𝙎𝙚𝙡𝙛𝙞𝙚 - 𝙅𝙖𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙧 �...

By Alice_-_-Cullen

199K 7.5K 7.5K

This is what I like about photographs: - They catch people in their rawest moment - They freeze good memories... More

The Boy With A Boner
Gay For The Doctor
The Cullens Are Cocks
An Order Of Old Friends
To Go Down In History
Pleasing a Storm
Harsh Words From A Hot Man
It is Wednesday My Dudes
Midnight Coffee Race
The Guide Of Giving Up
Historians Will Say They Were Friends
The Piano Man
Bee Stung Heart
Eat it Twilight
Bitchface, Go Fuck Yourself
Smash Mouth
Let's Dissapoint Each Other
The Howling Night Sky
Lowered Voice
A Crack In The Glass
Well, That Didn't Work.
Blur Your Words
Putting Salt In A Wound Helps They Said
Camera Click
New Moon
Obsession Or Posession?
Mama Just Killed A Man
T Is For Trauma
Bleed Me Dry
Hell Is Just A Sauna
Now Your Mess Is Mine
Vampires DO Sleep In Coffins
Pain, Suffering and Jesus
The Fine Art Of Bullshit
Hush Little Baby, Don't You Cry
Sinners Play As Saints
Photo Album
Hold On Darling
Burn Marks
Cremation Time
Cool, Cool, Cool, Cool, Cool
Though The Blinds
Please Don't Touch My Arm With Your Arm
50 Shades Of Your Own Blood
Item: Doubt
Error: Friend Not Found
Don't Have Faith For Everybody
Fuck That
Caught In The Crossfire
Don't Look
Breaking Dawn Part 1
Payback Points
Human Again
Dark humour and deviled eggs
That's What She Said
Trust And/Or Lust?
There Are Weirder Ways To Learn About Death
At Least There's A Dog
Uh Oh
Steal My Blood
Boiling Your Own Teeth
The Blade Of Tears: 1
He's Like Art: 2
The First Time: 3
Caught grinning at a dead body
How To Enjoy Pictures
Breaking Dawn Part 2
Grumpy Beginnings
I Cannot But I Can
Fear Makes The Wolf Look Bigger
Finally Understanding Why Spencer Hated His Life
Sea Foam and Shattered Dreams
Hell Is Down
Mixed Signals and Overthinking
The Truth Doesn't Change The Way You Lie
Cover Your Cough
Respect All, Trust Few
Don't Do It You Son Of A--
Free Therapy
When your feelings don't feel right
The Destruction Is Your Rebirth
Authors Note
Free Entry, To My Pants
Blowjobs And Self Esteem
First Date... I think...
Homeless: 1
Homeless: 2
Homeless: 3
The Saga of Milo And His Dyslexia
Uh Oh... (Jasper's POV)
Satan or Santa?
Childhood Kisses

Pinky Promise

1.7K 77 18
By Alice_-_-Cullen

There was an annoying beep next to his ear, he didn't like it, his alarm clock wasn't supposed to go off anymore, Milo didn't go to school.
His eyes squeezed together in their already shut form before opening, only to flinch back shut at the bright light he saw in return.
Sucking it up, he kept them open the second time he tried, his room wasn't this white, so the sight in front of him scared him.
There were grey blinds by the window, shut to keep the sun out, though it didn't do much for the light that invated the young Swan's vision.
His eyes looked down to his body, there was a knitted blanket tucking him into the bed, despite the comfort, he was cold.
That could only mean one thing.
He was in a hospital and not dead.
Milo made a sound of discomfort, getting the attention from the only person who was sat in the room with him.
"Milo," The soft voice called out.

He turned his head, wrong move, a sharp pain started to throb.
He winced, trying to clear his eyes as he looked to the woman who had called his name.
His Mom.
Renée was safe.
Tears welled in his eyes but she rushed over, scooting her chair closer to wipe them away.
She looked like she had been there for a while, her hair was greasy, pulled back into a ponytail, her clothes were crinkled and dirty.
She was being a Mom and not leaving her unconscious son alone in a hospital.
For once, she was doing her job.
She hushed him softly, as if she was speaking to a baby, gently moving his hair from his eyes as she brushed under them, removing the tears.
Milo went to lift his hand but she put hers on top of it, stopping him from movement as if any other action would cause him to break.
His mind wandered, what had happened? Where was Bella? Was James still after them, what was happening?
"What's goin' on?" Milo asked, his voice deep, dry.

"You're in the hospital," Renée told, stroking her sons hand, "You went to get Bella to come back home and just as you'd convinced her, she fell, you tried to stop her but you tripped over her leg and you both fell down two flights of stairs but only you fell out of the window!"
Milo gasped, shocked at the news, trying to remember.

"I fell out of a window?" He asked, somewhere in his dark mind finding it funny, "Ouch,"

Renée let out a small chuckle at her son's dark humour but nodded, sighing deeply, "You don't remember?"

Milo shook his head slowly, trying to remember.
But that was a lie. 
He remembered James and the ballet studio. Bella...
When had they fallen, at the hotel? Was James just a memory?
He remembered seeing angels, two beautiful angels that sat over him, one was crying and trying to hold him whilst the other was yelling and stabbing him with needles.
He remembered being in the hotel and having an arguement with Jasper, how he used Spencer's phone and the way Jasper sounded.
Then there was also a voice, a mocking, giddy voice that clouded his mind. 
Ripping him limb by limb...setting him on fire...
That was it, the memories flooded back to him within seconds, the hotel room, the conversation with Spencer, Bella's face with it was James and not their Mom on the phone, him asking if Jasper was alive only to find out he had been killed.
Jasper was dead.
He was dead all for nothing. 
James had been killed and his mate hadn't.
Only he died.
Milo let out a sound of emotion, his mother caught on and her hand was on his cheek again, wiping away the tears that formed in his eyes.
His lungs spasmed as he cried slightly, his ribs screaming at him to stop the movement, but he couldn't.

"Are you in pain sweetie?" Renée wondered, hovering her finger close to the call button.

Milo wanted to tell her, he wanted to tell her how much he was hurting right now, but no pill or medication could stop this pain inside his heart.
His Mom was actually being a Mom to him now, she was sat beside him in a hospital, stroking his hair and wiping his tears, doing something a Mom should be doing. 
It made his heart break even more. The last time she had done something like this was when he was 15 and broke his hand, now he was 19 and bedbound.
"Yes," He spluttered, his voice breaking so he clenched his jaw, "I wanna see Bella,"

"You can't baby," She frowned, her own heart throbbing at the visual pain her son was in, "I can call a nurse for you?" 
But Milo shook his head, he didn't need a nurse, he wanted-- he wanted--
The blonde woman was stood at the door, her expression unreadable. 
When Milo noticed her, she walked into the room, smiling slightly at Renée. 
She looked confused but guessed her son knew this woman from the way his tears stopped and he stared at her hopefully.
Milo watched her sit on the very edge of the bed, looking at him with a pityful expression. 
He thought she was looking at him like that for another reason, so the tears crawled back.
Rosalie was quick to realize and grab his hand, looking over her shoulder to Renée.

"Could you give us a moment Mrs. Dwyer?" She asked cooly, watching how Renée nodded, grabbed her bag then walked out of the room, shutting the door behind her.

"He's dead!" Milo gasped out, holding her hand as if she would dissapear too.
Rosalie's golden eyes flicked up to meet his brown ones.

"He isn't," 

Milo's eyes widened, "James said--"

"I know he did, but he also told you that he had kidnapped your mother, he lied. People-- creatures like James lie Milo," She promised, correcting herself.
Milo believed her, he relaxed into the bed properly, allowing her to swipe away a tear that had fallen at the news.
Rosalie's behaviour was shocking, though he didn't say anything about it.

"I thought he had gone to hunt them down," Milo said after a moment, clearing his voice from the emotion.

Rosalie nodded, "It seemed that way, but after your phone call, he sorted himself out," Milo frowned, not understanding what she meant, "He was on the airplane, 5 minutes away from you and Bella before you both ran off,"
Milo sighed, of course Jasper got on that plane. 
Jasper was safe and his reckless actions were for nothing.
Milo swallowed before looking back at the blonde girl, not knowing what else to say. He wanted to see Jasper but he already knew the answer would be no.
All the blood in a hospital wouldn't be good for him, but it still didn't help the craving urge to feel the blondes arms around him as he cried.

"You followed the ruse, right?" Rosalie wondered, watching the human nod, "Everything with James happened, sorry if it caused you confusion,"

"It's ok," Milo mumbled, before adding, "Is he mad at me?"

Rosalie knew what he meant, "No, he knows you had the intent of saving your mother, the video James took told us all,"

Milo winced but he spoke to stop the question of his health from coming out of Rosalie's mouth, "You saw the video,"

She nodded, "Jasper... let's just say my brother was happy that he was the one to kill James,"

"What's wrong with me?" Milo asked, wanting to know if he was seriously hurt.

"Four fractured ribs, three on your left, one on your right, a grade 3 concussion and some cuts here and there," Rosalie explained, "You lost a lot of blood,"

Milo grinned slightly, "I wish my ribs were equal," 

"I can change that for you," Rosalie smiled with him, making Milo laugh but wince after, "I can go and get your mother now, if you'd like,"

"Can you get my Dad please?" Milo asked, watching her nod.
Rosalie left, giving Milo time to properly look around his hospital room. 
He saw his phone and grabbed it, unlocking it quickly, with a small smile on his face.

Hey Angel ;)

He sent the text then put his phone down, smiling wider when his Dad walked through, a worried expression on his face.
They talked and Milo explained what had happened, leaving out the lie obviously. 
He told Charlie about how Bella was finding it hard to believe that she could actually be happy in Forks, she was doubting it and that her words weren't serious.
Charlie hugged him gently and forgave her, but also thanked his son for going after her and attempting to stop the fall she had, even though it only put him in danger too.
Milo shrugged at the apology, he would do anything for his family, even the ones who were immortal. tell 
"Your Mom asked me if Jasper's sister was your girlfriend," Charlie smiled, chucking a little. 

Milo laughed too, "She didn't!"

"Well," Charlie began, "When she got here I was looking for Jasper, she noticed and asked. I told her you were datin' someone but didn't say,"

"You didn't tell her?" Milo asked, frowning a little, "Jasper also has a phobia of hospitals,"
Lying about vampires had become too easy. It was a little scary how well he could let a lie fall from his lips.

Charlie nodded, "I didn't want to 'out you'. I read about it on some website... gay kids should be the ones to tell their parents, don't tell someone without your childs permission and all that-- Renée noticed how much you relaxed when Rosalind walked in,"
Milo's heart softened as he looked at his father.
Charlie had researched stuff to make him feel more comfortable in his sexuality. It was such a small gesture but it meant the world. 

"Rosalie," He corrected gently, not wanting to talk incase his emotions came though.
Charlie nodded, noticing his son's quietness meant something.
He left giving Milo some space, going back to see Bella.
Milo checked his phone, feeling happy when he saw a reply.

Heaven <3:


Heaven <3:
I love you.

Heaven <3:
I love you so so much. I am sorry he made you think I was dead.

Heaven <3:

I'm sorry I made you think I was going to die.

Its ok I pomise

I <3 u too stop stressingIm fine.

He couldn't be bothered to go back and correct his texts but they were readable, that's all that mattered.
Jasper was alive and so was he, their forever still had a chance.

1 Week Later:

The outfit Bella had picked for him fit perfectly to the way he was feeling.
Like he had been ran over by a bus then thrown off a cliff. 
It was baggy, oversized and definitely not him, but it worked.
He was finally leaving the hospital and he couldn't wait to be back in his own room and have his vampire boyfriend hold him close again.
Carlisle had said that his ribs should heal in 3-4 weeks but prescribed strong painkillers for Milo to take home.
Bella had been discharged before him so she visited often, bringing him meals and some soft clothes. 
When it was finally time for him to go, he changed in the bathroom with the help of his father then grabbed a backpack, full of his things and his medication.
He couldn't wait to be home, Jesus, Milo wanted his bed.
Charlie's hand was on Milo's lower back as they walked out of the hospital, something of a smile on his face.
What had his Father so excited?
Bella was there too, but she was better at hiding her happiness, though Milo caught on, there was a look in her eye.
"Do you think you could run if you needed to Milo?" Bella wondered, skipping so she was next to her brother, shoulder to shoulder.

Milo laughed at how sadistic that question sounded, "Probably, why would I need to--"
Though he looked to cross the road, only his eyes landed on a pretty blonde boy waiting by an expensive car.
"Run," Milo whispered, finishing off his scentence in a dreamy sigh.

Emotion filled his body as he finished looking to cross the road, running over when it was clear. 
Then just like magic, all of his problems faded away.
Milo's arms went around Jasper's neck and shoulders, the vampire put his hand on the back of Milo's head then brought the other to his waist.
There wasn't a word in the world to describe the relief that the human felt with his lovers strong arms around him. 
Jasper's thumb stroked over Milo's soft cheek, wiping away a tear that fell.
"I don't know why I'm cryin'," Milo cried softly, hiding his face in Jasper's arm that had extended to hold his face.

"Because you're happy, you're relieved, you're every good thing all in one," Jasper whispered in the human's ear.

"And you're alive," Milo said, almost like a wish.
It came true after all.

"You thought Rosalie was lyin'?" He wondered, a small smirk on his face as he teased Milo.

"No," Milo chuckled, putting his arms tightly around Jasper again, "Come with home with us?"

"I can't," Jasper frowned, pulling back to look at his mate, that's all he wanted to do, "Bella's blood... but she has prom tonight so I'll come later,"
Milo pulled his head out of Jasper's chest.

"You promise?" Milo wondered, looking up at his boyfriend.

"Pinky," He swore, looking down.
Milo smiled.
In front of him was the man he had always wanted, a man that anyone would die to have.
That's what was so different--
Although many people would die to live the life that he was living, the perfect man, the perfect life... 
Milo would live for it.
Milo would live through pain, lots of it if the reward was Jasper.
He finally understood Jasper's words in his bedroom.
I would go through all that pain again if you were my reward.
Milo would go through all the pain and more from James if Jasper was the angel he'd get at the reward.
Over, and over again.

Jasper's eyes went wide as he felt Milo's emotions.
Milo just reached up to kiss his cheek, the movement making his ribs cry out, but he ignored it.
He would go through a lot of pain just to touch or see his lover.
"I want a kiss when you see me tonight," Milo whispered, pulling apart from him but keeping hold of his hand, "Make sure you hunt though, you shouldn't be at a hospital,"

Jasper clenched his jaw, just to stop the true emotion he was feeling from coming through, "You'll get a lot more if you ask nicely,"

Milo laughed, "Don't be a pain in the ass," 
He dropped Jasper's hand and began to walk away, not taking his eyes off his lover until he needed to cross the road again.
The smile never left his face.

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