in concern. He made eye contact with his wife. She shook her head and smiled at him. He relaxed and went back to talking to the two men.

It was decided that Gandalf, Natasha, and the Mutants would head over to Dale as soon as they had eaten since they would have some difficulty getting the professor there in his wheelchair. Bilbo would go as well for his own protection. Alina having overheard this volunteered to teleport them instead, much to Thorin's disliking.

"I'll only take them to Dale, check on Fili and Kili then be right back I promise."

Thorin grunts and nods his head he didn't like it but he would allow it. "Fine but you are not leaving until you eat."

Alina rolls her eyes. "As you command, my King."

She goes to sit with Natasha and Logan and continues eating. Natasha moves closer to Alina and puts her arm around her best friend shoulders.

"Don't worry, Logan will take good care of Thorin."

Logan nodded.

"I know he will I just can't help but worry."

Natasha nodded in understanding.

Once breakfast was finished Natasha went looking for Dwalin to say goodbye to him. She found him with Thorin.

"I need to speak with you, Sweetie." Dwalin blushed at the name but left Thorin's side.

"Are you leaving now,  Lass?" Dwalin asked with a heavy heart.

"Yes Dwalin, Alina is teleporting us to Dale here in a little bit. I just wanted to see you and wish you luck, and tell you that I love you, Dwalin." Natasha said getting choked up.

Dwalin grabbed her in a bear hug and held her tight. Then he pulled away and kissed her passionately. They finally parted needing air, Dwalin puts his forehead to Natasha's and whispers.

"I love you too, my ghivashel. Now you be careful and don't be a hero. If you need help you call for it."

Natasha chuckles. "Same to you, you big lug." She then kissed his nose, making Dwalin turn red.

The Professor, Storm, Natasha, Gandalf, and Bilbo held hands with Alina and were teleported to Dale. From there they took up their positions. Gandalf, Bilbo, and the Professor were to stay with the women and children while Storm and Natasha were going to take up positions outside on the streets of Dale.

Before Alina left she introduced Sigrid to Professor Xavier. "Sigrid, I'd like you to meet Professor Charles Xavier. He was my mentor and taught me how to control my powers. He is here to protect you all and to help you with your powers."

Sigrid curtsied. "Thank you, Professor, for your help in protecting Dale and for offering to help me with my powers."

Charles inclined his head. "It is my honor to be able to help in any way I can." Charles offered his hand to Sigrid.

As she passed in front of Alina, Alina picked up a very distinct scent. "Sigrid I must speak with you in private," Alina tells her in an excited tone. Sigrid gives her a curious look and leaves the Professor's side.

Sigrid followed Alina to a more private area of the room. When Alina turned to face the young Mutant she had a smile from ear to ear. "So, I don't want to embarrass you, but I know what happened between you and Fili last night."

Sigrid gasped and turned bright red. "How do you know that we were together for the first time last night?" Sigrid asked.

"Well, one you just admitted it and two I can smell him all over you. But I'm not telling you this to embarrass you. I'm telling you because not only can I smell him but I can smell the life you created last night."

Sigrid's eyes went wide. "That's not possible, Alina, how can you know that?"

Alina sighed. "Oh Sigrid if I haven't said be before I'll say it now, the nose knows. You smell completely different now. I guess it was Logan smelled when he figured out I'm pregnant too. So let me be the first to congratulate you."

Sigrid beamed with pride and happiness. She was getting ready to rush out the door to tell Fili, but Alina stopped her.

"Where do you think you're going?"

She grinned at Alina and tried to pull away. "I'm going to tell Fili the good news, he will be so happy."

Alina's grip tightened. "I'm sure he will be, but he'll kill me if I let you go out there. You stay here I'll tell him and bring him back to you real quick. With that Alina teleported to Fili.

Fili was with his brother and Tauriel when Alina appeared. Fili heard a noise behind him and automatically tried to strike. Luckily Alina had fast reflexes. She teleported out of the way in time.

"Whoa, Whoa Fili it's me!"

Fili straightens out of his defensive position and apologized. "Oh sorry, Alina, I'm just a little on edge. Have you seen Sigrid, is she alright?"

Alina grinned at him. "Oh, she is more than alright, come with me she has something to tell you."

They teleported back to the women and children and Fili made his way towards Sigrid. Alina went to stand next to the Professor.

*So did you tell the young prince he's going to be a father?* Charles asked Alina telepathically.

*No, I decided to let Sigrid tell him herself.* She replied.

They both watched the scene unfold. They saw Sigrid whisper in Fili's ear and he takes a step back, eyes wide in astonishment. Then he hugged Sigrid fiercely pick her up and spun her around.

*I guess he's happy about the news* Alina says to Charles. Charles only nods.

The happy couple makes their way over to Alina and the Professor. "Thank you, Alina, for informing us of this miracle, and thank you, Professor, for volunteering to protect my One and her people," Fili says as he hugs his Auntie.

"I am glad to be of service, young prince." The Professor tells Fili.

"Now I must take Fili back. Say your goodbyes and let's go." Once again Fili and Sigrid say their goodbyes and Alina teleports Fili back to Kili and Tauriel.

"I hope that news you just received makes you even less reckless than before, Fili. You now have two people depending on you." Alina tells her nephew.

Fili has a determined and deadly look in his eyes. "It has, Alina I am going to do everything in my power not to end up like in that damn book. I *will* get married and I *will* see my child born."

Alina nods. Kili has a confused look on his face. "What are you two talking about?" He asks.

"Ask your brother he'll tell you. And I see that you and Tauriel have declared your love for one another." Kili and Tauriel looked at her in surprise.

Alina rolled her eyes. "How many times do I have to say it, the nose knows. You both reek of love. I have to get back before your Uncle has a stroke."

With that, Alina left not before she heard Kili whoop for joy and yell that he was going to be an uncle!

Before she left Dale, Alina went to check on Storm and Natasha. King Bard had already arrived on horseback and had positioned them near the now closed gates of the city.

"Are you guys alright, do you need anything?" Both women look at their friend.

"No, Alina we're fine. You need to get back to the healing tents before this gets started." Storm says.

Natasha had filled her in on all that had happened. All three women hug and Alina teleported back to the main army.

The minute she appeared in the tent and Thorin spotted her, he made a beeline right for her. He enveloped her in a strong embrace. "What took you so long, my ghivashel? You had me worried." He said as he kissed her head.

Alina snuggled more into his embrace. "I went to check on the boys and I took Fili to see Sigrid one more time. She had some news to give him," Thorin raised an eyebrow, "I'll let them tell you, it's not my place," Thorin grunted in annoyance but agreed.

Time was getting nearer for the army to depart and Alina stuck closer to Thorin more than normal. She wanted to spend as much time with him as humanly possible. But she was needed in other places as well. She reluctantly left Thorin's side. Steve had asked her to teleport Hawkeye on a high vantage point so he would have a clear shot at the Orcs. Lord Elrond thought that was a brilliant idea and decided to do the same. Clint smirked, he was now going to get to see how good these Elves really were. Alina was distributing the Elves onto high hilltops away from the battle so they too could have clear shots. Clint and the others had extra quivers of arrows with them.

Once the Armies Elves, Men, Dwarves, and Mutants were getting ready to assemble, Steve took over. He began to rearrange their ranks. Going off his memory of the movie and distributing them in the weakest areas. Where they are more likely to get hit first. He walked passed an Elf who gave him a questioning look.

"Trust me I've been a trained soldier for 70 years."

The Elf scoffed. "Your just a child."

Steve walked back. "I may be a child to you sir, but this child stopped a whole alien invasion from taking over his entire world. Begging your pardon sir, have you?"

The Elf could only shake his head no.

"I didn't think so," Steve said and walked away.

Steve had assigned each mutant to go with each race of Middle Earth. Cyclops was to be with the Race of Men, Bobby with the Elves, and Logan, of course, with Thorin and the Dwarves. Thor would be in the front lines with Steve. Bruce was going to stay in the healing tents unless they gave him a call that he was needed. He decided that there weren't enough healers to go around so it was best for him to stay. He had come perfectly equipped to handle any type of war wound that they could throw at him. But he was ready to fight if necessary.

Everything was almost ready. Thorin checks on his men, making sure they had their armor on properly and that they were well armed and Logan was shadowing his every move.

"Logan, will you not be requiring any armor?"

Logan shook his head. "Nah, Bub. It'll just slow me down. Besides healing factor, I got nothing to worry about."

Steve had gone around and check to make sure that all the Avengers and X-Men had communicators. There some left over so he showed Thorin, Dwalin, Dain, Lord Elrond, Bard, and Thranduil how to use them. This way Steve could keep in contact with them to let them know how things were going and, also to be able to give orders a lot more proficiently.

The armies were assembled and ready to move out. They were just waiting on the word from the King Under The Mountain. But Thorin wasn't ready. He needed to see his Azyungâl first. Nothing was more important not even this battle. He made his way to the healing tents. There he found his beloved, preparing beds, placing basins of water next to each bed. Fetching Oin whatever he needed and shredding some bed linens to be rolled into bandages. Thorin stood at the entrance and watched for a while. He watches his beautiful angel at work. Finally, she stretched and glanced at the entrance. The minute her eyes fell on his, Alina's entire face lit up. She turned and rushed into his arms, Thorin spun her around and held her tight.

"Oh my Ghivashel, it feels so good to hold you in my arms." He placed her down on the ground. Taking her face in both hands, Thorin kissed her tenderly, then slowly one hand drifted to her still flat belly. She placed a hand over his.

Placing his forehead to hers, he whispered. "The time has come, my love. I must lead my armies into battle."

Alina couldn't help but let a sob escape her lips.

"Do not worry, my darling, all will be well. Nothing will happen to me, not with Logan shadowing me as closely as he is. Isn't that right Logan?"

From a distance, Logan answers. "Damn right nothing's going to happen."

Alina giggles through tears. "Are you sure you don't want me with you, Thorin?"

He brought her hands to her lips and kissed them. "No beloved, I will feel much better knowing that you and the baby are safe back here tending to the wounded."

Alina resigned herself. "Alright fine, I just wanted to try one last time. But remember if you get hurt, no matter  how minor, you call me so I can heal it, Alright?"

Thorin chuckles and embraces Alina even tighter. "Yes my, queen, whatever you want."

He bent down and gave her the most passionate kiss they have ever share, he poured all his love, passion, faithfulness, and devotion into it that kiss. So much so she swooned. Thorin smiled at her when she opened her eyes.

"I love you, Amrâlimê."

She smiled up at him "Men lananubukhs menu."

Thorin's eyes widened. "How did you…."

She smiled again "Fili and Kili taught me."

Thorin gave her another passionate kiss then reluctantly released her from his hold and left the tent. He did not look back for if he had he would have seen that Alina had crumpled to the ground crying. Bruce made his way over and helped Alina up.

"He'll be alright, Alina, you'll see."

Alina took in a shuttering breath. "I hope you're right, Bruce.

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