BrEakOut ThE RuLEz Spanking S...

By Psparkle022

263K 3.5K 882

Lieutenant commandant Steve McGarrett is the current leader of the well known Hawaii 5-0 task force, dedicate... More

Introducing BTR
Chapter 1: How it all began
Chapter 2: Parenting duties Pt.1
Chapter 2: Parenting duties Pt.2
Chapter 3: The calm before the storm
Chapter 4: Not my daughter but my sister
Chapter 5: The mysterious texts
Chapter 6: How far would you go?
Chapter 7: Dangerous roads
Chapter 8: Paying the price
Chapter 9: Putting the mess behind
Chapter 10: Friend or foe
Chapter 11: Life adjustments
Chapter 12: Dealing with the problem
Chapter 13: It won't lead you anywhere good
Chapter 14: Catching waves and earning a date
Chapter 15: Hiding secrets
Chapter 16: A short walk on the beach
Chapter 17: Opening up
Chapter 18: Early mornings
Chapter 19: First date
Chapter 20: First encounter
Chapter 21: One of many fears
Chapter 22: Broken trust
Chapter 23: Facing fears and a first wave
Chapter 24: That guy
Chapter 26: Being a guardian
Chapter 27: The threat
Chapter 28: Being sick
Chapter 29: The one in charge
Chapter 30: An outfit change
Chapter 31: Occupational hazards
Chapter 32: A reckless moment
Chapter 33: Life changes
Chapter 34: Not going back
Chapter 35: Please don't leave me
Chapter 36: Without her
Chapter 37: The settle
Chapter 38: The trial
Chapter 39: Breaking point
Chapter 40: My babygirl
Chapter 41: The final countdown

Chapter 25: The boat trip

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By Psparkle022

Next morning we arrived to the Waikiki beach to meet my friend Danny and the rest of the crew. He had to get up really early, because we needed to pick up Cath and Zeth too. We didn't say a word to each other inside the car. Him and my sister were just whispering on the back while Cath was talking to me to distract me from the awkward situation. Better that way. I couldn't start my interrogation with her and Jill watching me. Maybe in the boat I could have the chance of having a man to man talk.

Once we got there Danny's jokes started, but I just told him to shut his mouth and move his ass to the boat. After all we had lots of stuff to load. Zeth offered to help us, so the chance I was waiting for finally showed up.

-So Zeth, you look like a smart guy. Where do you go to school kid?, I said to him while we were loading the gas drum.

-Maryknoll High School sir, he answered me right away while loading some heavy boxes.

So far I liked him. At least he wasn't the typical punk. Scratch that: at least he was nothing like Brian.

-I see. It's a nice school, I said trying to sound a lil bit more polite.

I didn't need another lecture from my girlfriend for mistreating my sister's date. She couldn't complain. So far I was acting all nice.

-You don't play by any chance in their football team, do you Zeth?, Danny asked him and I had to hold a laughter.

The Maryknoll team were our sworn enemies when we were kids. Basically a bunch of bullies we had trouble with pretty often. No offense intended, but Zeth didn't look exactly like a bully. He couldn't scare not even my little sister. Being that said, there aren't many things that can scare my sister.

-Ummm.... no sir, I don't. I mean I used to be the quarterback in my school back in Boston but I haven't played in quite a long time.

-Wait... did you say Boston?, I said while turning my head to look at him.

He definitely haole, but I'd never guessed he'd be from the same place my sister is. Great.

-Yes sir. My family moved in here 4 years ago, he answered my question looking at me weird. Well I was actually freaking him out, it's just that I never imagined we'd be from the same place my sister is.

-Huh, I see, I said trying to distract myself with something else.

-It's a small world after all..., Danny sang quietly to me and I elbowed him on the stomach. Why does this guy always tries to piss me off? I'll have to kick his ass when we come back.

-So, we're ready to go?, Cath asked me suddenly. Thank God she came. This situation was getting too much awkward for me.

-Sure, we're ready. We'll see you in a couple of hours partner. Hope you enjoy the beach, Danny smirked at her.

-Haha you're so funny Daniel, she said while I helped her to hope into the boat with a gentleman's smile she gave back to me.

Barely we were done loading stuff we sailed to the open sea. You see, Danny's always been a little bit... more like a lot afraid of the sea. I don't want to bore you guys with the story, something about a friend of him stuck in the sea when they were kids. I've always said that as long as you know what you're doing the ocean is fine, the ocean is safe. That's what I always try to tell my sister, but she seems to have rocks in her ears when I talk to her. Like when I her she should NOT sit on the border of the boat.

-Jill for the fifth time get down of there, I scolded my sister while frowning at her. Why does she has the bad habit of making me repeat myself? That's something I really hate.

-Ok, ok. Sorry, she said a little bit annoyed for my scolding.

-Let's better get inside, ok?, Zeth proposed to her trying to soothe the tension.

They disappeared downstairs while I stayed there watching the horizon and the waves crashing against our boat.

-You need to chill man, Danny said handing me a cold beer. Thank God, I needed one definitely.

-I know but it's just like... she'd be trying to piss me off you know, I said taking a sip of my beer and trying to put myself together. She was really touching my nerve here.

-Relax, she's just trying to impress the guy. Nothing personal.

-At least Zeth seems to be willing to calm things down between me and my sister. I must give him some credit for trying.

-We can always tie your sister and her date together, leave them on one of those rocks and come back for them later, he suggested me as I laughed.

-Nah, that'd make me a horrible brother, I said as I saw Cath approaching to us behind Danny's back.

-Aren't you one already?, Danny said as Cath cleared her throat behind his back, Oh I'm sorry. I'll let you two talk alone.

-Thank you, I said to my girlfriend and kissed her lips.

-You owe me Commandant, she said while giggling and watching the horizon with me, So where exactly are we going?

-Danny's taking us to a secret place of ours, I said while surrounding her waist with my arm, We used to steal *coughs* I mean borrow my uncle's boat and come here whenever we felt bored.

-So... this is the place where you used to bring girls to hook up. I get it, she said while laughing as I looked at her with my eyes widen.

-Ummm no, this is not that place, I corrected her and then realized I just got caught. How stupid I am.

-Ooooh, so you do have a special place to hook up. How's that I've never seen it?, she said playing with me.

-Maybe because you're too special for that place. You deserve something better, I said playing my "good boyfriend" card. I was off the hook for the moment, since Cath threw me one of those extra sweet smile while kissing me.

We spent a while sitting down on the board with Danny and his wife, drinking a few beers and talking about random stuff when I realized Zeth and Jill had been in there for a long time. I doubted they'd be just "talking". With the excuse of looking for something, I went downstairs to where they were. I was planning on catching that guy red-hand, but on my way there I ran into my sister.

-Hey what's up?, she asked me acting natural. I was trying to find some evidence so I could make my accusation, but I found none.

-Nothing... I just think it's a waste that you're in here, with a beautiful day outside. Why don't you guys come outside?

-Sure we'll be there in a minute, Jill told me as I left them alone... again.

Maybe they won this one, but I'm not taking my eyes off my sister anymore, no matter how hot my girlfriend looks in that bikini.

After a while I forgot about my sister and her date for a while, since they were talking a few inches away from me, so I had nothing to worry about. Yes she had that sweet smile on her face, and was playing with her hair... but nothing could happen if I was right there.

-Would you leave your sister alone Steven?, Cath scolded me for the fifth time in the day.

-Alright, alright... happy?, I said giving my back to the sweet couple and smiling to my girlfriend.

-A lot, she said with a giggle.

-Don't worry buddy. I got it covered, Danny said while narrowing his eyes to Zeth that had his back on us. Lucky him, otherwise I think he'd jumped off the board.

-Cut it out! You guys act like you'd never had hormones, Cath said slapping my friend's shoulder. -It is exactly why we know what it is to have hormones that we act this way, I countered to my girlfriend with a smile to have her on my side. I'm pretty irresistible.

-And you guys turned out just fine, so I'll take the guess that nothing bad is going to happen to your sister, she said with a smile to me and I just had to cut it out.

I couldn't argue with her about these kind of things. I mean, she knows literally everything about me, Danny and our rebellion time. I couldn't risk myself to her to let slip that kind of information to certain 13 years old girl. Talk about an intelligence officer.

-Hey dude, check that out, Danny whispered to my ear as I quickly peeked over my shoulder.

Zeth had taken a step closer to my sister, showing her some photos in his iPhone. I looked at my pal Danny with a mischievous smile. We had a plan.

I slowly walked to where my sister was, making sure she wouldn't see me coming. I looked at Danny as he gave me the ok sign. 3.. 2.. 1... and...

-Jill, watch it!, Danny shouted to my sister, who immediately turned her attention to me, running towards her.

Of course, she had no time to react. I grabbed her in my arms and jumped into the water with her as she screamed, not knowing what the heck was happening.

-Steven!, she complained completely soaked and spitting some water.

She looked at me with her brows frowned and some wet hair in the middle of her face. She was so cute, even when she wants to kill me.

-Oh I'm sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going.

-You'll pay for this. I swear, she said playfully growling to me as she turned around and tried to hop into the boat again.

Zeth helped her while he was trying to held a laughter. By now he's probably well aware of my sister's mood. I turned my watch to my girlfriend, who was staring at me from the board between amused and mad. Ok, so I had a long scolding coming once I get on the boat again, so I decided to just hang out there for awhile until she let's me get into the boat again. It was worth it anyway. That was a close one after all.

-You wait until we get home Commandant, Cath taunted me as I climbed back up.

I shoot her a charming smile to relax our environment. She gets all maternal when she's around my sister and doesn't realize she's spoiling her.

-Your girlfriend is right Stevie. You better watch it, Jill said behind my back as I turned around to take a look of her, standing there with her folded arms and a winner smile.

-You better watch it, otherwise you might have another trip to the water, I said and as I passed by her I lended a soft smack to her backside.

I was sure Zeth wasn't watching me, but Danny was and he just couldn't help but laughing. My sister knows I'll do whatever is in my power to keep Zeth's lips away from hers, so she was trying to cut me out.

After we had lunch, Jill asked to go diving with Zeth. I made the terrible mistake of telling her that this was the perfect place to do scuba diving, since there's a reef near by and there are bunch of fishes of many different colors. Of course, that was before I knew she was bringing Zeth, and that she'd be in there with him. Too late to do something about that. She played me.

-Ok, just don't go too far, clear?, I said while looking at my sister from the board of the boate. I had a very bad feeling about this, but what could harm could do some diving?

-Yes Steven. Would you loose it a bit? You're freaking me out, she said before sinking into the sea, quickly followed by a half uncomfortable, half amused Zeth.

Yeah, yeah, not so funny to me, as usual.

-She's touching my nerve, I'm telling you, I said while sitting down with my friends.

By that time, Gracie was sleeping downstairs and Rachel was with her since she's not really an outside woman. Neither Danny is but being a friend of mine he does not have much of a choice.

-What were you expecting? The guy she's dating is here. Of course she's going to act it out, defying you, showing him the tough girl she is. Did you really think she'd show him the "sweet and obedient" Jill, Danny said and I chuckled.

-No, because there's no "sweet and obedient" Jill. There's the "sweet", "funny", "cute", "troublemaker", "grumpy", "stubborn" but no "obedient" Jill. It is an ugly truth: even when I am capable of keeping my sister at bay, she'll never be able to classify as "obedient" and much less "disciplined".

-Well you two did. I don't see why she wouldn't, Cath said opening another beer.

-We did indeed my love because we had to. Danny had a kid, and I... well sort of did too. My mother wouldn't take care of baby Jill they way she needed it, and specially, she wouldn't be a role model for her, so there was a time in my life I realized I had to stop being a boy and be a man. Around the time I joined the marines too.

-I agree. Probably if Gracie wasn't born, I wouldn't have turned into the grownup I am. It really changes you, and we're all hoping Jill won't have the need of going through it to accomplish a change, Danny said as my eyes popped wide open.

-PLEASE don't even give me the idea. Enough things have happened to her already. I trust she'll become an adult without having to go through those things before time. I just know her too well and I know what I'm saying when I say that she'll never be the same way I am, and I don't want her to be. She's a "free spirit", as she calls herself.

I just want to teach her to be responsible enough, if that's even possible.

Jill's POV

Wow, the view was amazing! I still couldn't believe how I spent most of my summers back in Boston. What the hell was I thinking? This place was gorgeous. Lots of fishes and sea turtles were around us as we were diving really close of the reef. We were having lots of fun. Zeth was obviously not a tourist like me anymore, yet I could notice he's not as used at these kind of Hawaiian stuff like natives are, or like my brother is. Besides I was glad to share this kind of things with Zeth. He never shows himself bored for little things like this. In fact, I think he was as excited like I was. No wonder Brian wouldn't have been. He'd be too busy looking at his crappy life to actually enjoy things like this.

-I just love this place, I said when we came to the surface for some fresh air. He was smiling to me in agreement. Gosh, he was the sweetest smile.

-I do too. I've never done this before, he said with a giggle which I corresponded as he combed his wet hair back and shaked his head a little bit. Jesus.

-I know right? Much better than snowboarding. I mean, I love it, but my feet get all wet from the snow, and I'd just catch these awful colds.

-I know. If we were spending two weeks in the cabin, I'd spend at least three days in bed, he said with a laughter.

Impossible not to get sick when you're playing in the snow all the time. Besides you don't realize that you're cold until you get to your warm home and your clothes are soaked.

-It was quite annoying, but I think those were the only times my mom would actually pay attention to me, I said with an ironical giggle.

The truth is my mom is not all bad. Whenever I'd get sick, she'd prepare me chicken soup and stay with me. Of course, the second I get better, the second she runs away with a man. Mothers.

There were a couple seconds of silent until Zeth spoke.

-Don't you miss it?, he suddenly asked me looking at me right into my eyes. I wasn't expecting that kind of question, so I took a moment to answer.

-What? Boston? Not really. Like I said, I didn't leave much there when I came here, I said shrugging my shoulders.

-No I mean... the freedom you used to have. I mean with your mom not around and all that, and now you're here with your brother looking after you. You don't miss it?

I watched a few colorful fishes pass beneath our feet as I sighed inside. What a good question.

-Well I'm not gonna lie to you. It was good for a while, but with time you start getting tired of the indifference. You feel kind of lonely you know. My brother never makes me feel that way, and well... neither do you, I said meeting his look.

It was the most perfect scene for a perfect kiss. He slightly bent over to reach my lips with his, but what happened next I didn't have it planned. First Zeth winced in pain, then he screamed as I saw a big jellyfish on his shoulder. I didn't even think about it and I smacked it away from Zeth, but he was still really in pain. Steven has told me (thousand of times obviously) about the risk of jellyfishes. They are highly poisonous, and I bet that stings.

-Hey are you ok?, I asked him trying to take a look of his wound.

Ugh, it did not look good. I was trying to get back to the boat with him, but he was swimming slower and slower. I tried to help him, but he was too heavy for me, and I was afraid to hurt him even more. I was starting to get really desperate, and what came next didn't help either.

-Jill I can't move my arm. It really hurts, he said as he started to sink in the water.

I grabbed him the way I could but he was just too heavy. I've never felt so desperate in my entire life, so I did the first thing that came to my mind: I took a deep long breath.

Steve's POV

After a while passed by and my sister didn't return I got a little worried. I knew she shouldn't be that far, but I didn't know if I should start or not looking for her. Sometimes I just don't know how much space I'm supposed to give her before I start worrying. Scratch that, to admit that I'm worried. I'm always worried anyway.

-Do you think we should look for them Danny?, I asked my friend.

-I don't think you'll like what you'll find Steve, he played with me.

Ugh great, now I have images in my head. Thank you Daniel, as usual.

-Come on man. I'm serious here, I frowned at him as I froze in my spot when I heard what I heard.

-STEVEN!!!, I heard my sister yelling from a not so distant place. Probably they were somewhere around that rock we had a few yards away, since that's where the reef is.

I had to act, and I had to act fast.  

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