Initation 1D

By CoCo941d

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I enjoy the silence. Its so loud in my life now... THIS STORY CONTAINS SEXUAL CONTENT, VOLIENCE , BLOOD AND S... More



160 10 9
By CoCo941d


Loud. people everywhere. Carnival games, rollercoasters. The smell of greasy food. Harry's hand on my back, Niall ignoring me. I've been kidnapped but I have seemed to move on from it. I'm currently waiting for some random people from the mafia to give a bunch of boys that don't care about me. I wonder where my mother is right now. She probably blames herself for all of this mess. She's all alone, i was her only meaning in life. Yet here I am falling for two mafia criminals. It's all too much for me. I wish that I could just skip to the part where it's all good again. 

Without me realising harry had taken me over to a cotton candy stand. He takes his arm from my back, I look around me to the mayhem, everyone here so engulfed in their own world to not even realise that a person who only stood a couple of feet away from them has been kidnapped. I don't blame them, I wouldn't double-take on myself if I was them. I start to get moved again by Harry's arm. I switch back into reality and see that he now has his earpiece in and is talking to the boys. In his hand, a bag of cotton candy swings around, confused about why he has it. 

"Why do you have cotton candy?" I point down to the bag in his hand. He hands it over to me.

"Its for you." He says simply before going back to talking to the boys. We walk around the craziness. My anxiety has been through the roof of nerves and the fact I'm in a crowded place. Harry suddenly stops talking and steps in front of me. I almost fall over his feet in how fast he did it. 

"You want to play some games?" he nods his head over to another stall. A man stands inside of it , surrounded by glass bottles with neon plastic rings around the base of it. Hoop toss, i love that game and I'm actually really good at it. I cock my head to the side and pout my lips while looking at the prizes. I spot a pretty golden looking bear at the top, I smile to myself because i know what i want. I nod at harry. 

"Im really bad at carnival games, but i will give it a go i guess," I say with my bottom lip pushed out. Im going to show harry whos boss bitch. I grab Harrys wrist and pull him in the direction of the booth, cotton candy in the other. 

I stop right in front of it and place my hand out, harry fishes a 10 dollar bill out of his pocket. Thinking it will take me more than one go. The man behind the counter greets us and i hand him the money with a smile. 

"Okay darling, You need to throw these hoops around this glass. You get three tries, 3 hoops equals top prize, 2 hoops equals middle and 1 equals hoop small prize." He explains to me before handing me the plastic hoops. I glance at harry who is stood over by the edge. He has a cigarette in his mouth i can tell he's just lit it. I could just watch him all day if I'm honest. But i hate him at the same time. God, what is my life. 

I look back over to the game and take the first hoop into my right hand, I curve my arm into my chest before throwing it perfectly around the glass, I look at harry. His eyes are looking everywhere but me. 

"Are you not going to watch me?" I stop for a second and question Harry. He chuckles and shakes his head. 

"No offence babe but id hate to see you fail. " he smirks at me before taking another drag of his cigarette, he sucks it in for a second before exhaling the toxic grey smoke into the air. I roll my eyes and go back to what i was doing. I take the second hoop into my hand and toss it effortlessly onto the same bottle. I become cocky and take the third one and look at harry as i throw it onto the bottle. 

"Wow Missy that was impressive!" The man applauds me, I smile and bow quickly. 

"Its my hidden talent." I laugh a little, I look over to Harry. his green eyes lock with mine . I shrug my shoulders like it was nothing before stepping back and looking at all the prizes.  I point at the same golden bear that i saw earlier. 

"That one." I smile. The man nods and comes out from the booth and takes it down for me. He hands it over and i wave at him before walking away with harry. I analyse all the small details of the teddy, I notice how its little brown eyes have little specks of gold in them to match its body. Its paws have little hearts on them and the nose is a light brown. 

"Well well look who won by chance." Harry chants to the side of me. My eyes admire his face with a beaming smile. I was so proud of myself. 

"Well if you must know Mr styles. Im very good at hoop toss. Not just by chance." I tell him while looking at the fur on the bear as if i am going to be tested on it. We walk side by side in silence for a minute. "What should we name it?" i look at harry. He turns his head and looks at it.

" No. Let's not make it all sappy now." he half-smiles at me as we walk over to a bench. 

"Oh why not. Its so cute." I hold it in front of him so he has to look at it. he turns away, like a little child. I huff and stare at it while trying to think of a name. We both sit in a slightly awkward silence as people walk past us laughing and joking. Until I hear Harry's phone ping. he pulls out and reads the message. I know exactly what this means.

"is it them?" I question as i grip the teddy a little tighter in anticipation. 

"Its them." He agrees before jumping off the table. I get down. He looks at me for a minute.

"You ready?" He questions, I nod , a black silk mask is placed in my hand. Its just like the one from the casino. I open it and tie it around my neck so I'm ready, harry grasps my hand and starts pulling me slightly toward the direction we had planned to meet the boys. My heart starts to beat faster as we walk through people. I can hear Harry muffling to the boys through the earpiece. I hold the bear close to me as i feel like i need to protect it, as if its life depends on me.

I come to the spot we arranged to meet the boys. They all stand in a small circle. Me and Harry stand next to them, Harrys hand still in my mine.

"Come on then or they are going to leave." Harry raises his voice a little so he gets their attention, they all look up at us. They all look like us with their black masks around their neck. Liam nods before pulling it up and onto his face, We all copy him and head towards the exit of the carnival. We all walk in a single file apart from harry who is walking next to me. I know he keeps looking at me to make sure I'm okay, I look at him.

"I'm okay," I reassure him as we walk, he nods and looks ahead. As the area becomes quieter and darker. The deeper we get into the dark the more i fear for my life. I grip Harrys hand a little tighter and the bear. He interlocks his fingers through mine to try and ease me. We make a quick left and i see two dark silhouettes stood side by side, my heart drops even lower. Harry takes his hand from mine.

"Stay here." He whispers in my ear before joining the rest of the boys. I can hear someone talking, a deep voice so its hard for me to be able to understand. I admire the bear in the very little lighting that i have. 

"Mya." I hear a womans voice whisper my name from behind me, It makes my heart drop to my stomach. How does someone know where i am. I peer around the corner of one of the old stalls and see nobody. Am i hearing voices?

"Mya." I hear the same voice again, I look up to my left. A small figure stands by another abandoned stall. I gasp and cup my hand over my mouth to stop myself from screaming. A girl that looks identical to Alyia stands only a few feet away from me. My heart skips a beat and i feel my knees become weak. I start to walk over to her quietly. But the closer i get to her, the further away she seems to get. Am i hallucinating? Am i dreaming? Why isn't she running towards me? I stop walking. But the figure still backs away from me, until she goes behind a booth and out of sight. I whisper shout so i don't ruin anything for the group.

"Alyia! What the hell is going on. Please help me. Alyia!" I whisper shout pleads for her to come back. I feel my heart shatter into a million pieces, My own best friend that i would kill for just saw me and just chose to leave me. I start to sob to myself a quiet a possible, i can't cope its too much I rip my mask from my face as my whole body gives in and i fall to the ground. My hands slam to the floor as i cry uncontoallaby. I feel as if my whole life cant hold any more pressure and its protective wall has come crashing open. I was so involved in myself, I didn't hear harry calling for me from a distance until i feel his large warm hand on my back. 

"You guys go." I hear his voice as i sob into the ground. I feel physically sick to my stomach. 

"Mya. Whats wrong." His deep voice questions me. My glossy eyes take in his concerned features. "Are you hurt?" He asks me again. Tears stream my face. 

"Al-Alyia. I- I - I just saw her. She was jus-just right here. She left m- me." I start to hyperventilate. " I didn't want to say anything I- i don't want to ru-uin every-thing for you. Im so-sorry." I cry even more. Harry grabs my hips and pulls me back onto my feet. i feel so weak, He grabs my bear off the ground before pulling me in for a hug. 

"Whos is Alyia?" Harry questions. I pull my head off his chest and look at him. 

"Shes my best friend." I suck in a breath before i start to cry again into his chest. His large hand rubs my back. 

"Babe. Come on let's go back to the car." He pulls me into his side , my bear in his hand as we walk down the back of the stalls so we aren't out in the open. We go back to his car. Harry opens my door for me , i get in and look at the golden teddy in my hands as he buckles me into my seat before getting into the car himself. We sit in the car for a moment without sharing a word. The only noise that is heard is harrys shallow breathing combined with my shuddered breath. 

"Sanda." harry says, I look at him with confusion on my face. 


"Sanda. Thats what we should name the bear." he says without breaking eye contact. I feel a smile creep up onto my lips. I lean over the car and brush my lips against his before sitting back and looking at the small teddy in my hands. 

"I love it." I grin while glancing back and forth between harry and the bear. I don't understand how he can make me smile stupidly with just one word. 


Long chapter besties. Hope you like it <3

Pls vote and comment... 

PS. have any of you read the duplicity update. Like holy shit. .

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