My Retribution

By EnolaEzhno

298K 14.2K 2.3K

Freen is an Ice queen that possesses incredible knowledge and strength. She did everything just to penetrate... More

Part 2
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69
Part 70
Part 71
Part 72
Part 73
Part 74
Part 75
Part 76
Part 77
Part 78
Part 79
Part 80
Part 81
Part 82
Part 84
Part 85
Part 86
Part 87
Part 88
Part 89
Part 90
Part 91
Part 92
Part 93
Part 94
Part 95
Part 96
Part 97
Part 98

Part 83

3K 163 39
By EnolaEzhno

Becky's POV

I did receive some news and update about Freen. Apparently we're having a hearing in court which was rescheduled.  It was supposed to be next week but I'm not complaining. This means I'm gonna see Lisa, so here I am, fixing myself. I wore formal clothes but I made sure to look extra pretty today. I know that I'm going there against her but I don't want her to think that I really am her enemy. I mean, she has to pay for what she did but For now I'm just a girl who wants to see her.

The important thing is she's gonna be there. I went down the stairs with excitement, nervousness, guilt, doubts and fear and there I saw Lisa preparing breakfast. I sat on my chair while having these mixed emotions but guilt and nervousness is stronger that I'm starting to fidget.

Lisa: (worried) You okay??

Becky: (nervous) Not really.

Lisa: (smiling) I understand. Are you ready though?

Becky: (rolling her eyes) You know that everything is ready PLizz. Since Freen
came back to Thailand you know this would happen.

Lisa: (worried) That's not what I meant, Becbec. I know that everything is planned out. What I mean is that are you ready to see her?

I exhaled and looked at her.

Becky: (sad) I really want to see her but I know she's pretty mad at me and with that she might not want to see me and she might treat me with hatred and reject me and I'm not ready for that.

Lisa nodded her head and didn't respond. I was waiting for her to comfort me or support me or cheer for me at least but she went silent.

Becky: (pouting) You're supposed to make me feel better PLizz.

Lisa: (giggling while shaking her head) There's nothing I can say that can comfort you or make you feel better Becbec. At least you know what to expect.

The breakfast is done and I'm on my way to court and the emotions I have heightened that my stomach is rumbling like I'm having diarrhea but I don't. We arrived at our destination and I was kinda early. I sat on my chair and wait till the hearing starts. There are a few people here since this is a private hearing. The person who's present is Kirk, Freen's Grandma, and the two detectives and Nop. I'm glad he was able to come and support me.

The time is ticking and the closer it gets to 9am my emotions grew. 5 minutes before the time Freen came out. She's wearing a prisoner's clothes and a mask a shades and a cap.

I bit my lip in guilt seeing her in that orange clothes but she's still fucking hot. Every move she took is like a slow motion to me and I observed everything even if im so disappointed in not seeing her face. She seems to be skinnier which is very noticeable. I sighed in worry. Freen sat on her chair without glancing at me. "Of course! Why would she look at me? Who would be in their right mind to look at the person who made their life a living hell."

Her not glancing at me didn't stop me from staring at her. Few minutes later I heard a shout saying 'All Rise' Everyone stood up and the judge came.

The judge sat and so did all the people around.

Judge: In the arrest of Freen Sarocha Chankimha, this trial will  determine whether or not the defendant will be granted for bail.

Freen's Lawyer and my Lawyer replied in unison 'Yes, your honor'

Judge: Okay then. Fire away.

Rebecca's Lawyer: Your honor given the seriousness of the crime we ask to deny bail and let her pay for the crime she committed like.

Freen's Laywer: You're honor the defendant belonged to the royal family who is respected till this very day. She has no criminal record and has been a role model to many. Granting a bail is necessary.

Rebecca's Lawyer: Being in a royal family means she has the money and power to pay for it no matter the price. This is alarming since she might use that power to run away.

Freen's Lawyer: Your honor, despite being powerful Ms Sarocha never abused her power in fact she uses this to help other people. We highly recommend granting her bail your honor, Freen is suffering much inside the prison that even her life is in danger.

What Freen's lawyer said shock the hell out of me that I wasn't able to stop myself from shouting.

Becky: (shocked) What?!!! What do you mean her life is in danger?!!!

My lawyer signaled me to relax and prevent me to speak any further but I got so worried that I needed to know. I pushed my lawyer out of my way and went to where Freen is. Freen's lawyer panicked and blocked her from me and my lawyer is also near me trying to stop Freen's lawyer from touching me. I just want to check how she's doing and a commotion broke out that causes me to accidentally touch her shades.

Freen didn't move an inch and she didn't even faze. She didn't even glance at me or acknowledge my presence. The next thing I know the detectives came and stopped me.

Judge: (slamming her hammer) Order in the court. Order in the court.

We all stopped and I looked at Freen. I looked at her intently waiting for her to look back at me. I don't care if she looks at me wkth disgust or anger. I just don't want her to ignore me cause somehow it hurts.

Judge: Ms. Armstrong, please go back to your sit.

With that I removed my eyesight from Freen and bowed to the judge as I apologized. I obliged sadly and sat on my chair and so does the detectives and the police officer who joined to try and stop the commotion.

Judge: Can you please further explain what do you mean that Freen's life is in danger?

Freen's Lawyer: I would like to submit a medical report of my client. (giving the medical report to the judge and to my lawyer) In this report you will clearly see that Freen was almost beaten to death. The defendant will take necessary action about this but for now we prioritize her safety and well being. Thus, we humbly ask the court to please grant her bail.

I tried to get the medical report from my lawyer but he refused. I tried grabbing it but failed.

Rebecca's Lawyer: (showing the medical report) Your honor, this is just an excuse........

I stopped my lawyer by pulling his hand down harshly indicating for him to sit down which means that I didn't want him to talk but he again ignored me and continued talking.

Rebecca's Lawyer: (clearing his throat) As I was saying you're honor, this is just an excuse. This might be a self inflicted injury or they might just paid a doctor to write this medical report. With the connection and money they got the defendant can do anything to appear as a victim. Please do not forget that she is the only suspect and the plaintiff has a strong case against the defendant. All I'm saying your honor is that this might be a scheme or a facade, an excuse for them to run and get away.

What my lawyer said made me angry at him so I waited for him to finish cause I don't want to appear unprofessional in front of this people especially infront of Freen. As soon as he sat down I made him look at me.

Rebecca: (serious tone) You fucking bitch!! The next time you defy me I will make sure that your license will be revoked and this will be the last trial that you will attend. When I tell you stop, you fucking stop!!

My lawyer was shocked but he cockily responds to me.

Rebecca's Lawyer: No offense, Rebecca but you're not my boss that's why I don't have to listen to you. I am here on behalf of your Dad and I am here to do my job.

I clenched my arm and I looked at him deadly. I yank her blazer till his ear is closer to me.

Becky: (whispering)  My Dad might be your boss but I'm her fucking daughter. My Dad is not here so at the moment you work under me!! so your job is to fucking listen and do what I tell you to do!! Speak without my permission one more time and I swear I'll tell my Dad how lousy and incompetent lawyer you are and how I wanted to make your life miserable.

"I'm not used to threatening but I meant what I said"

My lawyer seems to get my message since he started to cry and sweat at the same time. He looked really scared as he cleared his throat and nodded as a response so I  let go of him. 

Becky: (smiling) Oh by the way, call me Ms. Rebecca from now on.

Rebecca's Lawyer: (stuttering) Ye....Yes, Ms. Rebecca.

The lawyer then took his handkerchief and wiped his sweats. He also fixed his neck tie and distanced his seat away from me.

Freen's Lawyer: Your honor if this is a self inflicted injury the damage won't be this bad or serious. We barely saved her in the process. Yes, she is powerful, but being powerful also means that everyone wants to take you down every chance they get. I will again remind that Ms Sarocha has a clean record and has always been helpful to many. 

Judge: I can see that both of you had a point. Ms. Sarocha, Can you remove your mask and your shades for me to confirm.

"I like the judge. Finally she said something useful. I can finally look at her face" I gaze at Freen and she stood up. She removed her shades and her mask and both me and the judge gasped. Freen has busted and chapped lips, swollen black eyes and her right eye clearly has an open wound that was just sewed. Her whole face is blue and violet.

Freen's Lawyer: As you can see your honor, Ms Sarocha suffered so much. The wounds that you see on her face is nothing compared to the wounds on her body.

Judge: I see. Does the plaintiff have something to add?

My eyes began to water at the sight of her. The guilt began to grow inside and all I'm wishing for is to go back in time and change everything.

My lawyer looked at me waiting for my response and I shook my head as a No.

Rebecca's Lawyer: Nothing your honor.

Judge: I understand that both lawyers are able to explain and prove their point. The defendant is indeed a Mhom Luang who can use all her resources and power to escape but it's the same title who also puts her life in danger that even officers of the law failed to protect her. This court will treat everyone equally and despite the seriousness of the crime the person who is being accused is still innocent until proven guilty which means that the defendant has all the right to be treated as a human like everyone else's. Given the fact that the defendant has power and resources at her disposal there's a possibility that she might run away. With that being said a bail is denied but I will put Ms. Freen Sarocha Chankimha in a house arrest.

The judge banged her hammer and left. Freen put her mask and shades back. She began to leave the court and I noticed that she was actually limping. "I only focused on her upper body that I didn't notice she's limping " I badly wanted to ask how she was so I called her name.

Becky: (shouting) Freen! Freen!

I shouted her name louder for the second time around but she just ignored me. The detectives also assisted me to go out. I went out the court with a heavy heart. I'm not gonna leave until I talk to her so I came to Nop while crying.

Rebecca: (pleading) Nop. Please. I just want to talk to her. Help me

Nop seemed to be sympathetic cause he never asked why or stopped me even.

Nop: (serious) 10 minutes Rebecca. You have 10 minutes to talk to her. I'll distract the police officer before he gets Freen back into the prison.

I wiped my tears and smiled at him.

Rebecca: (happy) 10 minutes. Thank you Nop. I owe you one.

He led me into a room and there I saw Freen removing her jail clothes with hardship. She's only in her short shorts and bra and there I saw her body full of bruises and everything is colored violet. "She was beaten into a pulp"  A tear immediately ran through my cheeks but Freen didn't seem to realize that it's me. 

Freen: (cold voice) Drop my clothes and leave.

"Does she let anyone in while she's naked?!" This is not okay. I'm pissed but this is not the time for that. I came to her and held her shoulder with care, scared that I might hurt her even more. The moment our skin touched, Freen twisted my arm on my back and pushed me away.

I groaned in pain and I looked at her shocked and scared and she stared at me without any emotion but her eyebrows are scowling. She then  positioned herself like she was ready to fight.

Freen: (mad) What are you doing here, ARMSTRONG?!

The way she mentioned my last name stings. It's full of hate disgust and anger. The pain in my arm is also hurting which only added to the agony I'm feeling so I held my arm trying to ease the pain away.

Becky: (sad voice) I came here to see you Freen. I want to see how you're doing.

"I really want to know how did she get beaten and who did it"

Freen: (clenching her teeth) You came to see and check the damage that you've done aren't you?! Tell me Armstrong, are you dissapointed to see me alive?!

I know that she despise me and I don't blame her for it but I'm really glad to see her. Even if she's mad at me, I'm still happy to be finally with her.  The day of the arrest came flashing back, I didn't know that the detectives would arrest her that way. I didn't know that she would be treated like that. Thinking that I am the reason why she's in this situation, all I can do is apologize.

Becky: (apologetic) I'm sorry, Freen.

I looked at her with sincerity but she responded differently. The care and love that used to be there every time I met her gaze is gone. It looked empty.  She's also angrier and her voice became louder.


I am lost and confused. "what the fuck is she talking about?"

Becky: (shocked) What?! What are you talking about?! I never wanted to.....

I want to tell her that I don't want to kill her. That I am not threatening her, that I have no idea what she's talking about but she cut me off. Suddenly, both of her hands is gripping my collar as she lift me up matching her height. My feet barely touch the floor and I'm in so much pain.  She looked at me eye to eye.


She let me go harshly and for the first time, I'm scared of her.

Becky: (scared) What happened to you?

I heard the door opening and I felt a hand pulling me away from that suffocating room. My legs have been shaking from fear and I've been crying a lot because of fear too. "That was traumatic" My feet are wobbly that I stumble and fall and I'm glad someone caught me on time.

Rebecca: (small voice) Thank you, Thank you Nop.

Nop: I'll always be here Rebecca. I love you and I will never leave you.

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