Stones Diary: Built for Press...

Od _jasthewriter

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When you love someone, you tend to worship the ground they walk on. The sun sets and rises on that person wit... Viac

Author's Note
Chapter 1.) Bloodline pt. 1
Chapter 2.) Bloodline pt. 2
Chapter 3.) Blast from the Past
Chapter 4.) Waiting
Chapter 5.) High Emotions
Chapter 6.) Blue Wine
Chapter 7.) On Your Own
Chapter 8.) Give Me a Little
Chapter 9.) Feels
Chapter 10.) Amazing Grace
Chapter 11.) Inhale... Exhale
Chapter 12.) Healing Hurts
Chapter 13.) Awkward Stages
Chapter 14.) Who Knew
Chapter 15.) Drifting
Chapter 16.) Be Careful
Chapter 17.) Night Talks
Chapter 18.) Secrets
Chapter 19.) In Heat pt. 1
Chapter 20.) In Heat pt. 2
Chapter 21.) Something Sweet
Chapter 22.) Plans
Chapter 23.) Turning Pages
Chapter 24.) Love Me Right
Chapter 25.) Family Ties?
Chapter 26.) More Life, More Blessings
Chapter 27.) Feels Like...
Chapter 28.) We Needed This.
Chapter 29.) Ace meets Angel
Chapter 30.) Ace meets Angel pt.2
Chapter 31.) Family Affair
Chapter 32.) Soft
Chapter 33.) Enjoy The Moments
Chapter 34.) Special Delivery
Chapter 35.) Let's Get Married
Chapter 36.) Let's Get Married pt. 2
Chapter 37.) The Allens
Chapter 38.) Who's Crying Now?
Chapter 39.) What You've Been Waiting On
Chapter 40.) The Way to San José
Chapter 41.) More Life
Chapter 42.) Take Care
Chapter 43.) Check In
Chapter 44.) Reaping What You Sow
Chapter 45.) On a Mission
Chapter 46.) Stay the Course
Chapter 47.) Product of Your Environment
Chapter 48.) The Calm Before...
Chapter 49.) The Storm...
Chapter 50.) Lovers Lane
Chapter 51.) Closure?
Chapter 52.) Are You Okay? Truly?
Chapter 53.) It's Okay to Cry
Chapter 54.) Enjoy it
Chapter 56.)
Chapter 57.) Angels and Doubts
Chapter 58.) Expect the...
Chapter 59.) Unexpected.
Chapter 60.) Plain Sight
Chapter 61.)
Chapter 62.)
Chapter 63.) 1 to 1000
Chapter 64.) Keep That Energy
Chapter 65.) Do You Mind?
Chapter 66.) Signs
Chapter 67.) "Hello"
Chapter 68.) To Bug or Not to Bug?
Chapter 69.)
Chapter 70.) Stop Keeping Secrets
Chapter 71.) Simple Math
Chapter 72.) Drunk Confessions
Chapter 73.) Tough Love
Chapter 74.) Reliability
Chapter 75.) Same Love
Chapter 76.) Eviction
Chapter 77.) You Are Not Alone
Chapter 78.) Out With the Old...
Chapter 79.) In With the New
Chapter 80.) Lights On
Chapter 81.) October Nights
Chapter 82.) Under Oath
Chapter 83.) Truth Is...
Chapter 84.) 8 Years from now...
Chapter 85.) Blue Lights...
Chapter 86.) Above and Beyond...
Chapter 87.) Always in My Head
Chapter 88.) Coffee on the Roof pt.1
Chapter 89.) Coffee on the Roof pt.2
Chapter 90.) The Nearness of You
Chapter 91.) Carried Away
Chapter 92.) The Getback
Chapter 93.) Can't Fool Me
Chapter 94.) So Be It
Chapter 95.) Drifting...
Chapter 96.) Certainly
Chapter 97.) His-Story
Chapter 98.)
Chapter 99.) What a Life
Chapter 100.) Setting the Tone

Chapter 55) Control

540 32 52
Od _jasthewriter

"How do you feel about junior and Kelly waiting to get married?" King asked Assyria as they walked the empty trail.

"I don't see any issue with it... I think he should have listened when you told him years ago to wait before he proposed... but I think Kai is so inspired by what you and mom have, he kind of wanted tha' same type of love. Nobody can have a love story like you two, that's without a doubt."

"I can see dat," he slid his hands into his pockets, "your mom said tha' same... but I think das' just something they'll have to work on. I think they're doing right by waiting 'cause marriage is no joke. I think some people got it in their heads dat they can jump in and out of marriage whenever, it does not work dat way at all."

"I think social media plays a huge influence..." she said, "but that's what society has come to," she shrugged, "I haven't even thought dat far about Es... is it even legal here?"

"Since 2014, I believe," he answered then smirked, "do you think Essence wants to get married?"

Assyria shrugged, "I'ma be honest, I'm not even sure. We really just talk about what's going on with us in tha' now... nothing much about like long-term. I told her kids are nowhere on my radar and she said tha' same but..."

"You think she's lying?" he queried.

"Yeah..." she sighed, "and I get why she would because of what I said and we're new at dis. I just reallyyyy want to focus on what's good about what we're doing now. Tha' serious stuff can come later."

King nodded, "I would say... as your dad but also someone on tha' outside looking in, if you two get to tha' two-year mark, check her temperature a lil bit and see if she still feels tha' same about not wanting a kid. Sometimes people get in so deep or get hooked on tha' love bubble dat it may alter their perspective a bit."

"Can I get an example?"

"Um..." he clicked his tongue then cleared his throat, "alright... so it's cliche but personally, I always felt like I had too much going on to settle down and have a family. I now realize dat I was just afraid of being responsible and vulnerable with someone dat just wanted to love me... um... I thought I'd be in tha' streets until I was an old man or something but God humbled me reallll quick when your mom came into my life and we had tha' twins. So I guess, I say dat to say, you just never know until your heart gets deeply involved."

"Yeah..." she mumbled leaning into him, "what if I feel like I fell too deep in love with her, and then she brings up a baby?"

"Are you a hundred percent sure dat is a bridge you are not willing to cross whatsoever?"

Assyria nodded.

"It'll be hard but you'll have to walk away because if she wants something dat you don't... there may be some resentment in tha' future. Relationships are about compromise and supporting each other. You also learn things... and sometimes when a person has dis fantasy in their mind about their lives and something or someone isn't on tha' same chord, dat will cause problems," he explained.

"Can I ask you something?"


"What's your take on... um... porn?" she awkwardly smiled.

"Um..." King coughed then scratched his brow, "um... like do I watch it?"

"Yeah... have you? Or like do you think it's... y'know... strange?"

King was bemused. He had no idea that a topic like this would ever get brought up.

"I just wanted to know... mom said she may or may not have glimpsed at a few back then for... research purposes as she called it," she snickered.

"Let me just say... I won't knock anyone dat watches it. Sometimes people need a lil help but there are also other options to help with urges like dat, like books. I think some people may watch it for a specific reason but then it turns into an addiction and when dat happens, dat becomes a problem. It can mess with your head and sometimes we just have sick people dat just watches it and they turn into creeps."

"I had a problem... but I think it's better now. I know I should probably be talking to mom about dis but um... I learned things... maybe I should look into buying books tho, it's probably better than watching people do it."

King chuckled, "I'm sure your mom can name a good four off tha' dome if you ask her."

Assyria smirked, "I'll figure out when to do dat... I've been trying not to engage in sex with Es like dat... I think I'm just scared, to be honest."

"Why is dat?"

"You remember when I told you about how I felt like she was more focused on us sleeping together than really getting to know each other?"

King nodded.

"It was partially true in tha' beginning but tha' more we... cut dat out and I focused on myself and you know healing and stuff, tha' thought of us... y'know, it makes me nervous because I feel like if we start it may open up tha' door for me to become addicted and I worked hard to pull myself out of dat specific area."

"If you feel dat way and it's okay for you to feel dat. Overcoming any type of addiction takes a lot of work and sometimes trying to weed yourself into it might send a signal to your brain telling you dat you need more. Like me and alcohol..." he cleared his throat, "being sober is good but having a celebratory drink here and there is also good, but since I succumbed myself to tha' like of alcohol and tried to hide for a while, I became an alcoholic. I could sip some wine or a lil drink with a lil alcohol in it and think I'm good but then I may hear a lil voice dat tells me to have another. You can feed it or fight it and for you with sex, I think you just have to let go of fear and just welcome it when it comes. But if you feel like a problem will arise, pull back."

"Is it hard for you when everyone else drinks around you? I know like if I'm watching something and a sex scene pops up, I start having thoughts," she admitted.

"Yeah..." he nodded, "but I'm in a great head space to know dat people aren't just drinking in front of me on purpose. When we have get-togethers, I'm always prepared for alcohol to be around and your mom has done a lot to keep it away but after I completed my sobriety, I was just like fuck it. Like everyone is grown they can't stop what they're doing just because I abuse something. It's just a lesson I learned."

"Do you miss drinking?" she decided to ask.

"I think I value my life more than a drink," he chuckled.

"Let me find out you're afraid of mom," she snickered.

"I mean... yes and no," he laughed, "but nah for real, when I realized dat I put alcohol over her... over our kids, I knew I was messed up. So do I miss it? Sometimes but am I happier without depending on it? One-thousand percent."

Assyria chuckled, "I know people always say how a person doesn't get to choose who they're related to or who their parents are, but if I ever had tha' option, I would always choose you as my dad. I hope you know how awesome you are."

Wrapping his arms around her, King tapped her nose, "I love you and I'm proud of you."

"thank you," she smiled, "for everything."



"You can sit there until you're blue in the face, if you don't have the evidence, you already lost this case," Dajon stated to one of his attorney rivals.

"Evidence doesn't just magically disappear, you and I both know this Davidson. Your client paid someone off."

Chuckling, Dajon casually twisted the chair, "allegations and accusations will get you nowhere. My client is a sixteen-year-old girl who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Where is she gonna get the funds to pay somebody off? Ask your so-called witness what happened to the footage."

"There was a robbery, twenty seconds later, a shooting, and she was the only person on the scene near the victim. Are you serious?"

"Aubrey..." Dajon slightly tilted his head back, "if that is all, allow me to save you the trouble and embarrassment. Picture it... it's a weekday, kids are in school, parents are at work, there's a local gas station on your way from class, and there's only one car there. You figure why not stop inside to grab some snacks? So you go in, head straight towards the back 'cause you know that's where all the good stuff is at, next thing you know, somebody's shooting from God knows where, so you duck. You think the close is clear after you hear tires screeching so you go running but trip right over a body. Imagine getting someone else's blood on your hands and before you can even think to run or scream the police barge inside with their guns drawn as if the shooter isn't already in the wind. Now..." he leaned forward, "when have you known a person to commit a crime and stay on scene unless they were mentally disturbed? Tell me."

Aubrey eyed Dajon for a while then gathered his things, "as I said, your client is guilty until proven otherwise."

"Guilty for trying to buy snacks? Riiiight," Dajon chuckled, "when you get the video, let me know."

"There is always an accomplice and lookout," standing, Aubrey headed out of Dajon's office.

"Why the hell is everybody so angry today?" He queried just as his door opened. Ready to cuss the person out for not knocking, he calmed down and smiled once Laiya appeared. "What you doing here?"

"No class today," she smiled, making her way over to embrace him. "I just walked past a very irritated man, was that a client or..."

"Someone I went to law school with... asshole," Dajon chuckled, "but wassup?" He pulled the chair out for her. "You liking the lil cosmetology stuff?"

"Yes!" Her eyes lit up, "best thing I've ever done for myself."

"Is it a little challenging?" He handed her a bottle of Powerade before sitting down.

"Mm-hmm," she nodded, "but that's the good thing that I like. I love the hands-on experience but also the learning process. Who knew you needed textbooks for beauty school?" She chuckled.

"Obviously not a lot of people," he smirked, "I know you learn how to do hair and makeup professionally but is the main focus for that school just hair?"

"Hair, the science behind it, skills... learn how to take care of multiple textures—"

"I was gonna ask that," he chuckled, "cause I know most of the schools out here really focus on a caucasian target market."

"Yes and no, at the one I'm at, it's fifty-fifty. But our instructor is a black woman so when it's time to talk about us and many textures, she really goes into details for everyone."

Dajon nodded, "sounds like you picked a winner, you need anything tho? Supplies? Extra money?"

"No," she smiled, "but thank you. Dad gave me an allowance."

"I'm scared of him," he chuckled. "Speaking of pops... you talk to your mom or sister?"

Laiya shrugged, "Eve is Eve... we text like literally once a week. My mom... she's still mad I didn't go into the medical field but she sent me a gift basket yesterday."

"Ok," he said. "Lil Lay..." he smiled at her, "not so lil anymore, huh?"

"Oh Lord," she playfully rolled her eyes, "I already had this talk with our sister, then Kingston, and now you... Dajon I love you, but you older people are not getting any more tears out of me," she stood.

Dajon busted out laughing, "what is up with this new generation? Y'all think y'all too good to shed some tears?"

"There is nothing wrong with my generation," she grinned, "you and the rest just have a habit of talking about getting old. Standing over here, you look pretty young to me."

"Sweet talk?" He smirked, "that still ain't getting you out the hot seat, pop a squat," he pointed to the empty chair.

Laiya frowned softly, "Dajon."

"Come on, I'm your brother," he smiled goofily, "don't we have things to catch up on?"

"Un-uh," she made her way towards the door, "I'll see you later when you aren't being... weird."

Before he could reply, she was out the door. Laughing to himself, Dajon picked up his cell phone and called Renae.

"Big-headed lil boy," she answered.

Dajon busted out laughing. Renae had a new insult for him literally every phone call. "Now my head big? Zuri where do you come up with this stuff?"

Renae snickered, "nobody knowssss, but wassup?"

Dajon shook his head, "guess who stopped by?"

"Um... dad?"



"Yup," he chuckled.

"Oh snap, did you bring it up?"

"She bout ran out this damn door," he said and they shared a laugh.

"Lay a lil hot tamale now, mind our business is what that meant," Renae laughed harder.

"I just wanted to see if she'd bring it up, 'cause who the heck is dude all over her Instagram?" He frowned.

"Technically... she doesn't have to tell us she's dating... but I'd like to know. You do a lil facial recognition?"

Dajon grinned. He knew his sister understood his madness. "Thought about it... couldn't do it."

"Oh wow..." she paused, "look at you growing up, but now we gotta wait to see if he's crazy."

Amused, Dajon shrugged, "he doesn't seem like they'll be serious. She's out of high school, prolly been waiting for a cool minute to date... I think she's just testing the waters."

"Rule number one is to never put the partner online unless y'all days from getting married," Renae reminded.

"Zuri..." Dajon chuckled, "she's a young adult sweetheart, nobody lives life the way you and forehead did."

The tone of his voice had Renae hollering. "DA-Ma'FUCKIN-JON! Get off my phone!"

"Too far?" He laughed.

"Goodbye!" She hung up.

Amused, he sent her a text before standing. He had a small class to teach before his lunch and was now in the mood to do it.


"You know the routine tinka butt," Ava said to Zora after making sure her sneakers were laced. She intended to take the day off but since Lucky felt the need to head out with Kairo, she figured there was no use in staying home to do sketches when she could go to work. Plus Valentine's Day was tomorrow and she currently had a three-day sweetheart sale going on.

"I play?" Zora grinned, rocking side to side.

"Yes you can, be careful okay? Don't go wandering," Ava reminded.

Nodding, Zora ran toward the back with Angel right behind into the playroom that Ava recently had added.

"Boss lady, boss ladyyy,"

Pausing in front of her office, Ava glanced behind her and smiled at her favorite cashier, "Hey Trixy."

"Hey love, it's a madhouse today, I heard you brought the little one."

Ava smirked, "I did, she's in her usual place. I came to finish some designs but you look like you came to ask for help."

Trixy laughed, "that obvious?"

Chuckling, Ava nodded, "what's up?"

"Well, you know your sister is off today and so is Brea... Giana's training Dylan... so um... I'm kind of swamped taking care of this rush solo."

Ava's mind wandered for a moment. She could have sworn she had more employees than the usual six. "Um... ok, when's tha' last time we checked for new applicants?"

Trixy snickered, "Dylan was the only one that we came across because Assyria mentioned it... you think we need more help?"

Ava shrugged, "Not really but there should be a lil breathing room for everyone to have when certain staff is enjoying their off days."

"If you want me to be honest, we do pretty well with the crew we have but you know Valentine's Day always brings out the hive... ever thought about doing like a seasonal phase?"

"Like hiring temps for a month then let 'em go on their way?" Ava frowned softly, "I'll see."

"Girl... I love you but I'ma need you to put a capacity limit on these sales," a very relieved and exhausted Trixy said to Ava after ringing up their last customer.

"Now if I do dat, would any of you be able to get bonuses every couple of months?" Ava smirked at her.

"You got me there."

Chuckling, Ava shook her head, "since it's slow now, you can dip out for a break if you want."

"She needs it, 'cause her behind acting like they ain't warn her in college about this," Giana interjected. She had a playful love-hate relationship with Trixy. All of the employees had some sort of background in fashion but Giana couldn't understand why Trixy always seemed to get overwhelmed whenever they got a small rush, given her experience.

"Whatever, Ava I'll gladly take my break," waving Giana off, Trixy placed her badge under her register and headed toward the back.

Smirking, Ava leaned against the counter and grabbed her phone to check on Zora. Little mama came up front during the height of the rush, saw there were too many people, and took off. It took everything for Ava not to bust out laughing but the more Zora grew, the more Ava noticed that she was adapting to Lucky's personality.

"Are we closing early tomorrow or nah?" Giana queried as she wiped down the area.

"Do you have plans miss thang?"


"Hmm..." Ava pondered as she watched Zora attempt to put a bow on Angel, "Valentine's Day... people will probably start their dates later... we can close at four just make sure tha' sign is up."

"Sho' you right," she coolly replied before making her rounds through the store.

"Um... Ava, right?"

Glancing up to put a face to the timid voice, Ava smiled at the young girl, "Hiii, you must be tha' famous Dylan I keep hearing about?"

"Hope it's actually good," she smiled nervously as she tucked her hands into her pockets, "I know every time you come in here, you're always busy, so I try to stay away but Gi said I had no choice but to introduce myself."

"I bet she did," Ava chuckled, "don't think too hard on dis, I asked everyone but what made you choose Mirror Mine?"

Dylan twisted her mouth.

"I said not to think too hard," Ava laughed.

Dylan chuckled, "I don't know how to answer that... I like fashion... grew up around it and stayed with magazines around me."

"What brought you here tho?" Ava reiterated.

"A friend of your sister's told me about it... I'm originally from Charlottesville, so coming here was a big difference."

Ava nodded, "tha' friend you met... would it happen to be Zaire?"

Dylan smiled softly, "you guys really are his extended family? I thought dude was lying to me."

Ava laughed, she could picture Zaire adding some tales to the story. "He is, how'd you two meet tho? He's working now."

"Late last year, I was in my last round of classes and I believe he was. He commented on some sneakers I made and well, I met your sister, put in an application like asked, and... hello."

Smiling, Ava nodded impressed, "Well, I'm glad you chose my tiny store out of all tha' bigger ones. Do you need anything or are you settled?"

"Assyria already made me like four badges, said the staff loses one every few months. Um, she also did my background check and set up my bank account... I think... oh yeah, uniforms? Do we have like a required dress code?"

"Nope," Ava shrugged, "long as it's not a bikini or anything crazy, you're fine."

"Ok..." she gazed elsewhere before heading back to her station.

"I'm going to the bagel shop," Trixy said on her way toward the door.

"Bring me a smoothie back and I'll pay you back in cash," Giana said.

"Ummmm, maybe," chuckling, Trixy strolled out.

"I do not like that lady."

"Hey," Ava cut her eyes at her.

"Just saying... gotta keep an eye on these bubbly ones if you know what I mean."

Tilting her head, Ava folded her arms, "How about you finish showing Dylan tha' ropes while I go tend to my child?"

"My bad," Giana chuckled, "go head boss lady."

Taking a deep breath, Ava slid her phone into her pocket and headed toward the back. She wasn't offended by Giana's comment because after the whole Freya/Penelope ordeal, Ava became extremely cautious when it came to not letting any and everybody work at the boutique. But she also needed Giana to realize that just because Freya pulled one over on them did not mean that the people after would be like her.


To ease your mind, the "chaos" that I mentioned will not be anything like any of our faves dying or getting shot. We are peeking into the younger/next generation's lives and will be seeing if they can handle all things thrown their way as the OGs could/does. So I ask again... are y'all READY? 😭

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