Queen of the Dragons

By b00klover09

617K 23.5K 3.9K

"Estelle, I will kill any man who stands in my way of having you. I will kill one to one thousand men!" I sna... More

-Story Aesthetics/ Author Notes-
-Twenty & a half-
Twenty one
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight

Thirty Six

8.7K 383 36
By b00klover09


"It should be moved lower."

"The Prince will not allow that!"

"No higher!"

A sigh left my lips as I felt extremely warm and soft hands prod at my back. The women...the women known as the Caticala who had forcefully removed hair from my body were now back.

After a few days of avoiding them they have finally captured me and dragged me to the room of beautiful gowns and dresses again. They have not explained to me why I was in here again, and I was too tired and stressed out to question them.

It has been five days since I have last slept, ate, or spoken with my husband. It made me terrified and nervous. I would wake up and I could see that his side of the bed was a bit crumpled but I had no real evidence that he would slip into bed and sleep with me. I sleep entirely too heavily to wake up in the middle of the night.

My fevers and pains have also become more frequent, which mean that I should be getting my wings soon! Tis a happy thing to know but the symptoms of such beautiful wings were absolutely awful! I have cried many times these last few days thinking of Loche and what I was to do with my husband who has been ignoring me.

After he...ended his fathers life and another man for speaking ill of me I was so upset that he may end my life for lying to him! He has assured me that he would never, ever hurt me but how could I be sure? People say things they do not mean all of the time. Just like King Hrain...he made me believe he was my friend then he betrayed me! Loche was my husband and I was supposed to trust him, but why was trust so hard?!

"Princess do you think the branding will effect your-"

"-Hush! The Prince said he would explain everything to her," one snapped as I wondered what they were talking about.

I was standing in the middle of this darkly lit room with with my dress untied so that my back was fully exposed. I did not know what these women were talking about or even doing! They just kept on telling me that Loche would be here soon to explain everything. Loche coming here made me incredibly nervous. What would I do or say? I know he is probably angry with me...angry for how I reacted to what he did. I have never experienced anything like this before...death and murder and violence.

Winona spoke to me about how...violent dragons can be but she also told me how beautiful they could be. I could not find any beauty in what Loche has done so far...but I was trying. I really was! I wish my papa were here to just hold me and tell me I am doing the best, but sadly papa is not here. I am a woman now...

Being in a room with part of my body exposed and no explanation was rather nerve wrecking but I did like that my back had a chance to breathe..since it has been aching awfully due to my wings sprouting soon. All I know is that they kept pressing a painting to my back and moving it around. First I thought they were painting on me, then I realized that I knew what paint felt like and that was not paint.

They also kept mentioning my coronation which terrified me. I would be their Queen...their Titania. I was not worthy to beTitania if I did not even know the commoners, the real people of the kingdom. I wanted to go see the civilians and markets, and the children! I wanted to find Harkin and heal his sister, no one would tell me Harkin or even Cael's whereabouts. How could I accomplish all of this though?

"I think we should try on the coronation dresses!"

"Not right now, the prince is here-"

"-Or shall I say King!"

These ladies have already seen me naked while they ripped hair from me, so I did not have any problems really with the sides of my dress sliding down a bit revealing a bit of my chest. Loche was coming though and I attempted to pull up at the shoulders, placing my hand on my heart to keep the dress from sliding any lower. Why was I shaking? Why was I scared for Loche to come in here and speak with me?

The door was being opened and I felt the spot where he bit me beginning to tingle uncomfortably. Would this happen every time Loche was near? It had healed a lot but still hurt when I moved a certain way.

"Your highness we have been trying to pin point where the-"

"-Leave us for a moment." His voice sent chills down my spine and I gripped the fabric of my dress tightly, my mind frantically trying to decide where I should look. Should I look at him or maybe I should not? Someone please help!

Taking a deep breath, I hesitantly turned towards my husband.

My eyes ran over him quickly. Ah, why was Loche glistening? His inky hair was dripping with water I think? He wore simple robes with a golden belt that was not even tied up, showing off his tanned skin. He looks as if he has just come from jumping in a lake and then throwing on robes and trousers. He was exposing all of his...strong and taut muscles, for everyone to see! I mean, tis Loche's body he can show himself but I wonder if any other women stare at him like I am. Do their faces warm up like mines is?

Noticing how manly and beautiful Loche was also made me realize other things. Like his eyes seemed a bit sunken in...tired. Dark clouds shrouded his body...I saw no slither of light like I was used to seeing at times. It worried me a bit.

"Loche...tis warm outside today," I spoke quickly, trying to figure out what I should possibly say to him. He did not respond, so I spoke again. "Um, you have not been coming to bed. Is it not comfy enough...or is it me maybe?" I questioned him nervously. "Dinah says I snore like a three horned boar sometimes...do I?" I laughed softly watching, the corner of his mouth twitch. He was being pulled into the darkness and I was his wife...I could not let him be pulled into the darkness.

His eyes were soaking in my appearance, lingering on my exposed shoulders. "You do not snore, I just have things to take care of. Turn around, Estelle."

He was acting...different. I did as he told me so and felt his fingers instantly on my back. I began to chew on my bottom lip as his warm fingers trailed along my spine. "L-Loche that tickles." 

"Estelle...you need to get branded with the seal of my people since you are an outsider," he explained to me as he began to pull at my dress, covering my shoulders and trying to tie it back up. I would be branded? Branded...

As he attempted to fix my dress I pulled away, looking at him. "B-branded like an animal?"

"You are not an animal, Estelle. You are my wife, soon to be Queen and you need the seal to become Queen since you are an outsider," he explained to me in a way that felt like I had no other choice. I did not want to be branded on my back...where my wings would also be.

I knew he must have much going on and I wanted to cooperate but I did not want something burned into my skin. "It will be fine, Estelle. They will give you something to dull the pain, I promise you." His warm hand then cupped my chin. "It will be quick...then we will be coronated as King and Queen."

My mind was swirling with thoughts. I was scared...a hot iron being pressed to my skin! He did not sound as if he would change his mind...I had to get this done.

If I had to have this done though maybe I can make some sort of compromise with him? "Loche I want Cael and Harkin to be my guards again...and I want to go visit my papa, and I want to see your people," I told him as I could see that he was thinking about it.

"If you say yes I will do whatever you want." Whether it be me getting branded or anything else odd they do as traditions. Mother would try to trade and bargain with my father a lot and it worked most of the times. Or at least I thought it did.

Nervously I glanced up at him to see his eyes beginning to darken, as the grip on my chin tightened. "Do not say things like that to a greedy dragon like myself, Estelle," he growled out his tongue flicking out to run across his bottom lip. I could also see that his teeth were getting longer.

"Y-you would never take advantage of me, Loche," I smiled as his hand began to pull away from me. I grabbed his hand. "Because you are a good man...a good husband." It was odd for me to say it with such ease, when I just witnessed him kill his father... He did bad things but I knew he was still a good person. Or was I letting my feelings cloud my judgement...?

I watched in interest as the dark clouds around him shifted...some were darkening and others were lightening. It was the oddest thing ever. "I will allow only Cael to be your guard again and I will let you see your father...and I suppose we can take a trip to a few villages."

I knew it would work! I would slowly work on Harkin...that would just take some time. "Thank you, Loche!" I exclaimed as I went to hug him tightly. He accepted my hug, sliding one arm around my waist and staring down at me.

His eyes were boring a hole into my own as I smiled cheekily at him. "Do you still think I am a monster?"

Oh...I thought he would be asking for a kiss not asking such questions. "I am not sure," I told him truthfully as I was expecting him to be upset, his emotions stayed hidden. "I do know that you are my husband and I am trying to accept your ways. Winona is helping me realize that...well right is not right in certain cultures..." I was still very much struggling to make sense of it all, but I was glad I had Winona to help.

The hidden mask he wore seemed to move a bit and the hand wrapped around me tightened just a bit. "That...eases me," he said awkwardly as I smiled. He was eased by me saying that? That means he does in fact care about me, about us. Tis makes me very happy!

I hugged him tighter before I felt his chest vibrating with a chuckle. "What is so humorous?" I frowned as my cheek was mushed to his chest.

"Nothing I was just thinking about our agreement. How I enjoy the part of you agreeing to do whatever I say," he explained to me as I pulled away from him to look at him suspiciously.

I crossed my arms over my chests...just what was Loche thinking. "Oh yes...it is an agreement."

"It is," he agreed as I could see that he was fighting a smile from appearing on his lips. "So from this day on we will bathe together, since you are doing whatever I say, yes?"

Bathe?! Together?! Be naked together. He just wanted to see me naked! How dare he! "What?No...because...naked!" I stammered out as he shrugged, attempting to fix my dress again. I swatted his big, warm hands away. "You-you just want to see me naked!"

"That may be true, Estelle but it is your fault. You should have made the agreement more clearer," he explained to me as he tapped the side of my temple. "I have things to do but I will see you in the bathing pool after supper, yes?"

Agh! "You big dragon!" I fumed as he kissed my forehead and smiled. Yes, the awful, big, mean dragon prince had the scales to smile so handsomely before kissing me and leaving me.

Leaving me alone with my dress that he did not even finish lacing up. Agh!! How dare he! Sure he was my husband and we were married and this is what married people do but still!

"Where is Loche?" I questioned as I bit into a very bitter root that Uncle Alazar promised tasted very good. I did not think it actually tasted delicious but I did not want to offend him. Not at all.

Uncle Alazar sighed loudly, "My dear your husband is a very busy man. Currently he is dealing with a very hostile letter from the Lycea kingdom. Seems that they found out we were planning on invading the Histania kingdom which is under the control of Lycea so they are not particularly too happy about all of this."

Well we did not invade them thanks to Dale, Keynai and I! It excites me so much that we were able to help the poor humans of Histania. Maybe Loche can write a letter of apology and maybe things will go smoothly after that? Hopefully the Lycan King was kind...but he did steal the human princess so I am not sure how kind he actually is. Then again I do not know the man so I cannot judge him so harshly... Loche also threatened war to have me which is sort of the same as stealing so maybe the lycan king really is not that terrible?

"Well that is unfortunate. You know Uncle Alazar I am leaving soon to help my sister rule while our father recovers and I wanted to know if I can have a jewel to remember my favorite Uncle!" Juni smiled as she began to secretly load my plate with the odd flavorless roots! I am sure Loche would like them and if he were here I would put them on his plate!

Uncle Alazar chuckled, taking one of his golden bracelets and sliding it across the long table. "I am sure I am your only Uncle my dear but sure, why not." Juni cheered with glee as she pulled it unto her wrist and flashed it around.

"Stelle looook! Tis so pretty!" She squealed as Uncle Alazar smiled brightly at her joy. Tis very shiny and pretty.

Speaking of Loche maybe I should attempt at finding him. Giving him some food. Maybe he is not hungry...or maybe he is asleep already?

"Do you think Loche is still in his study?"

Uncle Alazar shrugged biting into his large cut of meat. I said a small prayer for the poor animal who was sacrificed for food before listening to Uncle Alazar. "Oh I am not sure after looking over the letter probably sleeping. He has not slept since coming back from the campus kingdom."

That was true...wait if he was in our room? What about that odd deal we made? My cheeks began to warm...agh, there was no way to avoid such a thing. Not at all.

"My dear you look a bit worried. Why not go find him?" He was right...I was Loche's wife. I needed to make sure he was alright and maybe comfort him if he was not okay. Plus I could discard my plate of this awful tasting plant if I leave now!

"Thank you Uncle Alazar, I think I will do that right now. Have a nice night!" I gave Juni a hug and Uncle Alazar a firm hand grasp which turned into a hug before Keynai and I were off to my bedchambers.

Once we arrived at my door I smiled at Keynai, who was looking around the hall like a bird. "Keynai...everyone else will be leaving sooner or later. Juni will leave in a few days and once Dale is healing and done helping the farmers he will leave too. When do you think...when do you think you will leave me?"

Although he is loud and sometimes too confident, Keynai was a great guard and friend... I liked his company. "You think I will leave you, Su Anya?! No, no the day I leave you is the day I die! I am here for good! A fae must always protect a fae!"

My eyes began to swell with tears, and I attempted to hold them back as I grasped his hand tightly. "Thank you for being here I appreciate you a lot...thank you for staying."

Keynai's eyes widened before he dropped to his knees. "No, thank you for letting me protect and serve!" He yelled as I winced at how loud he was. Oh, Keynai!

"You are wonderful, Keynai. I hope you have a good night and please let a dragon guard watch us tonight and rest. That...that is an order." Keynai gave me a wary look before glaring down three guards that were down the hall.

They looked a bit fierce and much more intimating then Keynai but he still managed to seem just as intimidating with his scythe. After I said my good night to Keynai I entered our bed chambers.

I immediately saw Loche's large figure on the bed. He was not even dressed to sleep! He still had on his shoes and cloak! Since I was a good wife I would try to get him as comfortable as possible.

I wrestled with my own dress for a few moments before slipping it off and choosing one of the many short night gowns that seemed to cling to my body like a second skin! I had requested night gowns with a bit more room but no one listened to me!

After preparing myself I went over to our bed and pulled off Loche's large shoes. Once those were off, I untied his cloak and pulled at it. Unfortunately for me it took me a while to get it off of him because my husband was not the smallest man and he was heavy!

Since he was lying on top of our blanket, I grabbed another large one from one of the chests in our room and draped it over him. After that I blew out most of the candles then climbed into the bed with a long sigh. Tis a lot of work. I snuggled closer to Loche under the thick covers. I think I am starting to master this good wife thing!

"Good night Loche," I whispered before snuggling into his warmth. He really was a nice pillow...

Instead of on his back he was resting on his side, and grabbed me as soon as I was settled. He pulled me flush against him, crushing me to his warm body. "I forgot to wait for you to bathe," Loche growled out huskily. He sounded so tired and his voice was so deep and scratchy...it sounded so nice.

My cheeks reddened, and I was suddenly glad that he could not see me. "Tis okay you are very tired Loche," I whispered into the darkness as I felt his hand tracing circles into my back. Then I felt his hand pulling at the back of my night gown. "What-what are you doing?"

His hand then slipped under my gown and pressed against the skin of my back. His hand was so warm I welcomed the heat...even if this was a bit embarrassing.

"I like to feel your skin under my fingertips," Loche sighed out as I heard him yawn. I was rigid as his hand smoothed over my bare hip before safely going back to the small of my back. I did not have any under clothing on and I was nervous that he might touch...somewhere else.

"Oh." My voice did not sound like my own, it was a bit high pitched and strained. How could I go to sleep with Loche's hand on my bare back? What if his hand slipped?!

"I can remove my hand, if you want."

"No...I-I um like it." Agh! I cannot believe I have said this out loud.

His hand began tracing patterns into my back and it was surprisingly soothing. I found myself leaning into his touch. "How do you say Queen in your language?"

"Oh tis Titania."

"Titania Estelle...Titania Estelle," he repeated it as a shiver ran down my spine. "I like it," he told me as my hand reached up attempting to find his face. "Estelle what are you doing?"

"Looking for your face to touch."

His chest was vibrating with a laugh as he grabbed my hand tightly, the one who was looking for his face. "Go to sleep. Tomorrow we have a big day ahead of us."

Him saying that made the butterflies in my stomach begin to wake up...wake up and begin to slap all around my insides. Causing mayhem when I wanted to just sleep!


"What is it?"

A chill ran over my spine as his fingers gently dug into my skin, kneading me rather deeply. " I am scared..." Scared to be Queen...scared to trust Loche with my secret. Scared to be branded.

"Of what?"

Everything new, all of these changes! "I am not a strong woman not like the General. I am not that....smart. I know everyone thinks so." It was true, often fathers council would always talk about Dinah's potential as a leader and were often upset that she would be leaving to go with Loche and that the kingdom was left with Juni and I. I had the same feeling that his council did not like me either. "What if I am not a good Titania."

"Why are you comparing yourself to Iona?" He demanded as I could feel his body tensing up.

"I do not know...because tis true," I whimpered. "I do not want to be a bad Queen...you deserve a good Queen." I do not know where all of these dark thoughts were coming from but they scared me.

Loche growled, and moved me so that we were staring eye to eye. The only reason why I could see him was because his eyes were glowing fiercely in the dark. "No one is perfect, no one." I suppose that is true... "You are the best and only choice for me, Estelle, do you understand?" He growled out, his hand that was on my back now digging into my skin. Speaking so closely to him and his body so close...agh! I cannot concentrate.

"Tis not true," I whimpered, angry that he would lie like that to me.

I watched his glowing eyes narrow. "You are. I will have no one else, nor will you. You are mine until your last breath-"


"Why, what Estelle?"

"Why do you like me?" I questioned. My mind going back to awful words that my teachers would tell me. Men would only like me because I could give them children and I was beautiful. That was all.

He sighed loudly. "Because Estelle...my behemoth thinks you are ours. He thinks you are pretty, and you smell good," he said while I felt his nose sniffing me. I laughed a little while pushing him away. "I...like you because of your personality. I disagree with most of your philosophies but I enjoy you not bending your will on certain topics. You may be weak, but your will is strong."

Was that true? Did I have a strong will? "Why do you think I have a strong will?"

Loche rolled his eyes, but answered my question. "You may not remember but you did everything in your will to be prepared for our wedding ceremony...and when I brought you to our meeting, no one agreed with you at first yet you still pushed your ideas forward."

I remembered the meeting, I remembered preparing for the wedding. Just not the wedding, which still upset me so... "Well, I like you too because you are a storm."

"A storm?"

"Yes. Storms are strong, sudden and overwhelming and beautiful...and sometimes destructive. Oh and I like your lips and your muscles-"

"-I like that. A storm. And you like my lips?"

Did I say that? I thought I was just thinking that thought?! Agh, Estelle! "I-I never said that!" I lied as I could feel his lips getting closer to my own. Ours were practically touching now.

"You enjoy lying to me, Estelle?" He growled out, his hand sliding to my lower back, as his lips brushed against mines.

I felt as if I could not breathe! "N-no," I whimpered, as I felt the presence of his lips move away. Tis not fair! I wanted to kiss him! Okay, so I did like his lips...a lot! They were warm and nice... "Loche I want kisses."

He pressed his lips to my own and I hummed happily before he broke away. "There. Now go to sleep, we have a big today tomorrow."

"That is it? I am sure other women do not have to beg their husbands for kisses," I frowned as Loche ignored me pressing me to his chest.

"Good night, little fae."

Tis not fair at all. "Good night, you big dragon."

My cinnamon roll and big dragon are so cute🥰
Swipe up for another chapter!

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