Queen of the Dragons

By b00klover09

621K 23.6K 3.9K

"Estelle, I will kill any man who stands in my way of having you. I will kill one to one thousand men!" I sna... More

-Story Aesthetics/ Author Notes-
-Twenty & a half-
Twenty one
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight


8.3K 291 49
By b00klover09

"You dumb prince! Open this door and give me my poor sister!"

Gaul's nostrils flared. This was not good at all.

"Juni stop! Loche and I are fine!" I yelled towards the door. "Please I will speak with you later!" I yelped as Loche or erm Gaul tried to get up from the bed. Ignoring the flaming pain around my lower back I wrapped my arms around Loche's shoulders, trying to pull him back onto the bed. He could not get to Juni! He just could not!

"Are you sure, Stelle! I will hit him with a shoe!" A shoe is an awful weapon, I am sure it would hurt much. What if Loche got hurt?

"I am sure! We will speak later Juni!... Gaul stop this...stop this right now!" I yelled at him, as he paused in his ministrations of trying to get to the door. "You stop this right now or-or I will not talk to you at all and no kisses!" Ha, that will teach this angry dragon!

My heart began to beat wildly as he let loose a grumble in his chest. His head turning a bit to glance at me. "Fae no threaten!"

I frowned at him. I was kneeling on the bed, with a finger pointed at him, and the more his eyes stared at me unblinking the more nervous I became. I would threaten if he was being rude! "Yes, I threaten!"

"Fae is mine," he snarled, slowly turning towards me. My hand fell to my side quickly as I smiled at him. He did not look happy with me as of now. Maybe he did not like me threatening to stop talking to him and kissing him...?

The growling in his chest was getting louder as he came closer to the bed. I scooted back a bit as he approached the side I was on. "Um," I gulped as he began to crawl onto the bed. "Gaul!" I yelped as with one gentle push from his hand I fell onto my back. How rude! Not to mention my brand was on my back! I waited for the immediate pain...but the pain was not so terrible. Maybe it was the cream Loche had given me helping?

"Fae is mine," he repeated as he crawled atop of my body my eyes going to his muscular scaled arms that were on either side of my head. I was not afraid of Gaul but more nervous as to what he might do. He just kept growling and staring at my lips.

His snake-like eyes were now swirling with orange as they watched me and my hand went to his chest. It was so abnormally warm. Was that a good or bad thing? Would he breathe fire at me? Before I had the chance to ask, his nose went to the column of my neck and rubbed against it. His grumblings became louder and I watched as more scales began to appear on his body. "My fae...mine."

"Gaul I know I am yours," I giggled, as his nose was replaced with his lips. I suppressed a gasp as his lips planted kisses all around my neck before going to my mark. My body instantly stiffened, as his tongue swiped over it gently. Growling. A stab of pleasure ran through my body, my eyes instantly fluttering shut.

I trembled as I felt his teeth hover over the mark he had given me before. Then his teeth slowly sunk in again. The sensation running through my body was sinful. My breaths began to shorten, and my legs seemed to weaken...my body just felt very sensitive.

"Gaul," I whimpered as he slowly withdrew his teeth, soothing the sting of his bite with his tongue yet again. My mind felt odd and fuzzy. I wanted him to touch me more...

A whimper fell from my lips as his mouth trailed down my neck, towards my collar bone.  When his lips met the fabric of my gown, a snarl sounded. He looked to me, eyebrows drawn together. I watched as his nails began to elongate. Oh my...he was going to rip the gown Loche and I worked so hard just to put on! I was going to say something but his increasingly hypnotic eyes made me slowly shut my mouth.

Without hesitation his claws sliced open my gown...then he used his hands to trip apart the rest. "Wait!" I panicked as he was about to rip the fabric that covered my thighs. My buttons were flying all across our room as I glowered at the dragon.

He paused, his head slowly tilting to the side. He blinked a few times before he smiled widely, revealing his very...sharpened teeth. I was supposed to be terrified but I was not!

"Gaul maybe Loche should come back," I said softly as his eyes danced over what was exposed of my body. Gaul was wonderful but I am not so sure what Loche will think of if we go any further. I do not want him upset with me over this. Without any answer, his hands left my gown and he was back to kissing me.

Forgetting about my request for Loche, I began to indulge in our kiss and attempted to pull his face closer to deepen it. I was so enwrapped in what our mouths were doing I did not realize that I could feel his very heated skin becoming just simple warmth. Then he pulled away.

My eyes reluctantly opened and I was met with deep brown ones, and thick eyebrows pushed together in confusion. "Hi Loche," I whispered. My cheeks beginning to burn as he immediately looked down, his eyes traveling over my naked chest and split partially gown.

A flicker of worry was evident in his eyes and I gasped. I have never witnessed Loche look sorry for anything...it was odd. "Did he hurt you? That imbecile-"

"-No he did not hurt me," I smiled as my hands went to the sides of his face. He did not seem convinced. "I promise he did not...Gaul is a very good dragon," I told him as he did not seem to believe me.

Loche shook his head, his eyes slowly trailing over my ripped gown, lingering on my exposed chests. "It is hard to believe that he was on his best behavior when you look like this, Estelle."

"Look like what, Loche?"

He sighed loudly, a flustered look on his face. "It is hard to believe that my behemoth was behaving when you are flushed, with pouty lips and exposed under me," he explained to me as I gasped.

"Oh...well it felt good," I blushed as my hands ran over his arms. "I wanted to continue but I was nervous so I asked for you. Are you upset?" I do hope he is not, 'tis not my fault my body reacts to such things! I am not some rock that does not have any feelings. Plus having a rock for a princess would not make any sense!

He seemed a bit shocked and I surprised him even more with a kiss on his cheek. "No...I am not upset," he admitted as I squealed and kissed his lips quickly. "Surely not upset just..."

He trailed off as I kissed his cheek again. My heart felt like it was beating out of my chest...but I did not want to stop! I was enjoying this and did not want it to end! I wanted to continue this...with Loche. "I am fine...I promise," I smiled as I kissed his jaw then the corner of his mouth. "I-I want to continue kissing," I urged him as his nostrils flared. I could see him beginning to think...oh no! Loche thinking meant him saying no. "Please...pesue, Loche." I was expecting him to be his Loche like self and say something...but he did not! His eyes were darkening significantly as he caressed my face.

"You were not scared of him at all?" Loche questioned, his voice much deeper than just seconds before. Was this Gaul? His eyes were not turning to glowing pits...but scales were still prominent on his skin.

I shook my head, his thumb tracing over my lips. "No I love Gaul just like I do you," I answered him as his eyes widened, his finger momentarily stopping on my lips.

"You do not realize what you have just said, right?" He questioned me as I gave him a confused look. All of this closeness and body warmth and skin so close was not helping me answer these questions he had for me.

"I said I love Gaul as I do you Loche," I told him again as he groaned his face coming closer to my own now. Just a breath away from touching.

The grumbling in his chest intensified. "You love me, Estelle?" He questioned, his entire body tensing as I gave him a confused look.

"Yes...Loche I do love you. I have said that twice now. I love you because you are my husband just like I love Juni or well like Papa," I explained to him wondering why he was asking me again. I was not a bird to repeat myself a lot of times and can he not see what he is doing to me? Even though birds are very beautiful and peaceful and it is wonderful that they can fly, unlike me. I did not wish to be a squawking bird but I wished to continue what Gaul had started...

Loche stared at me oddly. "You do not mean like love like your heart swells? That is how couples are supposed to love one another, or so Alazar has told me how it should be..."

Does my heart swell? "I do not think my heart swells."

I am not sure what answer he wanted, but I am not sure that was it. Without another word from him, his lips pressed on mine. I squealed with happiness as his body pressed into me more. The pain from my mark was beginning to burn but I ignored it, not wanting to stop now. His tongue slid along the seam of my lips and I happily parted them, letting our kiss deepen.

As his tongue invaded my mouth, my hands went to his arms, feeling his beautiful muscles. I used to wonder why Loche had such big muscles, now I know...because they are so nice to touch!

I let loose a gasp that was quickly being kissed away by Loche as I felt his hand parting my legs. A slither of fear rushed through me as I felt the cold air hit my lower regions, but it disappeared when he nestled his body between them, his hips pressing firmly against the place where I wanted to cover.

Breathing was something that I enjoyed, but it seemed as if Loche enjoyed swallowing up all my air instead. Between our mouths and his hips rolling into me...I broke our kiss, whimpering out. It felt as if every part of my body touching him was entirely too warm, and tight. I felt uncomfortable unless he was touching me. I wanted Loche's hands all over me! Was this normal? I would have to ask Winona later...

I whimpered as he began to kiss down my neck. I hoped he did not bite me...I do not think my body could take that again. He simply kissed over my mark before he began open-mouthed kisses all over my breasts.

My eyes shut tightly as his tongue found my sensitive peaks. Pleasure like I never experienced before bloomed within my body and I wanted to press my legs together but he was in the way! Too many feelings were swirling around my body and I felt as If I could not control it!

A gasp fell from my lips as he lifted his body from my own, one of his hands trailing over the skin of my inner thigh. My legs quivered and I found myself grabbing his face bringing his lips back to mine. My entire body was trembling and I could feel his doing the same too.

As soon as I let my mind wander, a terrible thought crossed my mind. My legs tensed and my hand went to his that was trailing up my thigh. "Loche...can we stop?"

He looked up at me with a confused look. "Of course." He withdrew his hand from my thigh before he covered me up with a blanket. I sat up and frowned, wondering why Loche seemed...nervous? Angry? Was he upset because I did not want him to touch me?

"I'm sorry," I said quickly as he looked at me with a look of confusion. "We can maybe try it again. I just-"

"-You have no reason to be sorry. I should be apologizing to you. I should have stopped in the beginning. You are injured and we should not be doing anything since the promise I made your father."

Oh yes, I forgot about that! "No, I feel okay. I just...we are husband and wife," I said nervously as he nodded his head in agreement. I would say this. I had to come clean.

"I know that, Estelle."

"Yes well, I do not want any secrets...since we are husband and wife."

Loche was faced away from me, but instead, he was now facing me. He was hiding his emotions. As if someone placed a mask over his face. He was very good at it. "What secret are you keeping from me?"

I will finally come clean! "M-my mother had healing abilities." Loche nodded his head as if he already knew this. "And well, well someone else in my family has healing abilities too."

"Who, Estelle?"

His father's words suddenly came back to haunt me... He hated betrayal, Loche would hate me. We have not even been married long enough...

"My sister...Dinah."

The look on Loche's face could only be described as relief or concern? I am not sure but I wished to transform into a plant and cover myself in dirt. "Are you upset?"

Loche laughed. Yes, laughed! "Estelle I am not upset. I am relieved."

Thank you, gods and goddesses! He is not upset. "Why are you relieved?"

My husband gave me an exasperated look. "I thought you were going to say you had these healing abilities."

Uh oh. "Well, it is a gift from the gods. I...wish I had the ability." I know mother is turning in her grave. I am so sorry mama! "Would you be upset if I did have such abilities?"

Loche reached for my hand, grasping it rather tightly. "It would be an inconvenience. We have already had several inconveniences since the start of us. I would not be upset about the abilities, but I would however be upset that you or your father neglected to tell me such vital information." Well, now I know what will happen if I tell Loche of my abilities...

I suppose he realized the look on my face and squeezed my hand. "Estelle, why do you look worried? I am just speaking in hypotheticals. You are my wife, not Dinah. You need to calm down and rest. I am glad that you felt the need to tell me something like that though," he explained to me as he rose from the bed and then kissed my forehead. Oh, Stelle. You have really done it now.

"I want to see my sister, Loche then maybe I can rest," I smiled up at him, my smile betraying my real emotions. I felt like crying and flying away to papa. I cannot fly though, so I would just fall out the window.

My husband sighed loudly. "Fine, Estelle. See your sister then I need you to rest. You are officially a Drakonian and now, even more, a part of me. I need you to take care of yourself. Our coronation will be soon." Right. Our coronation. I would be Queen and Loche would be King...

"Why do you look ready to cry?" My husband questioned as he walked over to me and bent down to be at eye level with me. "Are you in pain again?" Yes, my heart is in severe pain!

"I am scared." That was the truth at least. I am not lying at all. I am actually very scared of the future and not knowing what to do. That is why I need to speak with Juni. Maybe Juni is not the best one to speak to about this problem, she does not like Loche much. Who else would I turn to though? 

Loche's dark eyes met my own, and I looked away. "You have no reason to be scared with me by your side." But I am!

His gaze was so intense on me, I finally decided to look towards him. He kissed me chastely and my heart felt like it was going to fall on the floor and run away from me. "I have to go deal with some things. See your sister and then rest."

Loche quickly dressed and left me to my thoughts. I called for a maid to help me look presentable before I tried to make my decision. Maybe Juni would not be such a bad idea of a person to talk to...but I did not want her to worry about me. She worries enough about me already.

As I made my way down the hall I noticed most people were bowing deeply to me and even looking away. Was this all because of the brand I had on my back?

While continuing my journey to find Juni, I heard people whispering, and I paused in my tracks. "She will not last as Queen. That fae thinks too much like a child. Granted her beauty gives her some pull over the council members and the prince who all think below the belt not above it."

"I agree. It pains me to see the first Queen we have had in decades be such a dense woman...but she is not worst than the whore of a mother she had!" Were they talking about my mother? How do they know my mother?

I heard male laughter before they began to talk again. "Oh yes. That Esiela was a fool. King Hrain used her for her gifts till she was nothing more than a doll. Was a pity that her father found out about it." What were they speaking of?!

I began to lean in closer, my eyes peaking out to see who these men were. I recognized them...from the council. Specifically the one with an eye bandage...I am pretty sure that is the man who Loche stabbed in the eye after that meeting... "You know Prince Loche is not an imbecile. Do you think this fae has the same gifts as her mother? Do you think the Prince is using her just like his father did to her mother?"

The other man he spoke to gasped, a look of realization hitting him. "Of course! The prince would not be so dense as to actually have feelings for such a woman. I remember now...that was the purpose in this arrangement. To try and grab the daughter of Esiela who has the gift! But then again the prince is an imbecile also. Too emotional, I would make a better King."

Loche does not know about my gifts. How would he know? My chest began to ache..and my head right along with it. What were these awful men talking about? I could not stay hidden any longer, I had to ask questions!

"What are you two speaking of?!" I demanded, my hands beginning to shake as both of the men turned around swiftly. Their eyes looked me over in a way that did not make me comfortable, but I stood my ground. "I asked you a question, tis rude not to answer."

The one with the eye patch, bowed slightly. "We were just speaking politics is all, my princess."

Politics? I folded my arms against my chest, taking a few deep breaths. I had to act like Dina... "You said you would make a better King than Loche...that means you are talking treason." I do hope that was the right word!

His one eye widened, "No princess you must have heard wrong! I will never say such a thing about the crown prince."

"But you also said that the crown prince was using me just like his father used my mother...what does that mean?" I questioned, as I watched the both of them exchange glances. "Please explain how to me and maybe I will not tell anyone of your treasonous talks." I must have used the word correctly because they both looked a bit nervous. Scared even.

The other man who had the ability to use both of his eyes cleared his throat. "You mean how King Hrain took advantage of your mother?" I nodded my head. "Oh... there were talks of her being able to use healing magic...and for some reason when she healed she lost memories and strength. The King would have her heal royal Gentry and high ranking soldiers and then fill her head with lies."

My heartbeat began to skip beats, my hands began to clam up. "How long ago was this?"

"Maybe twenty...twenty five winters ago," the one with the patch explained to me.

"And...you all think that I have that ability?"

They both shrugged their shoulders, "We do not know...either you or your sister. Obviously, the one left behind is not special. We do not let insiders in but let your sister in so one can only guess that one of you have the ability."

I took a deep breath, trying to calm my emotions down. "Prince Loche knew about all of this?"

The one with the eyepatch smiled, chuckling a bit. "Well of course. He is a future King how could he not know of such immaculate things."

I bowed slightly to them, thankful to hear this...this awful and horrid news. "Thank you two."

"You will not tell Prince Loche of what we said will you?!" The one with the eye patch cried out, as he dropped to his knees to beg.

My head shook, a forced smile finding its way into my lips. "No...no he will not find out. Have a good day."

I watched them quickly walk down the hall before I began to chew on my inside cheek. Loche would not lie to me like that...he would not use me. But why would he choose me and not Dinah? Was what they really said true? If they were telling the truth why did Loche seem surprised about me lying about Dinah? She was the obvious choice. Dinah is beautiful and kind in her own way. She was the eldest. I was the youngest and most inexperienced. It did not make sense for Loche to choose me. It really did not. He had to have known. I was nothing special compared to my sister.

Someone from our kingdom had to have told them. Father said we could not trust anyone but our own...He would tell us that often when we were children and mother would always scold him for it. But he was right...Did Uncle Alazar know this plan? He was so kind...

"Princess we have been looking for you...are you alright?" I looked up to see Cael. I stumbled back, giving him a wary look. He probably knew this plan all along. He probably told Loche that I really did have the abilities when we were in the forest. I thought I would be happy to see Cael but now he makes me nervous.

No, Cael would not lie like that. All of what those men said were lies. It has to be lies.

"Princess, did something happen? Did the prince...upset you?" He questioned as I shook my head, a smile making its way unto my lips.

I shook my head, "No, not at all. Did you need me for something?" I felt faint. My stomach hurt. My back aches. I wanted to burst into tears.

He began to rub the back of his neck. "Your sister has sent a carriage for Princess Juniper to come back home...your sister is looking for you." Right, Juni is leaving. Tis time to put on a smile not cry.

"Stelle! There you are!" I looked past Cael to see Juni rushing towards me. Relief flooded me as I saw my sister rushing towards me. She grabbed me in a hug tightly, and I felt tears begin to surface. "Stelle...I know you will miss me but do not cry so much. Loche will let you visit."

When she mentioned his name...more tears began to slip down my cheeks and soak her dress. I could not beg her to stay. Or for her to take her with me. I was bound to Loche forever. By marriage and the brand on my back. I am so worried I am unsure what to do.

"Stelle?" Juni has managed to slip out of my hold and make me look up at her. "Why are you crying so much? Tis not normal...was is that horrid Loche? I will beat him with Cael's sword before I leave! I-"

"-No Juni...Loche is wonderful..I-I am just sad you are leaving is all," I smiled sadly at her as she wiped at my tears. Her eyes were worried, and I had to make her not worry. Juni could do nothing even if I told her of this horrid supposed plan. "But I will write letters to you, I promise."

She smiled at me, glancing back at Cael. "Cael you are in charge of making sure Stelle cries no more and if that awful Loche is mean to her you have my permission to stab him!"

It is good that Juni was leaving Cael...it is probably not safe for her here. "Princess I cannot attack the Crown Prince because you tell me to do so."

"Yes Cael but you like me." I glanced to Cael to see his face began to redden. I wonder if Cael really did like Juni or was he tricking her to get closer to her and find out our secrets. "Oh Stelle I forgot give this to Uncle Alazar you know how father feels about large jewelry." I wonder if Uncle Alazar knew about all of this.

No, it is nothing to know. Loche is not betraying me. Those men were just mean liars.

I took the pretty bracelet in my hands, feeling as if I would cry again. I had to be strong...for Juni. "I will give it to Uncle Alazar."

"Great! Stelle you will be the best Titania this kingdom has ever seen. I promise."

We gave each other one more hug, before we made our way towards the front of the castle where the carriage was. I watched as my sister got into the carriage, her hands waving awfully too much. One at me and the other at Cael who seemed a bit upset.

Juni wanted me to be the best Titania this kingdom has ever seen, but I will be nothing but the most foolish Titania...

My poor little Titania.
Who missed Loche and Estelle?

Again just fyi I'm not pregnant for you guys who keep asking😭🥴

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