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By gxrleenk

2.5M 89.8K 6.8K

Two People Put Together In A Arranged Marriage One Hates The Other, While The Other Only Wants Some Love Let... More



24.3K 900 32
By gxrleenk

•Maya's POV•

Penthouse: Library

"There you are! I've been trying to find you everywhere and over here you have your head stuck in a book." I looked up and saw Adi walking towards me. I was confused so I put my book down and stood up. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at work? It's only 3 p.m." "Do you not like your husband coming to see you?" he said in a fake hurt tone. "Adi tell me!" I groaned. "I had some time to spare so I thought to spend it with you." "Finally you remember you have a wife. All day you're busy with work and never have any time to spend with your wife." I dramatically said. "Oh god! Not you now! Weren't Sidharth and mom not enough that you're also like them. You've spent way to much time with Sidharth and mom." "At least they aren't like you and give their life partners their time. And you on the other hand think about work all day long. You know you should've just married your work instead!"

"So my wife wants my time?" I nodded and he said "If my wife wants my time, I'll give her my time." he said, putting his has around my waist. "No! I don't want your time now." I said, pushing his hands off of me. "Why do you get mad so easily!? I swear every women does." he groaned. "Because I'm a wife!" I said with a grin. "Don't get mad at your poor husband! You know I'm working for our future and our kids future. And I've earned so much that not only them but there kids kids won't even have to work and can have a life full of luxuries. But I do give you all of my spare time. I've just had a lot of workload over me since the past one week for a special project." "I understand. I know you try your best. But if you don't spend time with me how will our kids be born, let alone their kids kids. The money is a waste then." Then it hit me what I had just said.

I looked over and saw Adi smirking. You're so stupid Maya! "If that's what you're worried about then I have a lot of free time today. I can make love to you until I impregnate you." I gasped at what he shamelessly said and hit his chest flabbergasted. "Don't hit me wifey. If you hit your own husband, how will he make love to you?" "Your so shameless Adi!" I said, turning red. "I can show you how much more shameless I am!" he said smirking.

He pinned me to the bookshelf with a huge smirk. He leaned towards me, about to kiss me when his phone rang. I started laughing and he said "Why god! Every time I'm being romantic with my wife someone always comes in the way!" "Pick up the phone hubby." I said, wrapping my arms around his neck. He gave me a pissed of look and picked up the phone. I played with the buttons of his shirt while he was on the call. The other person on the line was talking and I could see Adi's face turning strict. "Ok, we're coming."

He cut the call and I looked up at him confused. I slid my hands off of him and asked "Coming?" "Maya come. We need to go." I followed him outside and asked "Where?" "Malhotra Mansion." he said and sat inside the car. I quickly sat inside the car, thinking it's serious. "What happened?" I asked. He didn't say anything and just drove. Why do I feel like something bad happened?

• • • • •

Malhotra Mansion: Living Room

We had reached Malhotra Mansion in a hurry and we're now going inside. I just hope nothing happened to mumma and papa. We stepped inside the house and Adi held my hand, going towards the living room. He had a very cold look on his face.

When we entered the living room we saw many different people. I could see mumma and papa's faces. I even saw Sidharth bhai. Then there were three backs facing us. "They're here." papa said. Those three people turned towards us, shocking me to the core. I didn't expect them to be here. It was mother and father plus Rohan. Mother and father were looking at me as if they were going to kill me while Rohan was looking at me with pity.

All of them walked towards me with big steps. I tightly grabbed Adi's arm and hide behind his back, peaking from the side. Adi held my arm and made me stand by his side. "You! How dare you!?" father yelled pointing his finger at me. I tightly held Adi's arm, shaking hearing father's voice full of wrath. "I didn't know you could stoop so low after getting married to a rich man." What is he talking about? "You backstabbed your own parents after seeing some money and luxuries." mother this time yelled. "Did you forget we were the ones who had raised and fed you!?" They are saying as if they treated me with love and raised me with affection. Did they forget that they used to make me starve for simple mistakes and never really cared about raising me!

"Don't you know we were the ones who had gotten you married to this Malhotra. We were the ones who had given you this luxurious life you are living!" I was trembling very badly hearing their booming voice. "You back stabbed your own parents! We told you not to tell anyone but you still did! And not only that you even made this Malhotra fall in your trap and made him ruin us!" Why am I being blamed for something that I don't even know of. "What..are you talking..about?" I managed to say. "Don't try to act stupid! You know what you did! You told this Malhotra about your past and told him to drown our business! Because of you no one in the market wants to work with us! Because of you we lost all of our stocks! Because of you we lost our business!" father yelled. Lost their business? I don't even know anything about this and they are blaming me.

Father raised his hand to slap me and I tightly closed my eyes, waiting for the pain on my cheek. But then a few seconds passed and I still didn't feel anything. So I slowly opened my eyes and saw father's hand stopped in the air by another hand. I looked over and saw Adi holding father's hand and not allowing it to hit me. Adi was holding it strongly and threw it back. "Don't you dare touch my wife or else I'll forget about your age and do something which you'll regret!" Adi yelled gritting his teeth.

"You shouldn't even be supporting her! You should've divorced her the day you married her. You don't know how big of a bad omen she is." mother spit with venom. "She isn't the bad omen, you are! And you have no right to yell at her for something she didn't do! She didn't tell me anything about you guys. I had set up an agent and found out myself. And only then she told me. She never told me to harm you guys or your business. She still doesn't hate you after whatever you did! I was the one who spread rumors about you in the market which made you lose your stocks. And I did all that for justice for my wife!"

Everyone was looking at Adi, shocked. But the most shocked was me. I didn't know Adi was even doing anything after I had told him about my past. I thought we had left that topic and moved on. A week had past and no one talked about it until today. He loves me so much that he did this for me! For my justice!

"I know mom and dad that you must be wondering what they all did. Let me tell you what crime they have done." I looked up at Adi and shook sideways lightly my head but he nodded. "They used to abuse Maya and make her work like a slave at home!" Both mumma and papa gasped. "Not only that, they would make her starve for some little mistakes! They never treated her like their daughter but they treated her like a free slave!" I looked up at mother and father and saw them staring at me with hate.

"I would've made you fully broke and brought you to the streets but I didn't. And that's because of Maya. I know she couldn't have seen you on the roads and would've felt pity and even guilty for something that isn't her fault. That's how she is. Innocent and pure. But you used this innocence! The only thing I'm thankful for from you guys is marrying Maya off to me. I have never seen someone so disgusting as you guys! You guys are still standing here with you heads up high. If it was someone else they would've died of shame! How could you even do something like that to your own daughter!?" Adi yelled.

"She isn't our daughter." mother said. I felt like the ground beneath me slip. "What...?" I whispered. "You aren't our daughter!" mother said in a louder tone. I started shaking badly and was about to fall when Adi grabbed me and held me. "Who are you then....?" "We are your chacha and chachi." "Your dad was my brother and your mom was my sister-in-law." father or should I say Mr. Singhania said. I started tearing up, hearing them. "Where are my real parents?" "Maya let's go to our room." Adi said, trying to take me to the room. "No..I want to know where my parents are and why they left me." He understood and didn't compel me. "Where are my parents!? Please tell me." I pleaded.

"Your dad had everything. He was the owner and creator of Singhania Corporations. He had wealth, fame, and a happy family. He loved you and your mom a lot." My eyes started doing their water works hearing him. My dad! He actually loved me. "When you were around 3-4 years old you and your parents were coming back from Kashmir in your guys car. Your mom was 5 months pregnant at that time. The snow of Kashmir was terrible which made all the roads slippery. It was night time so your dad couldn't see the roads clearly due to the snow. There was another car coming your guys way which was slipping. It crashed into your guys car, killing your mother and father and your unborn sibling. But you survived as you were sitting in the back seat." I tightly held Adi, not letting myself fall.

"Then being the closest relatives of your dad, we got your custody. It wasn't like we wanted you but your dad had everything under your name, including Singhania Corporations. And you were only 3-4 years old so you couldn't handle anything. As your legal guardians we got everything under your name, including you until you turned 18. When you turned 18 you would've got everything back as you were an adult. But we didn't let you know and unknowingly got your signatures, transferring everything under our name. You weren't anything for us after it. So we looked for a guy to marry you off with, that would also benefit us. And after 5 years of searching we found Aditya Malhotra." father narrated with a proud smirk.

I had lived under a lie my whole life! I don't even know anything about my real parents or have any memories with them that I remember of. It doesn't hurt me that these people have my property and wealth which should be mine. It hurts me that they did all that just for it! They could've asked for it and I would've given it to them without any questions. But they abused me!

"You bloody bastards! How the fuck could you do something like that!?" bhai yelled. "Sidharth forget it. Someone like them can't ever understand their mistakes or feel guilty for them." "You were given her custody. Which meant you should've cared for her as your own daughter but you dirty-minded people thought of your benefit! Not about this poor girl." mumma said. "Police are on their way. Now they'll fully understand what mistake they have made." bhai said. I quickly looked up at Adi and said "Police..?"

Even after all they did to me I can't let them go to jail. I'll die of guilt for something I didn't do. "Don't worry. I'm not sending them to jail, where they actually should be. I know you wouldn't want that. Police just needs to take care of some stuff." Just as he said that the police entered the house. "Good afternoon Mr. Malhotra." Adi nodded at them and looked over at mumma. "Mom, take Maya upstairs." Mumma nodded and held me, taking me upstairs.

I looked back and saw Mr and Mrs. Singhania looking at me with venom. I could see how bad Rohan felt. He found out his parents truth.

• • • • •

Malhotra Mansion: Bedroom

My head was on mumma's lap while she patted my head, trying to make me fall asleep. She didn't ask me any questions or say anything which I was thankful for. I wasn't in no mood to say anything. I was just waiting for Adi to come. It's been longer then an hour and he's still with the police. Because of Adi I have found out the truth. Or else I would've been thinking they are my parents. I was just thinking about what my life would've been with my parents. Mr. Singhania had said my parents loved me a lot. I would've had a happy life with normal parents that actually loved me. I don't know if Adi would've came to my life but I still would've had my parents. Instead of my parents I now have a loving husband.

The door opened, walking in Adi who was holding papers. I got up from mumma's lap and she stood up. "I think you guys need some privacy." "Thank you mumma." Adi said. Mumma left and Adi closed the door. I quickly stood up and took quick steps towards him. He placed the papers on the table while I stared at him. "Maya-" I got on my tippy-toes and put my lips on Adi's, kissing him. It felt right. I held his shoulders and soon his hands reached my waist. I kissed him with my everything. This was the first time I had initiated a kiss. I had dominancy for the first few minutes until Adi took over. We broke the kiss, catching a breath. "Thank you." I said. I held his hands and said "Thank you for everything Adi! You gave me the life I always wanted. A life full of love and respect. You filled my life up with happiness and brightened it up. Thank you!"

"Maya this was my duty. And you shouldn't be saying thank you when I should be. Thank you for coming into my life. You showed me what life is. You gave me a reason to live. I didn't know I had a heart until you came into my life." I started sobbing seeing his love for me. He wiped away my tears and said "Maya there's no room for tears in our life anymore. I don't want you to nor will let you ever cry anymore. There will be only love and happiness in our life." I hugged him and he hugged me back.

We broke the hug and he made me sit on the bed. He bent down on his knees and took something out of his pockets. He grabbed my hands and put a paper like thing in my hand. "Flip it Maya." I did as he said and revealed a picture of a family. There was a couple and little girl sitting on the man's lap. It felt like I knew them. "Are they...my parents?" I said, looking up at Adi. He nodded and said "Viren and Mitali Singhania."

I broke down into another set of tears. "Hey hey, Maya! I told you that no more crying." I wiped away my tears and said "That's me..?" He once again nodded and I controlled myself from crying. "We look so happy." "Adi..what if they were still alive. They would have loved me so much. The would've celebrated my birthdays with excitement. My mom would've fed me with her own hands and would make me fall asleep by patting my head until I slept. My dad would've drop me off at school and would hug me when he'd come home from work. They would've celebrated my marriage with so much happiness. They would've picked out a man like you to marry me off with." I said. "A man like me? Maya, I'm the only man you'll ever marry." he said with a grin. "They would've loved you Adi."

He took the picture out of my hand and placed it next to me, holding my hands. "Maya you know I told you I was working on a special project?" I nodded and he continued. "That was this project. I had known about this when I told you that I had an agent find out about your past. He told me and I knew if you found out by me you would've thought it's fake. So I did something that made them spill it out of their own mouths. I had spread rumors in the stock market which actually ended up to be true. That's why the police were here. Now the police know everything. I told them to sign everything back under your name or go to jail. And they picked.." He got up, picking up those papers off the table. "They decided to give you back all your property and your company. All you need to do is sign these papers." I looked up at him and back at the papers. "But..." "Maya these are your parents blessings. They had left all this for you."

"The company Adi...it's dead." "It's not. I'll help make it reach where it belongs. This Singhania had already drowned the company. I'll bring it back to where your dad had left it." I knew he would. So I took the pen out of his hand and signed the papers. "And sign this." "What's this for?" I asked. "To give you 75% of my shares." My eyes widened hearing him. "You can't be serious Adi! I'm not going to sign these. I don't love you for your money, I love you for you." "I know Maya. I love you and that's the reason I want you to have half of my shares. Please sign it Maya. Everything that's mine is yours." "I know it is. There is no need to make it official though."

"Maya sign it for me. Please. This is another way to strengthen our bond. If you can give me your everything, this is the least I can do." I wasn't sure but he gave me an assuring look. I then finally signed the papers and he said "Aren't you going to read them?" "I trust you more then my life Adi. And you know that." "I can't believe you did all this for me Adi." "It wasn't only me. Sidharth helped me throughout everything. He was determined to do it for his sister." "Sidharth bhai's life is sort of like mine. But he had a family while I just got one." I said tearing up.

"Don't cry now! I don't want to see this emotional wife, show me that not so innocent wife again." He started laughing and I wiped away my tears, hitting his chest. I also started laughing and hugged him. "I love you." "I love you too." As long as I have Adi with me we, can even fight the world together.


•Aditya's POV•

Penthouse: Library

"There you are! I've been trying to find you everywhere and over here you have your head stuck in a book." I said, finally finding Maya in the library. I walked over to her and she said "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at work? It's only 3 p.m." "Do you not like your husband coming to see you?" "Adi tell me!" she groaned. "I had some time to spare so I thought to spend it with you." "Finally you remember you have a wife. All day you're busy with work and never have any time to spend with your wife." she said dramatically. "Oh god! Not you now! Weren't Sidharth and mom not enough that you're also like them. You've spent way to much time with Sidharth and mom." "At least they aren't like you and give their life partners their time. And you on the other hand think about work all day long. You know you should've just married your work instead!"

"So my wife wants my time?" She nodded and I said "If my wife wants my time, I'll give her my time." I put my arms around her waist and pulled her closer. "No! I don't want your time now." she said and pushed me away. "Why do you get mad so easily!? I swear every women does." "Because I'm a wife!" she said grinning. "Don't get mad at your poor husband! You know I'm working for our future and our kids future. And I've earned so much that not only them but there kids kids won't even have to work and can have a life full of luxuries. But I do give you all of my spare time. I've just had a lot of workload over me since the past one week for a special project." Soon you'll find out about the special project Maya. Soon. "I understand. I know you try your best. But if you don't spend time with me how will our kids be born, let alone their kids kids. The money is a waste then."

I smirked, realizing what she was talking about. "If that's what you're worried about then I have a lot of free time today. I can make love to you until I impregnate you." She gasped and hit my chest, turning crimson red. "Don't hit me wifey. If you hit your own husband how will he make love to you." "Your so shameless Adi!" "I can show you how much more shameless I am!" I said smirking. I pinned her to the bookshelf and leaned in to kiss her luscious lips when my phone rang. She started laughing making me groan. "Why god! Every time I'm being romantic with my wife someone always comes in the way!" "Pick up the phone hubby." she said and wrapped her arms around my neck. I gave an annoyed look and picked up the phone. "Adi, come here quick with Maya. Maya's parents are here and want to meet her. They look very angry." I knew why they were there so I said "Ok, we're coming."

I cut the call and Maya looked at me confused. I know she was confused on what I was talking about. "Coming?" "Maya come. We need to go." "Where?" she asked, following me outside. "Malhotra Mansion." I said, sitting in the car. "What happened?" I didn't say nothing, knowing I didn't want her to be hurt already.

• • • • •

Malhotra Mansion: Living Room

I held Maya's hand, entering Malhotra Mansion. I went towards the living room, knowing they were their. I wanted to see them and see their faces after getting ruined.

"They're here." papa said when we entered the living room. I looked over and saw Maya's wide eyes. I was feeling so bad for her. She was scared of her own parents well guardians. They walked towards us and Maya held my arm, hiding behind me. I knew she was scared but I didn't want her to be scared of such type people. So I held her arm and made her stand by my side. "You! How dare you!?" Mr. Singhania yelled, pointing his finger at Maya. I wanted to chop off his finger. Maya's hold on me tightened and she started shaking, making me even more angry at them. "I didn't know you could stoop so low after getting married to a rich man." I know Maya's confused. "You backstabbed your own parents after seeing some money and luxuries." "Did you forget we were the ones who had raised and fed you!?" They are so disgusting!

"Don't you know we were the ones who had gotten you married to this Malhotra. We were the ones who had given you this luxurious life you are living!" They are calling Maya a gold-digger in other words. I know she wasn't. Even I had made this mistake before but I had a reason. It wasn't a great reason but I did. These people don't. "You back stabbed your own parents! We told you not to tell anyone but you still did! And not only that, you even made this Malhotra fall in your trap and made him ruin us!" "What..are you talking..about?" Maya lowly said. "Don't try to act stupid! You know what you did! You told this Malhotra about your past and told him to drown our business! Because of you no one in the market wants to work with us! Because of you we lost all of our stocks! Because of you we lost our business!"

I was going to tell them that I did it because I couldn't see Maya getting blamed, when I saw Mr. Singhania raising his hand to slap Maya. Before he could I held his hand in mid-air with anger. I threw his hand back and yelled "Don't you dare touch my wife or else I'll forget about your age and do something which you'll regret!" "You shouldn't even be supporting her! You should've divorced her the day you married her. You don't know how big of a bad omen she is." "She isn't the bad omen, you are! And you have no right to yell at her for something she didn't do! She didn't tell me anything about you guys. I had set up an agent and found out myself. And only then she told me. She never told me to harm you guys or your business. She still doesn't hate you after whatever you did! I was the one who spread rumors about you in the market which made you lose your stocks. And I did all that for justice for my wife!" This was the special project I had been working on since the past one week, with Sidharth. He was also supporting me after I had told him the truth. I wouldn't have let them go so easily.

I know mom dad were confused so I explained "I know mom and dad that you must be wondering what they all did. Let me tell you what crime they have done." I looked over at Maya and saw her shaking her head but I knew they need to know. "They used to abuse Maya and make her work like a slave at home!" "Not only that, they would make her starve for some little mistakes! They never treated her like their daughter but they treated her like a free slave!" When I saw how they were glaring at Maya I said "I would've made you fully broke and come to the streets but I didn't. And that's because of Maya. I know she couldn't have seen you on the roads and would've felt pity and even guilty for something that isn't her fault. That's how she is. Innocent and pure. But you used this innocence! The only thing I'm thankful for from you guys is marrying Maya off to me. I have never seen someone so disgusting as you guys! You guys are still standing here with you heads up high. If it was someone else they would've died of shame! How could you even do something like that to your own daughter!?"

"She isn't our daughter." I knew this but I knew Maya didn't. I looked over and saw shock written all over her face. "What...?" Maya whispered. "You aren't our daughter!" Maya was shaking so bad that she almost fell but I grabbed her and tightly held her. "Who are you then....?" "We are your chacha and chachi." "Your dad was my brother and your mom was my sister-in-law." "Where are my really parents?" "Maya let's go to our room." I said after seeing Maya's condition. I wasn't sure if she is ready to hear this yet. "No..I want to know where my parents are and why they left me." I knew she did so I didn't push her. "Where are my parents!? Please tell me." she pleaded.

Then they told Maya everything the agent had told me. Maya had tears strolling down her face, falling weak. "You bloody bastards! How the fuck could you do something like that!?" Sid yelled when they finished. "Sidharth forget it. Someone like them can't ever understand their mistakes or feel guilty for them." "You were given her custody. Which meant you should've cared for her as your own daughter but you dirty-minded people thought of your benefit! Not about this poor girl." mom said. "Police are on their way. Now they'll fully understand what mistake they have made." Sidharth said. "Police..?" Maya said looking at me. She's still caring about them! "Don't worry. I'm not sending them to jail, where they actually should be. I know you wouldn't want that. Police just needs to take care of some stuff." "Good afternoon Mr. Malhotra." The police said coming. I nodded and looked at mom. "Mom take Maya upstairs." Mom did so and took Maya upstairs.

• • • • •

Malhotra Mansion: Bedroom

I had completed the last part of this plan which was taking everything back which was Maya's from the Singhanias to give back to Maya. They had now left and I went to our room, to see Maya. I opened the door and saw Maya head resting on mom's lap. She got up and mom stood up saying. "I think you guys need some privacy." I know she knows I want to talk to Maya. "Thank you mumma." I closed the door after mom left. Maya walked over to me while I placed the documents on the table. "Maya-" She did something which I never imagined. She kissed me and this was the first time she initiated the kiss. I was shocked at first but then I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her back. She had dominancy but soon I took it over. We broke the kiss and Maya said "Thank you." She held my hands and said "Thank you for everything Adi! You gave me the life I always wanted. A life full of love and respect. You filled my life up with happiness and brightened it up. Thank you!" She shouldn't be saying thank you.

"Maya this was my duty. And you shouldn't be saying thank you when I should be. Thank you for coming into my life. You showed me what life is. You gave me a reason to live. I didn't know I had a heart until you came into my life." She started crying which I couldn't see. I hate seeing tears in her eyes. I wiped them away and said "Maya there's no room for tears in our life anymore. I don't want you to nor will let you ever cry anymore. There will be only love and happiness in our life." She hugged me and I hugged her back.

I broke the hug and made her sit on the bed, to give her something special. I took out a picture from my pocket and placed it in Maya's hands. "Flip it Maya." She did and looked at it. It was a picture of her with her parents. The agent had found this after lots of research. "Are they...my parents?" She said, looking at me. I nodded and said their names. "Viren and Mitali Singhania." She started crying again and I said "Hey hey, Maya! I told you that no more crying." She wiped her tears and said "That's me..?" I nodded and she said "We look so happy." "Adi..what if they were still alive. They would've loved me so much. The would've celebrated my birthdays with excitement. My mom would've fed me with her own hands and would make me fall asleep by patting my head until I slept. My dad he would've droppped me off at school and would hug me when he'd come home from work. They would have celebrated my marriage with so much happiness. They would've picked out a man like you to marry me off with." "A man like me? Maya I'm the only man you'll ever marry." I said grinning. "They would've loved you Adi."

Now I needed to show her the documents. I took the picture out of her hand, placing it next to her. "Maya you know I told you I was working on a special project?" She nodded and I continued with "That was this project. I had known about this when I told you that I had an agent find out about your past. He told me and I knew if you found out by me you would've thought it's fake. So I did something that made them spill it out of their own mouths. I had spread rumors in the stock market which actually ended up to be true. That's why the police were here. Now the police know everything. I told them to sign everything back under your name or go to jail. And they picked.." I got up and picked the documents off the table. "They decided to give you back all your property and your company. All you need to do is sign these papers." I said, forwarding the documents. "But..." "Maya these are your parents blessings. They had left all this for you."

"The company Adi...it's dead." "It's not. I'll help make it reach where it belongs. This Singhania had already drowned the company. I'll bring it back to where your dad had left it." She signed the documents and then I said "And sign this." "What's this for?" "To give you 75% of my shares." Her eyes widened as I expected. "You can't be serious Adi! I'm not going to sign these. I don't love you for your money, I love you for you." And that's why I love bout her. But I want her too sign these. "I know Maya. I love you and that's the reason I want you to have these shares. Please sign it Maya. Everything that's mine is yours." "I know it is. There is no need to make it official though." "Maya sign it for me. Please. This is another way to strengthen our bond. If you can give me your everything, this is the least I can do."

If she can do so much for me this is nothing from my side. She signed the papers without reading them so I said "Aren't you going to read them?" "I trust you more then my life Adi. And you know that." I don't want to ever break this trust she has for me. "I can't believe you did all this for me Adi." "It wasn't only me. Sidharth helped me throughout everything. He was determined to do it for his sister." "Sidharth bhai's life is sort of like mine. But he had a family while I just got one." she said tearing up.

"Don't cry now! I don't want to see this emotional wife, show me that not so innocent wife again." I said laughing. She wiped her tears away and hit my chest. She also laughed and then hugged me. "I love you." "I love you too." I'll protect her with all my might even if it harms me.


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- Gurleen

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"You are mine!" He roars. "I will do whatever it takes to make you know that. Whether it means I lock you up in a prison and throw away the key." Foo...