Assassin Hero!

By OwlyPersona125

332K 11.2K 4.2K

Midoriya's an assassin. An assassin from Class 3e of course! He's gotten into UA and is in Class 1a! Now all... More

The First Day of Class 1a!
Heroes vs Villains Battle Trials
Class 1a Freaks Out About Midoriya's Connection to Mase Haruna (Kayano Kaede)
The Mystery Of Midoriya Izuku
The Field Trip to USJ
The Reason to Fear Midoriya's Skills
Sports Festival and Aizawa's Headaches
Seeing Eye to Eye!
Welcome to the U.A. Sports Festival!
Cavalry But With an Assassin
The Past You've Lost Will Never Come Back
Hatred Only Gets You So Far
Kill the Lights
Class 3e Assassins vs Stain
Bakugou's Best Friend (Probably)
The Iida Family Legacy
The Darkness That Surrounds Us
The Meaning of Deku
The Ultimate Showdown
A Bloodthirsty Intention Part 1
A Bloodthirsty Intention Part 2
The Topic of Fathers
A Deal of Sorts
A Word From Class 3e
It Was Time
Hook, Line, And Sinker
A Lie
Uncertain Future
Sorry, sorry, no update this week
Outside at Last
The Thing With Heroes and Villains
Therapy with Bakugou
Therapy With Midoriya
A Peek at Internship
2 Week Hiatus
It's the End and Yet the Beginning

Well, That's A Problem

4.3K 184 14
By OwlyPersona125

"So, you're telling me," Bakugou said slowly, "that your fucking friends who happen to be assassins got caught by the heroes, when they fucking said they were fine." 

"Well, yeah, that's the gist of it," Rio yawned. "What's your point? I gotta get over there, make a distraction." 

"Tch, nothing,"  Bakugou scoffed. "I found it pathetic. Aren't you all supposed to be trained to not get found - " 

With a quick zing of a knife, Rio's knife rested right against Bakugou's Adam's apple. "What did you just call us?" she smiled, a tic mark on her forehead. 

"I called you fucking pathetic!" Bakugou snarled. 

Rio sighed. "You know, 'TAP', you're walking on a very, VERY fine line between life and figurative death." 

"Why figurative?"

"Because I don't want to get my hands dirty, killing pieces of shit and all," Rio smirked, watching steam almost literally come out of Bakugou's ears. 


"Shit, you know? And 'TAP', stands for 'The Angry Pomeranian'." 

"I'm not a fucking dog," Bakugou seethed. 

"Oh? But you're just as annoying as one. At least they take a break from being annoying. You don't." 

"Blondie, I fucking swear that - "

"Um," Midoriya interrupted. 

"SHUT UP, YOU DAMN NERD!" Bakugou turned to him. 

"Don't talk to Midoriya like that," Rio furrowed her eyebrows. 

"Rio, you should go, I'll take care of Kacchan," Midoriya then said. 

Bakugou snarled, "I don't need anyone to take care of me." 

"Who's in a better position, you or us two?" Rio asked. 

Bakugou clicked his tongue and turned his head. 

"Exactly," Rio hummed and she sheathed her knife. "So you should get going, they're probably looking for you." 

Midoriya nodded. "Thanks, Rio." 

"As for you," Rio glanced at Bakugou. "Keep your mouth shut about us. It was only necessary to rescue Midoriya, we didn't have to get you. But Midoriya'd be upset and guilty about that, so we did. Don't make us regret it. After all, we have connections, and you don't want your precious future spoiled, do you? 'UA Student Bullied Quirkless Student And Suicide Baited Them. Is This Our Future Hero?' People are easily persuaded, you know."

"I got it. Fuck you too," Bakugou muttered under his breath. 

"Hmm? What was that?" 

"I said, I fucking got it!" Bakugou growled. 

"Good," Rio grinned. "See ya, Mido." 

"Bye, Nakamura!" Midoriya waved. "Come on, Kacchan." 

"Shut up." 


Rio moved through the rubble, on a different path than Midoriya and TAP were going through. She didn't retrace her steps and went through where the boys went, that would take too long. Instead, she climbed on some boulders to a hole in the ceiling and entered into a room that was half destroyed, that ceiling folding inwards on one side of the room. The other half wasn't spared though, rocks and dirt covering what would be a pristine white floor. A lone window in the wall, with cracked glass in it, would be her escape way. 

She put her hands underneath the window pane, only to draw her hands away. "Ouch," she murmured as she examined the cut on the side of her thumb. More wary, she opened the window and carefully went through it. Examining the outside, she then put her hand on the back of her neck. Using her quirk, she created a small parachute, able to carry her weight down safely without twisting her ankle on the destruction below.

[Quirk: Trickster. Able to create anything as long as there is a definite purpose for it. Must have a solid resolve on using it. Cannot create anything complex, such as machines. However, can create fibers. If used too much, can cause migraines.]

Rio jumped. Landing on the ground, she ran over to a neighboring building, about a street away. Due to the bombs being planted in specially planned areas, it wasn't in a bad condition, depending on how you defined the word 'bad'. 

It certainly was an abandoned place, judging by the apartment outside. The outside paint chipped and the door to the place was covered with dents and bangs. Using her quirk once more, she created several suction cups. Attaching them to her feet and hands, she huffed before placing her hands on the building. 

This should be good - 

Part of the brick that was underneath one of her suction cups fell away. Rio cursed. Who was in charge of this building? 

Continuing her climb, she made sure to check whether it was secure before proceeding. 

After several minutes of climbing, Rio managed to reach an open window. 

"Fuck this, I'm just going to go in," she muttered before taking off her glove cup by putting it under her armpit and applying pressure so she could slip her hand out.

Bringing her leg up, Rio went in. 

Karma POV

Karma hummed. Well, this was going to be difficult to explain to the host club if they were present, which he doubted, considering they were in the poorer areas in Japan. 

The heroes were actually doing well at this thing, Karma thought as he watched Sir Nighteye command his men (and women) around. 

"So we're going to go with these people?" Maehara whispered. 

"It's a better choice than resisting, we don't want to draw attention to ourselves," Isogai answered him.

"But wouldn't that also be suspicious? What good runaway wouldn't try to escape?" Maehara rolled his eyes.

"Maehara's got a point," Sugaya put his two cents in. 

"Okay, let's think," Nagisa muttered. "We've been experimented on, we probably have PTSD or whatever, trust issues, maybe another mental thing going on or something. If we escape and they don't find us, they'll send out search parties to find us or something because they want info on the doctor."

"We do have information on the doctor," Isogai said. "Ritsu found out. Goes by the name 'Daruma Ujiko'. His real name's 'Kyudai Garaki'." 

"And how does Ritsu know his real name?" 

Isogai shrugged. "Apparently the man's also done a bit of embezzlement and illegal experimentation. Ritsu said that she researched a bunch of people, especially higher-ups. Not only that, but the man's also got another phone. I have no idea how she got through there, but she did." 

"It's Ritsu, enough said," Sugaya said. 

"And if we do escape and they do find us?"

"They'll put us under tighter security," Karma theorized.

Sugaya sighed. "Well, that's also a problem. We're also trying to get home as well." 

"Imagine if Kyoya got his hands on this," Nagisa paled. "He'd put this on our debt for lying or something like that and give us more work because of the days we missed. The 'staying with our friends from middle school' excuse will get old, even if it is true."

"Rio would probably making a move right now," Maehara put in. 

"But with Sir Nighteye, that move might fail," Nagisa glanced at the man, who also turned. Nagisa turned away immediately. 

"Well, shit, he's coming over," Sugaya said. 

"Now what're we supposed to do?" Nagisa bit the inside of his cheek. 

"I got an idea," Karma hummed. 

"You do? Thank god - "

Karma looked at Sir Nighteye. "Yo, hero-san or whatever, can we go?" 

He could hear someone face palm himself. "Of course it was too true to be true..."

Sir Nighteye raised an eyebrow. "My name is Sir Nighteye, like I said. And no, you cannot just 'go'."

"Well, why not?" Karma crossed his arms. 

"Because we're going to take you to the hospital so you can heal and then we're going to ask you some things about that doctor - "

"So you're just using us for the doctor?" Karma snapped. 

"Stop giving him a hard time," Maehara hissed at him. 

"Maehara's right, for once," Sugaya muttered the last part. 

"Excuse me?"

 "You'll have a better future if you come with us," Sir Nighteye answered. "It'll be better than having an uncertain one - " He quickly turned around and stepped to the side before wincing at something. Karma looked at his leg to see a thin needle poking out of the man's suit. He grinned. 


"Let's go!" Nagisa said before pausing. "Sugaya, you know that thing you and Okuda were working on?" 

"What - oh yeah!" Sugaya grinned. "Let's try it out." 

"What thing?"

"We'll answer it later," Sugaya answered, "but everyone hold your breath." 

Conjuring up a gas bomb (like a smoke bomb), Sugaya threw it into the middle of the crowd. 

Instead of a visible gas, it seemed like nothing was coming out of it. Sugaya waved his hand and the others nodded before running. 

Karma really wanted to know what was in that. It seemed useful. Maybe he could badger it out of Okuda. 

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