Better Luck Next Time! // Cre...

Von Little_Holdup

167K 8.5K 4.7K

Sequel to Good Luck!- So I'm finally here. In these white walls. So much for luck. What am I without it? ... Mehr

This is Book 2
Ch 31
Ch 44
Q and A
Dr. David Morales Journal entries-
Extra #1


1.1K 80 38
Von Little_Holdup

We are so close, so very close and yet another obstacle falls before me. The institutions reinforcements screech to a halt before the yards entrance, their black SUV's with heavily tinted windows screams government agents.

Another mess has fallen into my lap.

I quickly shove Alex down as the agents begin to yell, the usual lines that are meant to coax us to give in to their custody. I admit there is something more intimidating about the men in black, full tactical gear and a better verity of ammunition then the mercenaries. I may have thought the mercenaries competent when dealing with people like us but the guy with a big mouth still wound up with a hatchet in the head.

"Jack, this is Alex, I'm going to leave him with you for a bit."

I get a grumble in response, Jack didn't turn to face me, to busy shuffling through the pockets of what appears to be a flak jacket.

"I don't want to deal with him", he finally states, glaring over his shoulder at the man he has never met. He tosses the jacket to the side along with a pack of cigarettes that he had found within, an item he has no use for, "I am leaving, I heard what BEN said, I am not sticking around to deal with trouble. Things are getting messy, no CP's remain within that jail, many fled within the short interval that was given, there's not enough of us to hold them off." He growls, "besides, I can't make out anything here, it's too loud, the air is too thick", he ends his sentence with a disgusted hiss.

"Just a bit longer Jack, the entrance is blocked, you could scale the wall but then what?"

He looks down as though he is trying to come up with a solution, being blind is a large handicap, it may be useful when stalking through a city, but in this situation where we are surrounded by miles of forest, he would without a doubt in his mind get lost, therefor he remains quiet when no answer surfaces.

"Look, this guy here is a... friend of the Proxies, if you keep him alive they will owe you one."

That grabs his attention, he slowly stands to his full height, his face getting close to Alex who takes a step away as Jack begins to sniff him. He apparently caught what he was looking for, humming while crooking his neck to his shoulder, "fine, but if it becomes to much don't expect me to stick around."

I pause to look over Alex's frightened expression as the realization that I truly intend to leave him alone with a monster sink in, he looks up at me with a pleading glint.

"Stay", I demand, "stay out of the way if you don't want to become collateral", Alex sinks to the ground, sitting with a hung head, "and Jack", I smile, "don't eat him."

A grumbling laugh echoes up Jack's throat, he flashes his sharp smile while looking Alex over, "you ask so much of me."

I had thought us outnumbered before, but now with the number of CP escapees our number's have dropped significantly, as Jack had said, we may not stand a chance. After the agents read their demands Masky took it upon himself to verbally cuss them out, if anything the yelling match bought us some time to prepare what is once again going to result in a blood bath, this time though, I should be expecting to get a few more holes in this body of mine.

With the loud rev of an engine I am forced to throw myself to the ground, the vehicles that constructed the barricade are thrown into the yard as the government vehicles plow through the line. The scrubs on the grill penetrating through like a bulldozer. I am left stunned and dizzy from the hard fall, those who had gotten crushed consist wholly of the unfortunate human patients that had not the mind nor insight to even attempt to defend themselves.

Looking back I see Jack holding Alex by the collar, he had pulled the man along with him as he sprang out of the way. The others also ended up on the ground, barely managing to escape the near compression between two heavy objects.

The battle erupts the moment those back doors fly open.

The battalion consists of six SUV's but the number of agents that flood out makes me think they crammed as many bodies as there is space.

I take cover behind what remains of the barricade, using the scraps of metal as a bullet shield, arming myself with the knife Jack had removed from my body. I had been correct in assuming these government affiliates as nothing to compare, they dispersed in pairs but remained within a short distance from one another, they created a cercle with their bodies, expanding their safe zone as they trudge through the yard and dissolving the space remaining for us to roam. The closer they get the less space we have to move.

This fact doesn't register to insane unfortunately, Jeff didn't think about such risks as he threw himself forward and pulled one man to the ground, taking three bullets in the prosses. I can only role my eyes as he used that dumb bread knife to saw through the mans body in such a useless and unproductive manner. The body armor is not so easily pierced.

The soldier assigned partner had hesitated upon the sudden tackle, seeing her partner go down so fast had registered to late as when she raised her weapon to assist she to had been pounced on. Nina wraps herself around the woman's body, coiling tight as her ride attempts to throw her off, the purple dyed tips of her messy black hair waves around with the flailing, she squeals a laugh as though she had found a fun ride in an amusement park, I would have continued to find the sight amusing had she not tore at the woman's ear with her serrated teeth, watching as a junction forms between the lobe and the jaw as the flesh peels along the jawline.

I chuckle a laugh, swallowing, "At least some of us are having fun...", I deadpan as Nina pulls the girl to the ground, the struggle vanishing out of sight as the woman finally tumbles to the ground, the pitch of her girlish laugh filing through the noise of battle.

The CP's who remain challenge the agents, a last defence for those who continue to flee through the now unguarded gates, squaring up likely out of vengeance then concern, a desire for a taste of revenge of those who contributed to their imprisonment, but their actions remain favourful to the escapees.

I found myself among those who stayed behind, I am unsure how many times I drew my blade into the man's chest, even less sure how many strikes managed to break through the flax vest. Everyone is having issues with the fully geared professionals, we managed to break their formation and prevent the use of automatic firearms by pushing their advances back into close quarters, however they are just as difficult to dispatch in close combat as they are from a distance.

I can admit I learned something about myself, without the aim assist of luck I am shit at close combat. Though I drew strength to throw my assailant backwards using my body weight the fall had done little damage, the knife in my hand doing little against the thick flax vest. I feel a short lived glee at the small puncture created from the assault, having the tables turned on me before I can blink. Though I right myself a moment too late as a bullet runs through my calf, it is clean and I might have been spared the pain, but my muscle gave out to my weight. My remaining weight is leveraged by one leg, I try to ignore the tightening of my stomach as the barrel of a gun is shoved in my face and a very angary agent shouts words so quick my mind can not decipher them. This seems familiar, all too familiar is the black mouth of a gun.

An agent who is not my opponent cries out, I only catch the rear end of the assault that befalls him, he had raised his gun with a warning shout, unable to discharge the weapon as a large deer like beast charge slams him backward, the entities antlers skewering the man into the body of one of the black vehicles, the force rocking the SUV onto two tires before falling into place. I took the lack of attention to escape, trying to keep my injured leg flush against the wet ground as I run.

The appearance of the gray monster had the agents fall out of post, they backed away from one another to far to keep formation and allowing many other monster like creatures to pick them off.

The Proxies race behind me, Toby taps me on the shoulder as they pass, pushing through the few remaining bystanders who huddle in the mouth of the institution and disappearing within the building.

I groan as I steady myself to my feet, trying to keep my injured leg flush against the muddy ground. I can hear Jeff's excited laughter fill along the sound of gunfire, the tearing of flesh and screams of those unfortunate enough to be prayed upon my the entities, the thick scent of blood that lingers out in the open, it all makes my head spin, my stomach tighten, I feel a stream of liquid run down my nose.

After the long night, the excessive exercise, stress and injury, my body finally gives out.

I fall to my knees as my vision dulls, my head is pounding, lips quiver, and fingers shake, something is not right.

"Oh", I mumble, feeling warm dampness spread around my back, I have been shot, perhaps more then once, couldn't have happened long ago, but I can't recall ever-

Oh right, pain nullification, one would think it would be a gift, but much like my luck that is not the case. Damn, I am going to need to apologize to Toby later aren't I.

"Hush", my head rights with Zalgo's demand, "you are not done yet", his voice is as clear as it has ever been, crisp and formal.

"Stand", he commands and my body obeys, "You will not die here, not yet, move your legs mortal."

I chuckle, stifling a single cough as I hobble out of the way of those still fighting, "Yes sir."

"Good. Now then."

Zalgo's presence is suddenly amplified, the brand between my shoulder blades warms at his physical presence. The demon himself has appeared, had I not met him previously I would not have noticed how thin he has become, as though the lack of power has shrunk his form to that of a man, his crisp black body evaporated the heavy rain on contact. He bends down to me, the grins that smother his body brighten in tune.

"You have done well, remove yourself from this area, The Operator and I shall solve what remains."

I nod, dragging myself toward the mouth of the yard where many have already made their exit. The bend that bares the gate to freedom. Few stragglers lag behind, standing together as they watch my approach. Those who fought to the last man thought it time to excuse themselves as well, now done with those who troubled them, for the time being at least.

Jeff waisted no time in throwing an arm over my shoulder, the blood that soaks his uniform bleeds into my own at the contact. He laughs, hardy and loud as he jostles me around, dragging me along as the others follow at my side, "Looky here, a tree, oh how about that, another tree", he giggles, ramming his shoulder into Jacks playfully but unappreciated.

Helen and Angel had opted to wait for our presence, their injuries hindering their fight therefore they removed themselves from the yard completely and waited for everything to finish. He smiles, a large smile I have not seen since middle school, he looks refreshed now that his chains are broken.

"Everything worked out in the end, good, I can finally get back to my art, so many ideas have accumulated through this past year."

I chuckle happily at his implication, "So it seems."

Our little group looks over the now quiet institution, taking in the view of the place we whole heartedly hope to never enter again. Though the place had been occupied not two hours ago its sits dead, the bodies of occupants and workers littering the institutional grounds like discarded garbage, rank and grotesque, the once bleached white building splattered red.

A flicker catches our eyes, the two tall beings and the Proxies stand to attention at the mouth of the building, Zalgo holding a flame coloured a florescent red that burns the eyes just by gazing upon it. With a slow, leisure flick of his hand the building that stands strong in the middle of the woods like a fortress is engulfed in a fiery mass.

We ooh and aww at the sight of the building being eaten at an incredible pace, so satisfying and entrancing to watch I had not realized Zalgo and the others merged with our small group.

I greet Slender with a strained smile, the entity looking me over with a sigh before furiously glaring at the being who stands proud beside him. It seems Slender didn't take my contract with Zalgo well.

My eyes drift to my feet, yes, the contract, it is now completed, I played my role and now I earn my prize. Yet Zalgo has not given me a glance since his inclusion, I had expected a snarky remark or an implication that my time is up. I am grateful for such lack of implication.

Therefore, I keep a steady smile, breathing the fresh air as we followed Slender through the dark, wet, woodlands, trusting the entity with our safe return to civilization.

Hoody struggles with a mass of papers he diligently embraces against his body, folders containing the names and identities of many who had been incarcerated, the ones deemed unnecessary left behind to go up in smoke.

"So~" Jeff begins, "what are your plans now (y/n), surly you have thought over my proposal. ~"

I blink over him, nearly tripping on the uneven ground, "thanks Jeff, but I have... other things to deal with first." I catch a glimpse of Zalgo's gaze, a pleased look forming in his complexion.

Helen intervenes, "you haven't forgotten about our outing, have you? Jonathan and I made plans to depart the moment we are out of reach, I expect you to join us", he chuckles, "if you don't cause to much trouble (y/n)."

Despite my uneasiness I can't help but crack a smile, "You don't know me as well as you claim Mr. Painter", I snort at him as his lip twitches, he swiftly flips me off before tracing Angel's steps and creating a conversation alongside Jonathan.

"You people really are insane", Alex sniffs, wiping dirt from his cheek, peaking out over his shoulder to view the carnage, "I feel like I'm filming a movie all over again."

I snort, "don't tell me you just figured that out. Not like your any more sane considering your an accessory, your helping homicidal maniacs and human eating monsters escape captivity you know."

"No shit, your have no excuse now Alex", Masky throws his words from the front, though carrying spite it did have a bit of playfulness, the cynical kind. Hoody agrees with a hum, unable to get a word in as he tries to keep his documents out of Toby's hands, the boy mumbling about not being trusted with the more important parts of his "job", the red blemish on his cheek has darkened to a fine purple, the imprint of my fist serving well. Clockwork soothes Toby and convinces him to quiet down.

"That thing in the basement, it won't be back right?", Jane questions the entity, Zalgo grumbles at the reminder of the so called Angels seed.

"Indeed, foolish to have allowed mortals to lay their hands upon an otherworldly offspring."

Slender sighs, his lead pausing as he turns to us with hands behind his back, is words carefully chosen, "it may be destroyed but such an action may cause issues going forward, those of the upper realm are fickle and self indulging, they may use our conduct as a means for insurance, regardless it wont be as dire as governmental interference."

I stand quiet, looking at my shoes in thought of possible consequences. Slender's feet shuffle into view, his long bony fingers wrapping around my shoulders, his presence calling me to face the being who stands oh so tall before me.

"As for you, I am aware of your... affiliation with Zalgo, however", Slender cranes his neck to ogle the being who silently grins back, amused and unmoved by the next sentence, "if you are willing to nullify our promise I shall integrate you into the family, there is many uses for you yet, it shall be a shame to dispose of someone so useful."

Thoe his words sound one-sided I can make out the want in his words, a need to keep me around because I can help him in things to come. If I am being honest with myself I can not bring myself to straight out reject the idea, but...

I peak over at Zalgo who is quietly leaning against the tree, a small grin remaining in place. The others are also silent, an uneasy quietness that in unbefitting if the attention they have with their focused being locked onto my reaction to the proposal.

I wanted to disappear, when did I begin feeling that way? Was it a good reason to begin with?

"You wanted to be recognized did you not?" Slender questions, his voice steady and smooth, "you have a want do you not? A want for solace, the removal of your existence, there is no need to expire for such a wish to be realized", he holds a hand out to me, an outstretched offer of peace.

I extended my hand without much thought, the others eyes watching this unfold, most wanting to argue about such a restrictive choice, or voice offers of their own. I look upon the hand with wide shifty eyes, blinking at my own hand that had frozen just above his own.

I am not truly sure what I desire anymore, before the whole encounter in that forest death is all I aspired for, the end, the easiest way out. I have noticed the unsettlement I have felt when thinking about the completion of the contract that will lead to my wish, a promise in writing I am unable to reconsider now that it is signed.

Surely. Surely I still have a chance to correct myself, to remove (y/n) from the reality that is a new life, with people that I can relate to and they return in kind. Not a friendship per say, but an understanding.

I feel a smile tug at the corner of my lips, perhaps this is the other easy way out that I didn't bother to consider with my hyper fixation.

My hand lowers ever so slightly, Slender still and patient as I contemplate, his fingers gentility curling around my digits when they connect. The others mumble words of disapproval, but voiced their concerns no louder then a breath.

My gaze shifts back to the tree Zalgo had been settling against, his form no longer present. The idea that he considered the notion flashed through my mind, yet...

The burning sensation in my chest speaks for itself. The demons black claws puncture through my ribcage, breaking bones and tearing a hole large enough to make a clean hole, the action quick and inescapable. I didn't have the mind to speak of the action let alone the capability with punctured lungs, the branding aiding the numbness.

Zalgo stood behind me, holding me still as he removed his appendage that is lathered thickly in my blood, I make out that grin of his as I look up at him, not snarky, but pleased. I vagally hear his words over the frantic and angary yelling from those who surround me, vision blurry yet capable of catching the entity as he vanishes before Slender can retaliate.

"Shortly", his words soft and expecting.

It is odd, I can't feel the affliction, yet my body will not heed to my demands, falling backwards upon the ground without the thought of bracing the impact that follows.

The others scramble franticly above me, their rapped movements making me nauseous. It was not until Nathan removed his shirt of his uniform and pressed it against the hole in my body did the coherency bubble up, my blood infected the white uniform in its entirety within the few seconds it had been applied.

I can't help but to chuckle, ignoring the taste of iron on my tongue, my lips twitch into a comical grin, what a laughable situation I have found myself in.

It is what I have prayed for, a wish years in the making.

Weakly I role my head to glance upon Helen, he stands at the side lines, the unmistakable expression of shock causes his pale complexion to darken, his feet nailed to the ground.

Jeff, Jane, Jonathan, so many are yelling at Slender in incomprehensible fury, as Nathan, Jack, and the Proxies tend to me so furiously my body is tugged around from their insistent prodding.

The rain has let up.


The sun is rising.


It is a beautiful sight, a bright light.


Why are you all so sad..?


The last true chapter.

Still have the epilogue so don't be mad it will round out and hopefully won't make any of you disappointed. 


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