The Girl In The Front (l.h)

By thebandom109

150K 4.3K 1.5K

Sequel to The Boy in the Back. More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Not an update
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty Øne (Piløts)
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Not an update
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two

Chapter Nineteen

3.5K 93 69
By thebandom109

I don't post pictures of paisley very often so here you go. ^^

Paisleys pov

I wake up to the smell of bacon. I instantly smile, this was my favourite way to wake up, with the smell food.
I rub my eyes and roll over, but then I remember that I was on the couch and not my bed, so I fall to the floor. But i don't hit the floor, I land on something soft and squishy. I groan as my head hits something hard though. I sigh and cuddle more into the floor. That's when it hits me, my dad left, I shouldn't smell bacon..

My vision is still not 100% since I just woke up. So I sit up and rub my eyes. Thats when my vision finally does clear up, I scream.

Then the thing beneath me moves.

I hear footsteps coming down the stairs and from the kitchen, more then one pair which worries me more, so I hop up off of whoever I was sitting on and shuffle to the fireplace. I grab the poking stick thingy with my non broken hand and hold it up by my head as I hide in the corner of the room.

I see three people enter the room, causing me to drop the 'weapon' and smile.

"What the fûck guys?" I laugh, getting up and leaning on one leg.

"Paisley!" Ashton screams, running over to me and engulfing me in a huge hug, followed by Calum, then Michael. I embrace their warm hugs, thinking back to the concert when I first saw them after four years, God that was a disaster.

"I missed you guys so much." I say into someone's chest, I'm not entirely sure whose chest I am pressed against, I think it's Calum's because whoevers it is, is not wearing a shirt.

"We missed you too." They say in unison. When they finally pull away, which the hug lasted about five minutes, they all smiled at me then looked behind themselves. I peak around Calum's tall frame to get a glimpse of what is there.

There stood the man I had been wishing to see since the accident, all tired and loopy, but still managing to look like a male model all at the same time.

"Luke." I mumble, trying not to tear up, I'm not entirely sure why I'm so emotional right now, but whatever.

"Paisley." He says, smiling down at me, his hair is a little messed up from his sleep and his shirt is a little twisted, but he looks handsome none the less. He runs over to me and we crash into each other roughly, he lifts me up as he hugs me. He expertly swings me around while I hold onto his neck and cry into his shoulder.

"I missed you." He says, I think he's crying as well. I hear the boys 'aww' but I don't pay attention to it. All I can think of is how safe and comfortable I feel in his arms at the moment.

"I missed you too." I whisper in his ear, closing my eyes and hugging him tighter then I ever have before. This was the moment I was waiting for, this was my fairytale moment.

I hear the other boys exit the room after Ashton shoo's them out, that's when I finally pull away.

"I can't believe you're here!" I say, not leaving his arms but still looking up at him.

"And that's how it's going to stay." He says, smiling at me. It seems as if both of our faces are going to be permanently stuck in a smile. But I wouldn't mind, as long as I'm with my boys.

"You worried me so much." He scolds, pulling me into another bone crushing hug. "I fainted in the hospital after seeing you like that paisley." He says, I can tell he wants to say more, so I don't respond yet. "I have never felt so damn worried in my life, I thought- I thought I lost you forever." He says, almost out of breath. I leave his arms finally and touch his cheeks, then moving my hands down till I'm grabbing his jaw. I wipe his eyes with my hands once I see the tears coming down his face beautifully sculpted face. I don't know if they are happy tears or sad tears. But he's breaking my heart either way with the image.

"I'm right here Luke. I'm fine." I say quietly, staring into his eyes and licking my lips. We just stare at eachother, my eyes flicking between his lips and his eyes, seeing that he is doing the same. Before I know it, I'm leaning in closer, so is he.

Then are lips meet, fireworks like the forth of July erupt throughout my entire body. We mould our lips together lightly, it's a hungry kiss, but it's soft. If that makes sense. Either way, it feels absolutely amazing, I really missed the taste of his lips.

"I love... you.. Paisley." He says in between kisses. His hands don't leave my lower back as he pulls me closer to him, desperate to close the extremely tiny gap settling between our bodies.

"I love you too Luke." I say, smiling onto his lips and pulling him closer by his neck, my fingers tug on the tiny little hairs there. I havent felt so happy for so long. But now the happiness is spilling off of me like I'm a bubble bath overflowing. It's a good feeling.

"Guys I understand you are reunited and whatever, but breakfast is kinda getting cold and Ashton says were not allowed to eat until you guys join us." Michael interrupts. I feel Luke sigh and I start laughing and pull away from Him, he frowns at the loss of contact but makes up for it when he picks me up bridal style and carries me to the kitchen. I giggle the whole way there since he basically sprinted there.

"So I take it that you guys made up?" Calum asks while shovelling fist-fulls of bacon into his mouth. We look at each other with a smile and nod our heads.

"Good, because I'm tired of hearing Luke piss and moan cause 'Paisley doesn't want to talk to him'." He adds, using a whiny voice in imitation of Luke. Luke just glares at him and blushes a little. I bite my lip to keep from giggling.

"I don't sound like that Calum." He says, trying his hardest to look serious but failing miserably at it. He's just too innocent looking, even with the little bit of scruff that I have noticed he has. "Whatever." Calum says, rolling his eyes and smirking at me. I see Ashton kick him under the table, that's when I have to cover my mouth so I don't laugh.

Then like always, It's becomes silent for a while, the odd scraping of metal or clinking of the glass of orange juice are the only sounds made until Michael clears his throat awkwardly. We all look in his direction and see that he hasn't taken a bite of his food, that's unusual for him. Very unusual.

"So, Jocelyn's pregnant." He says, tearing up a little and smiling down at his plate.


Imma leave it there cause I'm a bîtch. I prewrote this chapter a while ago (like three weeks ago haha) since I knew exactly what was going to happen so I hope you enjoyed my triple update today. :p love you guys!

But please enjoy this picture I screen shotted of Calum off their snapchat story. v.v


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