Christmas Fandom Imagines

By TashaAmy1803

2.5K 36 13

It's Christmas and every day till the 25th of December I will post a christmas-esqe fandom imagine. Personal... More

Day One - Mon-El and the Redhead
Day Two - The Vampire Diaries
Day Three -Ninth Doctor
Day Four - MacGyver
Day Five - Gossip Girl Reboot
Day Six - The Pinkertons
Day Seven - The Tudors
Day Eight - Revenge
Day Nine - Elementary
Day Ten - Merlin
Day Eleven - A Christmas Whowish
Day Twelve - Hawaii Five -0
Day Thirteen - Veronica Mars
Day Fourteen - Criminal Minds
Day Fifteen - Poldark
Day Sixteen - Gossip Girl
Day Seventeen - Riverdale
Day Eighteen - Teen Wolf
Day Nineteen - Emmerdale
Day Twenty - Smallville
Chapter Twenty One - Maganum PI
Day Twenty Two - Charmed
Day Twenty Three - Queen Breanne
Day Twenty Four - Gavin and Stacey
Christmas 2023
Day One - Sleepy Hollow
Day Two - NCIS
Day Three - Formula one
Day Four - The Kardashians
Day six - Outlander
Day Seven - House.
Day Eight - Doctor Who
Day Nine - Torchwood-ish
Day Ten - The Royal Family
Day Eleven - Peaky Blinders
Day Twelve - Poldark 2
Day Thirteen - Robin Hood
Day Fourteen - Gavin and Stacey 2
Day Fifteen - Reign
Day sixteen - Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
Day Seventeen - The Bodyguard.
Day Eighteen - Criminal Minds Suspect Behaviour
Day Nineteen - The Sandman
Day Twenty - Merlin 2
Day Twenty One - Teen Wolf
Day Twenty Two - Supernatural
Day Twenty Three - The Royals E!
Day Twenty Four - Queen Charlotte

Day Five - The Tudors

52 2 0
By TashaAmy1803

Anne Boleyn wanted to give Henry a son. She tried but was unfortunately only able to give him two daughters, Elizabeth the eldest and then there was Eleanor, born a year after. Then within the next 18 months the two lost their mother, and had to grow up without her and be casted out by their father. Well, those two could leave you growing up with some trust issues.

After their father re-married Jane and then Anne and then Catherine. When their father married and beheaded their cousin Elizabeth swore that she would never marry. Eleanor began to fell that her only escape was marriage. To her nothing could be worse than being a Tudor. Edward became King and because of their each, young ages. England became more dangerous than ever. Eleanor became a fearful 13 year old and very little place to turn to.

"Sister, are you over thinking again?" Elizabeth chuckled entering the library and seeing Eleanor staring out of the window.

"In a world where we are unfortunate to be Tudor females. Ones best solace is to think. It's a lot less dangerous than speaking." Elizabeth sat down next to her.

"How can my precious little sister have so many worries?" Elizabeth tucked a stray piece of hair away from Eleanor's face.

"You have met our family right?" The two laughed for a moment and Eleanor went back to gazing out of the window and her look turned solemn.

"What is it?" Elizabeth questioned

"I'm scared." Eleanor admitted "There are vipers everywhere and i don't know who of our family i can trust."

"Well you can trust me and Catherine. Not to mention our brother and Sir Thomas."

"You trust Sir Thomas. I do not." Eleanor denied.

"Why not?"

"He is married to our step mother, yet I see the way he looks at you." Eleanor replied

"What is that suppose to mean?"

"That he has the same look father had when his gaze fell on someone who was not his wife. It is a dangerous look especially because he is married and you're the sister of a King."

"I have no idea what you speak of."

"Be careful sister. I may look the other way but others won't. In a game of chess you must always be ahead of your opponent or you will lose." Eleanor rose to her feet and left the room.


Elizabeth did not or could not heed her advice. Soon the two daughters of Anne Boleyn were sent away from Chelsea house. Eleanor felt an even harsher chokehold and sought to escape. She wanted help from her brother. But even though he was King, he did not rule as his uncle so harshly pointed out. The stark reminder of his age was a hinderance. She could hardly turn to Mary, she was on thin ice and besides she had never really been all to helpful in the past. She could go to Elizabeth but what could she really do to help when she could barely help herself. Eleanor was in the library again looking at maps of the world and of England. Thoughts were turning over and over in her head.

"Why are you looking at maps?" Elizabeth questioned joining her.

"Looking for an escape. A way not to be a Tudor anymore. The only way I can do that is through marriage."

"Eleanor, you are too young to be thinking about marriage."

"Royals are never too young to think about marriage. We are eligible from the moment we are born." she sighed

"Eleanor." the two sisters looked to one another.


Mary had come to visit her sister. The three of them talked and passed warning both spoken and unspoken. Eleanor debated everything in her head.

"Elizabeth could i speak with our sister for a moment...alone." Eleanor requested. Elizabeth glanced at both of them, then nodded and walked on ahead.

"Sister, you seem troubled. What is the matter?" the two of them followed at a slower pace.

"Everything" she answered "Nothing." she sighed

"Sound ominous"

"The three of us. You me and Elizabeth, we are so alike. Motherless, constantly at the mercy of others. Both relying on a higher power to keep us safe. How can you breath? How can you think? How can you not want to scream and fight? How do you stay sane?" Mary stopped them and made them face each other

"Eleanor, you worry me. What is the matter?" Eleanor glanced at Elizabeth and then back to Mary.

"What if you had an idea. A dangerous, could go wrong in a different way idea? But if you survived you would be away from oppressors. Would you do it?" Eleanor questioned as mary stared at her with shock and confusion. "Would you Mary? Given the chance would you take control of your own life? Would you do it?"

"If God gave me the strength to me." she answered and Eleanor nodded liking her response "What are you planning to do?"

"Whatever i need to, to survive. We are what our father forced us to be. and like you said earlier. you didn't want to know. You don't want the knowledge to our destruction, so I won't give it to you." The two carried on walking and caught up with Elizabeth.


For months Eleanor planned and prepared. She watched, waited and played the demur, quiet and obedient Princess. She did not make waves, stuck to the shadows. Till she was almost forgotten about. Even when their step mother Catherine gave birth and sadly lost her life, to which they moved back home. She didn't say anything.

Then one december night whilst everyone was asleep. Eleanor snuck from her room and down stairs. She had no candle, she could not see, she used only her memory. Outside was lit but it was deserted which gave her a chance to got to the stable and ready a horse. When daybreak hit Eleanor rode out of the grounds of Chelsea House and off into the distance.

It was hours before anyone noticed that she was gone. People searched thinking she hadn't gone that far. Hours turned into a day thence day turned into a week. All the while Eleanor travelled and rested, she used her months of study to guide herself all the way to Stirling Castle in Scotland.

"I am Princess Eleanor of England, daughter to King Henry VIII and I seek sanctuary." She declared. Marie De Guise was informed and Eleanor gained entry. Now she stood before the mother of her cousin. The Dowager Queen.

"If someone had told me that an English Princess would turn up at my door seeking sanctuary. I would've thought them jesting, why are you here?"

"In complete and utter honesty?"

'Please try to be refreshing."

"I am fourteen summers old playing a game of chess in a nest of vipers. I am constantly used as a pawn in a man's game and i do not like it. I am here to change the rules." Eleanor told the woman.

"And how do you suppose to do that?" Marie de Guise wondered in amusement

"By coming to you. You are a Queen of a part of the Island which we share. You married and had children by my Aunt's son therefore you are family. more importantly you are a woman of understanding. Who I am, the risks and implications of me being here. Therefore you know things must be very bad to make the 8 day journey here by myself. no sane person would do that unless desperate." Marie stared at the young girl then stood up and made her way over.

"Welcome to my home."


Word had reached back to England that Eleanor was there, and this sent shock waves through the entire court.

"Scotland?! Why is my sister in Scotland? Bring her back here now!" Edward ordered and his uncle sent a emissary to bring the young princess back home.

Eleanor walked about the gardens of Stirling Castle. She was given sanctuary by the dowager Queen. now she knew the storm would come, the next trial she must face to be free. She saw a apple tree and went to climb and grab one but she slipped and with a squeal fell to the ground.


"Are you alright?" A voice came from the shadows and out came a boy older than she but not too much. "Easy, easy." he helped her sit up.

"You know they have apples inside."

"Yes, but they aren't accompanied by a look of disgust should I dare to eat one." Eleanor replied.

"You're English." the boy commented

"Well spotted. Ah, my arm." she winced

"Come, let me help you inside." he lifted her up into his arms and she wrapped her good arm around him.

"Thank you..."

"James." he breathed

"Eleanor." James took her inside to be tended to and she was put on rest and remained their when John Dudley arrived to bring back the princess.

"I insist that the Princess Eleanor returns to England with haste."

"And I insist my Lord that she does not. She is under my protection and she is injured. Therefore unable to travel. It will be a great many weeks before she is able. You've had a wasted journey."


During her recovery she was released from bed rest to venture to the library. Under the watchful eye of Marie's lady, she held her arm to her chest while the other scanned for a book to read.

"not planning to reach above your station again. are we...princess." Eleanor gasped at the intrusion, looking between the book. There was James gazing at her between the shelving.

"James Stuart the illegitimate son of the late King." she voiced

"You know who I am."

"We know who each other are." Eleanor replied. Then she went back to glancing at the books before her.

"So tell me why an English Princess come to Scottish court?" She picked one out and glanced at the cover before returning it to James.

"To break the rules." James smiled in amusement. She wondered away to sit down. James came around and continued to stare at her, as she tried to open the book.

"Damn thing." she muttered and James took the book and sat himself down beside her "What are you doing?"

"Being a gentleman." he began reading to her.

Dearest brother and King,

Lost mothers and a distant father binds us beyond blood and titles. It is more powerful than the men that make decrees for themselves but say it is in your name. A bond forged by God himself to give us a love and companionship like no other.

I write to you now not as a subject or a Princess. But as a sister. Your loving sister. Please do not be too angry with me I did not leave out of insolence but out of need. It is not safe for me in England, nor any of us. Till you are of age and won your battles we are brought with danger.

But I swear to you I will return when it is safe.

Your loving sister,


Edward, Mary and Elizabeth did not like the fact that their sister was far from them. The council liked it even lessened dared to call the young princess a traitor. Edward demanded that they stop and that no one should speak ill against his sister.

"My sister ran because she feared for her life. She feared you all and your inability to make this kingdom, my kingdom safe. We must do whatever we canto ensure it is such, only then will she return home."

Meanwhile, in Scotland Eleanor was still under the sanctuary guardianship of Marie de Guise. She became fast friends with her step son James Stuart and his mother Margaret. Much to the dismay of the Scottish council and the regent James Hamilton.

"You said you were here to break the rules. How will you break them?" James wondered

"By out thinking them of course." She smirked cradling her arm still

"You won't tell me?"

"Nope." she answered "I trust my freedom only with myself."

"It sounds lonely." he commented

"Story of my life." she glanced to him "Who can betray you if you don't let them in. If you keep your disruption for yourself."

"You don't trust your family?"

"My mother was murdered by my father, who casted me and my sister aside and called us bastards. Disavowing me so others could do the same.. My brother, the only surviving son and king in name only. He means well but though anointed by God has his rightful power clipped. Or should I count on my sister Mary? Who fights her darkness every day but given the chance, would snatch the power to finally avenge her mother and cast a shadow over to England."

"Then what about your full sister, Elizabeth?"

"She says one thing and practices another. She loves me but does not understand me. The year between us is like a chasm. Elizabeth still refuses to see the entirety of the world as it is. It will be her downfall. I love my family and i'm sure they love me, but to put my trust and my life with them is not a wise idea."

"So you are to take on the world alone." James voiced but Eleanor didn't say anything.


The English council tried for months to bring the Princess back. She avoided them at every turn, with the help of her guardian and James Stuart. 1548 turned to 1549 . Eleanor turned from 14 to 15.

"They are relentless, and grow ever more cunning." Eleanor breathed after another avoidance from the English council.

"not as relentless as you and my country. They will not snatch you back."

"Careful James, you sound like you care."

"And what if I do? I have never met anyone like you, Eleanor." she looked away "You are a great Lady. Your mothers daughter."

"Being my mothers daughter is dangerous."

"No. Not it is something to be proud of Eleanor, your mother paved the way for those like us. She turned your father to the light and he not only cast his first wife out but he began to accept what would become our way of life."

"Then he called her a witch, adulterer and all manner of things. I love her and I miss her but I have always had to see things more clearly than her." she looked out to the scenery of the Scottish Highlands.


When the coast was clear Eleanor snuck back in as if she had never left. She was then called to see her guardian. Eleanor curtsied to the dowager Queen as she sat by the fire in her chambers.

"You have been here two christmastides . Aged another year yet I see you make no other moves other than dodging your English counter parts."

"I'm biding my time. That and they aren't making things even remotely easy. I do have a plan but it must take a certain way so that I don't lose my head the same way my mother did." Eleanor replied

"And tell me what is your plan? Something more than breaking the rules." Eleanor sighed and made her way over. She knelt down in front of Marie.

"My brother is easy to catch a chill. One time he was so sickly my father was convinced that he was cursed. If this likelihood were to continue then it will fall to the women, to my sisters and I to rule England. They do not want a Queen much less a Queen they can't control." Eleanor explained

"So your intention."

"They will lose interest if i am not a threat. If i marry someone they deem not fit for a Princess. They will call me folly and lose interest. In their eyes there is nothing left to fight for and I will be left alone. Finally." Marie De Guise hummed tracing a finger over her lips.

"Interesting plan. You think it will work?"

"I've observed these men for years. I know it will. Depending on who I marry and with the added fact that I am the youngest girl no one should bother to look at me again."

"Well then, lets find you a husband,"


Eleanor had worked to show the Scots that she wasn't a threat or a spy. She doubted that the would every fully trust her but her aim was not to have the fight a between their two countries. And she somewhat succeeded, they didn't outright try to kill her for such a thought. But they didn't offer anyone up either. Eleanor grew frustrated and England grew impenitent. They sent up a small army and the threat of a bigger one if they did not hand over their Princess. James found Eleanor pacing back and forth in the chapel.


"I never expected for us to be friends but i am cousin to their late king and their current Queen. i have not made waves or spoken out of turn. Never challenged them. All I have done is simply and quietly existed. Yet given the chance to one up the English and they scuttle away, it's not like I'm invading." James chuckled

"you're English. You're always invading." he joke and got a pointed look in return "You will figure this out."

"James they're bringing a army. They're not asking nicely anymore. When they get here the council will cut their losses and hand me over. You're step mother will have no choice, no matter how much she has helped me." she huffed out "I have played the game and lost." James took her by the arms.

"No. Now is not the time to give up."

"They are two days away James. I am a unwed, runaway Princess. In they're eyes I am a traitor, I will be a head shorter when i am back on English soil." James shook his head in denial.

"No, you will have a husband and you will stay."



Eleanor glided down the aisle of Stirling Castles Chapel Royal in front of nobles, Margaret Erskine and Marie de Guise. She came to a stop beside James, the two turned to one another and smiled lightly.

"We are gathered here today in the sight of God almighty to join this man and this woman, in Holy Matrimony." James and Eleanor exchanged their vows and rings before being declared, husband and wife. The two consummated their marriage and Eleanor became a Scot.

Edward Seymour and his small retinue of men entered the castle. Marie de Guise was waiting for them, with a small smirk on her face. The men came to a stop.

"We are here for the Princess Eleanor. Give her too us now or this will mean war." Marie did not say anything

"The Princess Eleanor of England!" Eleanor glided into the meeting and came to a stop beside the dowager Queen.

"You do not bow before your Princess?" Eleanor questioned

"We do not bow before a traitor." one of the men hissed

"I am no traitor, I Feld England fearing for my safety. Scotland has given me sanctuary of which you a braking shame on you." Eleanor rebuffed

"You will be returning to England where you will be tried...."

"She will not be going anywhere with you." James declared and he ran through the man that called his wife a traitor. Marie and Eleanor watched unfazed.

"Lord Seymour, I would like you too meet my husband James Stuart." James dried off his sword and took his wife's side."

"Husband?" Seymour questioned "Impossible you cannot marry without the permission of the king."

"yet here i am. wed with witnesses to the ceremony and the consummation. A letter was sent to my brother with the good tidings, ahead of your arrival. but it also means that upon my marriage I am now a Scot and while sister to my brother, am now subject to my sister in law, Queen Mary and her Regents. You can't force me anywhere unless you wish to start a war offer nothing." James took his wife's hand and kissed it.

"Be of good tidings, it's Christmastide after all." Eleanor smiled.

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