Ducktales: Journey to Agartha...

By Lizard_Brainz

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Boyd couldn't be happier with his new family. But when a family vacation goes haywire, he comes to the realiz... More

Chapter 1: The Start of A Terrible Rom-Com
Chapter 2: The Rave
Chapter 3: Glomgold The Therapist
Chapter 4: Justice Jammies
Chapter 5: Fenton Gives A Lecture
Chapter 6: The Chaotic Cruise Begins
Chapter 7: Cringe and Murder Plans
Chapter 8: The Murder
Chapter 9: The Strip Club
Chapter 10: Puta
Chapter 11: The Proposal
Chapter 12: Gyro's Past
Chapter 13: Gang Shit and Murder
Chapter 14: Sailor Moon
Chapter 15: The Party
Chapter 16: Edible Goldfish
Chapter 17: Jimmy Buffett
Chapter 18: The Black Market Escape and Rom Com
Chapter 19: Glomgold's Mental Breakdown
Chapter 20: Well... That Was Anticlimactic
Chapter 21: Stranded
Chapter 22: Island "Paradise" (Part 1)
Chapter 23: Island "Paradise" (Part 2)
Chapter 24: Margaritaville Gossip
Chapter 25: The Rave 2.0
Chapter 26: Heidi The Hoe
Chapter 27: One Night Stand
Chapter 28: Working Things Out... Sort Of
Chapter 29: Everyone Gets Kidnapped... Again
Chapter 30: Goodbye Mark Beaks
Chapter 31: The End Of Heidi
Chapter 32: Farewell Tampa
Chapter 33: Floridian Gas Stations
Chapter 34: Gyro The Therapist
Chapter 35: The Most Filler Chapter To EVER Exist (Part 1)
Chapter 36: The Most Filler Chapter To EVER Exist (Part 2)
Chapter 37: Timeskips and T-Bag
Chapter 38: The Endangerment
Chapter 39: Boyd's Character Development
Chapter 40: C-Note Does Something For Once
Chapter 41: One-Legged Space
Chapter 42: The Red Wedding
Chapter 43: The Fuzz
Chapter 44: Takedown
Chapter 45: Home-Depot
Chapter 46: No Title
Chapter 47: Ellie Kinda Sucks
Chapter 49: Mark's Robo-Racism
Chapter 50: Some French Place
Chapter 51: KitKats
Chapter 52: Mr. C
Chapter 53: Launchpad Dies Again
Chapter 54: Back To Duckburg

Chapter 48: Las Vegas

22 2 0
By Lizard_Brainz

The Glomsquad... and Mark, stood in line to book rooms in a fancy ass hotel known as The Venetian. It was an Italian themed hotel in, you guessed it, Las Vegas.

Yep. They were stuck in the city of sex, drugs, money, and gambling for a few days as Launchpad fixed the plane with gum and no one was happy about it. Not even Gloria.

Actually... Mark was happy about it but he didn't count.

Ellie walked back over to Gloria and Gyro in line who were murmuring to one another. "Alright, I'll pay for everyone's rooms." She held up a wallet that she had just stolen, with pride, from a rich guy in the casino, considering none of them had money. And like hell they were going to ask Mark to pay.

Mark wasn't paying attention to them, he was too busy Tweeting about how "Lit" Vegas was going to be, but Ellie made sure to speak with her british accent for safe keeping.

Snatching the wallet from Ellie, Gyro's face went white as he started counting how much cash alone was in there. "Where did you get this?!"

"I stole it."

He threw it back at her, disgusted. "Of course you did, this is exactly why Boyd left!"

Ellie looked over her shoulder to see if Mark overheard that. He didn't. It was kind of funny actually; for someone who was super excited to be on a Reality TV show, he didn't go out of his way to make it that exciting. He probably figured him being on screen was exciting enough.

She looked back at Gyro. "I know you are trying to become a better person, which I will respect, but I will continue to do what needs to be done."

That didn't make Gyro any happier but he just grunted in response before shooing her away. Basically he gave her permission to pay for both him and Gloria's room.

Ellie approached the front desk. "Hello..." She looked at the ladies name tag. "Barbara. Do you have rooms available?"

There was immediate typing on the computer before she looked back up at Ellie and nodded. "Only the most expensive suites. That usually turns a lot of people away so I apologize."

Ellie shook her head. "That will be of no concern. How much would be two rooms?"

That actually grabbed Mark's attention. "O-M-G! You're going to get us the most expensive suite?! YOOOOOOO! I'm so Tweeting about this, not about you, just about the suite lmao! #wrecked!"

Not knowing what the fuck '#wrecked' even meant in context to the sentence didn't stop Ellie from scowling at him. "No. I am simply paying for Gloria and Gyro's suite, as well as my own. You will not be rooming with me." You know for a fact that Ellie didn't forget his comment about her being "free real estate". Like hell she was sharing a hotel suite with him.

That caused Mark to nearly drop his phone. It seemed she made him do that a lot as of late. "EXCUSE ME?! SO IT TURNS OUT YOUR BROKE ASS HAS MONEY AND YET YOU'RE NOT PAYING FOR ME?! MARK BEAKS?!" He was waving his arms like a child. " I DESERVE TO BE TREATED AND PAMPERED! LOADED OR NOT!"

He continued yelling at her as Ellie tuned him out to pay for the suites. She did argue back every so often but didn't want to put too much energy into it.

While whatever the hell that was was going down, Gyro turned to Gloria, trying his best not to cringe at Mark's constant squawking. Gloria had been quiet this entire time and he'd be lying if he said it didn't concern him. This was Vegas; he figured she would be excited at least.

"Hey, what's going on?" He nudged her.

Gloria's body language indicated that she was not comfortable being here. "I can't be here... I don't want to be back here. I swore to myself that I would leave everything I did in Vegas behind and now I'm back!" Leave everything behind with the exception of stripping on the cruise ship that one time but whatever. She grabbed a fistful of her hair on the side of her head anxiously.

"Woah woah woah," Gyro didn't know what to expect, but it wasn't that. Despite Gloria's past, he was so sure she still loved Vegas. "Um..." He was stuck and had to think for a moment which only made Gloria's anxiety shoot through the roof. To her, if he didn't have anything good to say off of the top of his head, then she was fucked. "Okay. We're only going to be here for a few days. That's it. And you don't even have to leave the suite. I can get you food and we stay in the room all day and watch Ratatouille. Sound good?" That was the only thing he had. "We can even keep the curtains closed if you don't want to look outside."

Gloria shook her head. "I just can't stay here period. There are too many bad memories in this city. I can't stand it! And to top it all off, we can't go anywhere else because Las Vegas is in the middle of fucking nowhere! Oh my god, It feels like I'm stuck here all over again!" Her chest started to feel tighter, making it more difficult for her to breathe.

Gyro started rubbing her back. He had no idea how to calm her down and now he was starting to panic as well. Mark and Ellie's constant yelling in the background wasn't helping any.

"I promise nothing is going to happen to you. I won't let it." He could promise anything but that. They got screwed over time and time again no matter what and Gloria knew that as well as he did. "We can... we can get a car... somehow," They didn't even have a credit card. They never did. "And just drive back to Duckburg ourselves. I'll try to get Ellie to convince Mark to buy a car or something of the sort." He gripped her shoulder in an attempt to ground her. "Nothing is going to happen here."

Gloria made her own attempt to try to calm herself down by taking deep breaths and closing her eyes. "Yeah, you're right. Nothing is going to happen here..." She repeated his words to help make them seem more true. She opened her eyes again and looked up at Gyro. "I know it may not be the best idea but I need a drink. Alone. I promise I won't go overboard. I'll just meet you in the hotel room later, okay? I won't even leave the hotel." She was telling him all of this on the chance something happened to her. With the months they've been having, literally anything chaotic could happen.

He gulped but nodded. "...Alright. Just be careful and text me. I'll let you know what room we're in."


Ellie was kneading her own hands as she followed behind Mark like a lost puppy. Okay, sure, maybe her morals had gone down the drain over the past month, more so than before, but Vegas itself still freaked her out. She didn't know organics could be so crude and... crazy? She couldn't think of a better term to describe it.

You could guess what Mark was doing. He was going to all the most photo worthy parts of Vegas and commanding Ellie to take photos of him. How he thought this was good reality show content was beyond her, not that it mattered in the end. This shit show wouldn't be airing anywhere.

Maybe it was stupid. Scratch that, it was stupid, but Ellie was keeping a lookout for Boyd just in case. He would never stop in a place like Vegas but she was desperate and she needed something to keep her sane. Looking for Boyd is what did that for her. But obviously it was hard to do when the majority of her time was being spent taking photos and being screamed at. She thought she knew what the theoretical place known as 'hell' was, but damn she was wrong.

She decided on striking up a conversation with Mark anyway. She couldn't get him to like her just by being quiet.

"Have you ever been to Las Vegas before?" She asked. "I have not but I find it to be a... wonderful city."

"Duhhhhhh! Of course I have because this place is LIT! Picture it, people come from all over to get drunk and party 24/7, and then leave and act like nothing happened?! That's fucking amazing! Oh, take a photo of me next to this." Mark walked in front of her and did a stupid pose that Ellie didn't know the meaning behind. He snatched his phone back and looked through the photos she just took. "Oh yeah these will do. After we divorce or whatevs you should be my personal phone picture takey person."

"A photographer?"

"Yeah that!" He gave his phone back to Ellie again and stood in front of the same place that he just had his photo taken but now in a different pose.

Ellie was actually surprised he was seriously considering hiring her as a photographer. Sure, she was pretty good at it when counting all the practice she had with him in the past, but this version of him hated her. He was actually willing to be around her more, sort of, which was fucking weird. Nonetheless, it made Ellie smile although he was treating her like a slave. But whatever, she could look past that.

"You know what we should do?"

Mark rolled his eyes because she was talking again.

"We should go on a date!"

That earned a nasty glare and he was about to protest and most likely insult the shit out of her, but she continued mighty quickly so he would hear her out.

"Think about it. This is 90 Day Fiancé so we cannot just avoid going on a date. That is what the viewers want. They want love and drama. It obviously will not be a real date... unless you want it to be." That last part was whispered but Mark heard that shit.

He thought about it for a moment before he responded. "Fine, but I have a few rules. First off, don't touch me or talk to me until the cameras are on us. There isn't a point in talking to you if the show isn't watching us. Second, I'm not paying for your food. Unless the camera catches us leaving then yeah I'll get the bill... but you'll have to pay me back when they aren't watching. Got it?"

She nodded vigorously. "Of course! I understand!"


A small and fat figure pushed Ellie forward and she stumbled into Mark.

He scoffed and pushed her off. "EWWWW! GERMS! WHAT THE FUCK?! GOD, YOU'RE SUCH A BITCH!"

Ellie ignored him and watched the oh so familiar figure scuttle, on all fours, into a building with a cross above it.

No. It couldn't be. There was no fucking way.

She pointed to the area the stout figure just went into. "Mark, what is that building over there?"

Mark looked at the building Ellie was pointing to and back at her, giving her a confused and pissed off look. "Uhhhhh it's a church? Don't you know what churches are?" He snapped.

"Is that a place of idiotic religious gatherings?" She searched her data and answered her own question, nodding to herself. "Yes. It is. Anyway," She pointed to the building again. "We need to go there. Only for a moment."

Mark started to whine "Whyyyyyyyyyyy?! It isn't even Sunday! God Damnit!"

"I know, but I believe I saw my Uncle run in there." She took out a steak knife from her purse.

"... and I give a shit becauseeeeeeee...?" He trailed off, not even caring that she literally pulled out a weapon. That shit was normal for him. A lot of people want him dead.

"You do not have to care, I just need to murder him." She pointed to the building once again with her knife.

"Oh. Yeah okay sure. Can I record it?"

She gave him a look. "I would prefer if you did not, considering I am about to commit a felony. I have been imprisoned way too many times for my liking." Ellie knew he was going to record anyway so there was no point in telling him that.

"You've been to prison?" He gave her a look, not believing her. "Okay whatevs. Just kill him quickly. I fucking hate churches."

She nodded and walked across the street, cutting off traffic and getting a good amount of curse words and objects thrown at her, but whatever.

The building looked very out of place with it's historic architecture, but she supposed it wasn't that strange. This was Las Vegas after all and very little made sense to her. She scanned the sign that read "Guardian Angel Cathedral". Sounded pretty idiotic.

She swung the door open, holding it for Mark behind her so he wouldn't whine like a pussy.

There was what seemed to be a priest in the middle of giving a service. He paid no mind to the two entering. It was a crazy city so people entering and exiting at their own will was most likely very common.

Flintheart fucking Glomgold was easy to spot with his white ass suit. He was sitting on the very edge of a pew, next to a married couple.

"Yooooooooo! Is that G-Gold?! Yo! G-Gold! The fuck you doing here, bro!?" Mark shouted across the catholic church. Not only was he super loud, but his voice echoed, making him even more annoying to everyone inside.

The priest and the rest of the church went silent, turning their attention to Mark and just... watching.


Ellie bolted across the holy facility, jumping over a literal fucking pew, to get to her Uncle. She grabbed him by the collar of his suit and held him up, holding the knife against his throat. "UNCLE GLOMGOLD! THE ONE TIME WE NEEDED YOU! THE ONE TIME! YOU WERE IN LAS VEGAS?! WE ALMOST DIED! YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT WE WENT THROUGH WHILE YOU WERE OUT SCUTTLING AROUND!"

Mark took out his phone to start recording. "Wait. G-Gold is your uncle?!" Now he had to record this! Family tea is the best kind of tea!

The priest cleared his throat. "Ma'am, we are in the middle of the service so if you could-"


Glogmold started squirming around like a cockroach that was upside down. "OI! GET OFF OF MEH, ROBO-BABEH!" Glomgold tried spitting at her, but failed, having the spit land right back on his face.

It should also be mentioned he didn't even notice her change of accent. He just thought that was how she always spoke.

"YOU HAVE GOTTEN AWAY FROM ME TOO MANY TIMES!" She threw him on the ground and the church goers gasped. "NOT THIS TIME!" Ellie did what she always did and jumped on him, stabbing violently. Glomgold did what he always did and morphed around each stab like a Looney Toons character, only making Ellie even angrier.


The priest was visibly shaking now. "There is to be no murder in this building of God. I- I will have to call the cops if all three of you do not exit the facility."

Ellie ignored him. "JUST! LET! ME! KILL! YOU!"

Glomgold managed to scuttle out from beneath her and hissed like a wild animal before getting back down on all fours to run out of the church, shoving Mark out the way while he did so. He barked all the way out.

Mark stopped recording. "Well that was lame."

Ellie pointed the knife at him. "WELL THIS VERSION OF YOU IS 'LAME', MARK!" She stormed past him, shoving the knife back into her purse because there was no way in hell she was going to be able to catch up with Glomgold. Man, she was pissed. If he was there and was able to pull that shit with the gang members he did last time when Heidi was marrying Mark, everything could have been prevented. Including Mark losing his memories.

The priest turned to Mark. "S-sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave as well before I call the cops."

"Pfft. Okay, whatever, you don't have to tell me twice. Chrsitianity sucks ass and so do Catholics! Boom! Yeah! I said it! You guys have shitty stale bread! Pew pew pew pew!" Mark made finger gun gestures as he backed out of the church backwards, not breaking eye contact with the priest.

Ellie was fuming and pacing back and forth outside of the church. She considered just ditching Mark then and there, but she knew she couldn't do that. She had to stick with him for the sake of the man that sacrificed himself. For now she just muttered to herself about how much she fucking hated Glomgold and that version of Mark.

"Lmaooooooo! Elbow, Did you see that loser's expression!? He's totes butthurt that I dissed his stupid religion in front of everyone!"

She stopped and looked at him with a scowl. "Can you please just shut up for one measly second. And for the last time, my name is not Elbow, it is Ellie!"

"Oh... are you butthurt too because you're Catholic or something?" Mark sat on the front steps of the church.

Ellie knelt down and shoved him, though it didn't do much since he was already sitting. It just sort of made him move to the side a bit.

"I said shut up! I am trying so hard to be nice to you but you make it so impossible! But it is not like I have a choice in leaving you! And I want to help you on top of it all!" She stood back up and bawled her fists, but it was clear she wasn't a threat. She wasn't going to punch him. "Maybe my memory is corrupt but I do not remember you being this annoying when I first met you! If you were then I must have been insane to fall in love with you to begin with!" She closed her eyes and continued ranting, knowing Mark wasn't going to understand any of this and probably think it was part of the stupid reality television show. "Just wake up! I want the old you back already! Losing our child was enough and now I lost you?! I was insane as is but this surely is not helping! I cannot take anymore of this!" She started pulling at her hair and looked away from him, continuing to pace again. "Goodness, I love you so much Mark but please... come back."

Yep, Mark had no clue what she was ranting about so there wasn't anything for him to really argue back with. He just assumed that all of it was for the show. He didn't realize that the "hidden cameras" were on them so he made the effort to sit up straight and sit in a more flattering pose. "Alright soooooo I dunno how to respond to that because the show writers didn't give me my script yet. But, hey, for what it's worth, what we just did back in the church was actually kinda fun! I'm not sure if the show caught any of that but I hope they did because that would make for great TV." He looked over at Ellie before staring straight ahead "Don't let this get to your head or anything but I like you better now. You're actually kinda fun to be around when you're batshit cray-cray. Um, again, don't let that get to your head."

Ellie immediately regretted everything she had said to him. Flipping out on this Mark was no way to treat the other Mark and it was eating her up, but she just lost it for a moment. Yet, as silly as it was, that one tiny comment did make her feel a bit better. She stayed silent and counted down from ten because she read somewhere that that was supposed to help with anger. It didn't really work but it gave her time to think. "I apologize. I should not follow along with the script of the show when you do not have yours yet. It is unfair to you. I suppose we should just improvise from now on." She didn't acknowledge his comment about her thinking she was 'fun' to be around because she was afraid he would take it back. "Alright. Let us continue your photoshoot for now." She paused for a moment. "And for what it is worth, I do find you annoying, but not that annoying. I still want to continue being around you."

Mark ignored the fact that she just called him annoying. He stood up. "Alright! There are loads more places to check out. I'll ask my followers what kind of photos they want to see next." Mark began to tweet out his question while walking down the church steps with Ellie following behind. As they walked around the city, he would only glance up every once in a while before looking back down at his phone. He wasn't going to admit this out loud but he was really just relying on Ellie to speak up and tell him which spots would be the best places to have a photo taken.


It didn't take Gloria very long to find the bar inside the hotel. The longer she was roaming around, the worse she felt but she reassured herself that after a few drinks she'd be able to calm down.

Most of her first drink was already gone. She didn't bother to look around her surroundings and did her best to sound everyone out. She just stared at the bar table, fidgeting with the glass in her hands while her head was continuing to race.

The one empty spot at the bar, directly next to Gloria, was quickly taken by a woman. Gloria couldn't help but glance at her being the nosy bitch she was and the first thing she noticed were the severe burns on the woman's left arm. They were old and healed but it must've been a very bad accident.

Next she noticed the woman's attire and cringed, reminding her of why she didn't want to be in Vegas to begin with. Her outfit was very revealing, but not in a stripper manner, she was very clearly a prostitute. If it wasn't obvious enough, the smeared makeup and long mangled hair gave it away.

Gloria's heart reached out to her. This is exactly why she hated Vegas. Everyone who ended up living there only got stuck in a shit hole of a life with no escape.

The woman ironically got Sex On The Beach, the same drink Gloria was currently having. She wasn't much of a fan but she wanted something different for once.

Just from the glances Gloria took, she could tell that her time in Vegas was like paradise compared to the woman sitting next to her. She knew it wasn't any of her business but she wanted to make sure that the woman was doing alright. If she wanted Gloria's help or advice, great. If not, then she would only hope that she annoys her enough to make her leave so she can finish drinking in peace. She cleared her throat, only taking passing glances her way every now and then. "Um, sorry to bother you, but are you alright? Do you want me to call someone for you?"

Again, it wasn't any of her business to talk to her. Typically you see shit like this all the time and no one says or does anything about it. Not even other women step in to help. This wasn't helping with Gloria's anxiety over being in Vegas but she couldn't just sit next to this woman and do nothing. Not after everything she went through herself.

That only got a snort from the woman. "That's very demeaning... of you." She held her hand out when the bartender handed her her drink. "Go fuck yourself." Is all she said before chugging it.

Gloria figured as much on getting a response like that. She had almost forgotten how harsh people had to act under these circumstances. She sighed and continued to stare down at the table, going back to her thoughts.

"So why are you at a bar all by... yourself on a Saturday?" The woman actually continued the conversation despite sounding bitter and pissed.

Gloria was surprised the woman was even speaking to her. She wasn't going to question it though. "Shitty day. I'm trying to get back home but I have to spend a few nights here before I can leave. I hate it here..." She took a big swig from her drink before continuing "What about you?"

"What do you think?" She scoffed, before proceeding to steal the man's drink next to her. He was passed out so she took advantage of it. "I just had shitty sex... and I need to get drunk before my next client." As she threw the drink back, Gloria noticed the bracelet on her wrist. It was a small black string that was very close to breaking, with beads that read "BFFS" with a heart next to it, followed by a "G". It was poorly done and very middle-school-esque, but it was familiar.

Gloria felt her stomach drop when she saw the bracelet. It had to have just been a coincidence. Lots of people had bracelets like that. People made them all the time. She knew that she had to ask about it though. It would eat her alive if she didn't. "Where did you get that?!" Gloria blurted out. Her heart started to race. She almost didn't even want to know the answer anymore. She finally turned to look at the woman to identify her face but her smeared makeup and all of the hair in her face made it difficult to see. What face she was able to make out did look familiar to her but at this point she just assumed it was her mind playing tricks on her. She had been drinking so it wouldn't surprise her if she woke up the next morning with a memory of her harassing a total stranger over a friendship bracelet.

"An old friend of mine." The woman wasn't phased by Gloria's sudden mood shift. She didn't even blink. "I know I started this conversation with you, but get the fuck... out of my business." She continued to murmur under her breath. "Fucking bitch."

Gloria continued to stare at her. With all of her emotions built up around Las Vegas, and this conversation added on top of it, she started to cry. "...Mia?" Gloria's voice cracked. Now she really felt like she lost it but she didn't even have that much to drink. If it wasn't her, then she would just tell Gloria to 'fuck off' again and that would be the end of the conversation. Then she could just walk away embarrassed and go lay in bed.

The woman spit out her drink back into its cup as best as she could, while almost dropping it. She started coughing violently. "How the fuck do you-" She spoke through coughs into her hand. "Know my name, asshole?!" Tears pricked the corner of Mia's eyes as her coughing calmed down. God, that hurt her throat. She turned to look at who must've been stalking her with a furious expression before her face washed over. "...Gloria?"

Gloria started to cry harder. Her stomach dropped again when she heard her say her name back to her. She got out of her seat to pull Mia into a tight hug. Gloria pulled away from the hug first and adjusted Mia's dress strap and all of the locks of hair that were in her face. There were tears streaming down her own face but she was too distracted to do anything about it. "Oh Fuck- Mia, what happened to you?! How did you get here?! I- I thought you were dead!" Suddenly all of the guilt of leaving her behind in New York came flooding back to her. All of this. It was Gloria's fault.

Mia wiped tears from her eyes, though it was pointless because she was sobbing. The only thing it accomplished was smearing her makeup even more. "Who told you I was dead?" She laughed, but it was barely audible through her crying. She brought Gloria into a hug again. "I- I started looking for you... and bikers on the road eventually told me you were in Vegas. I was losing so much hope but they were- they were right all along." Her makeup was now getting on Gloria's clothes but she didn't mind, she only hugged Mia tighter. "Jeez. I can't believe you're seeing me like this. I'm disgusting. And using that kind of language with you... goodness... I would've never."

All of the information Mia just threw at Gloria only caused her brain to hurt more than it already did. She should've known not to believe Axel. Just about everything that man had ever said to her was a lie. Of course he would've lied about Mia. "It was Axel. I ran into him almost two months ago and he- he said that he killed you! All because I left New York... God damnit, Mia I am so sorry. I knew I should've taken you with me. I should have never left you in New York all alone! I just wanted you to have a happy and normal life..." That last sentence caused Gloria's voice to crack again.

"How was I supposed to be... happy without you, Gloria?" She chuckled lightly and let go of Gloria so she could look her in the eyes. "Don't apologize, alright? I was willing to live the most messed up life just to... find you again and it paid off!" She squeezed the sides of Gloria's arms in an attempt to comfort her and get her to calm down, which was ironic because she wasn't calming down either. "What have you been doing all this time?"

"When I left New York, I traveled west and ended up here for a while... but I left Las Vegas over a year ago. Probably close to two years now." It was painful to admit that because she had no clue how long Mia had been looking for her or how long she's been in Las Vegas. Just another thing to feel guilty for. "I live in Duckburg, California now." And as soon as she said it, yet another thing to feel guilty over: Gyro. Gloria's entire face went pale. She had no idea how she was going to bring up Gyro to her and how they've been dating for about a year. It all felt like one painful bomb dropped after another that Gloria didn't have the heart to do to her.

"Oh... I've been here for only about three years." Mia let go of Gloria. She knew nothing about Gloria's new life but it was obvious she had moved on. A place like Duckburg isn't some place you move to for kicks and giggles, you go there with a purpose in mind. And she had been working in Vegas the entire time, not pushing her life forward, only back. "Are you happy there? Did you get a fresh start?" Mia hoped the answer was yes. She didn't want Gloria to be caught in shit like she was. Maybe she even managed to get an education like she always wanted. That thought alone brought a sweet smile to Mia's face.

Gloria nodded. "Yes, I'm happy. Duckburg is a great place to live. It can be chaotic at times but what big city isn't?" She sighed. She was dreading the next thing she had to mention to her. She had no idea how Mia was going to take it but she couldn't go on any further without bringing up Gyro. "When I was still first getting started in Duckburg, and looking around for an internship, I met someone..." She cleared her throat and looked away from Mia. "His name is Gyro and we've been dating for a year now. He's a really sweet guy and he treats me well." Her eyes started to water again. "Mia... I'm so so sorry."

"O-oh... you really, um, you really did move on." Mia scooted back in the stool and sniffled, darting her eyes away. She felt like such a fool, not to mention she looked like such a lowlife to Gloria, a lowlife that threw away whatever she had going for her. "I'm sure he's a... good guy and I'm glad you're happy but..." She stood up. "But I should get going. I'm meeting with a client in fifteen minutes."

She held Mia's hand and shook her head. Gloria wiped the new tears she had on her face with her free hand. "No, please don't go. Let me help you! I can't stand to see you living like this! Like how I used to be. I can help get you out of here, okay? You don't deserve this kind of life, Mia. You deserve to be happy and I will do everything to help you get that life."

"Gloria, I-" Mia was too heartbroken to think quite clearly. "I don't need your help. It would be unfair of me to drag you into something you were never... involved in to begin with. I can dig my way out of this myself, okay?" She smiled as best as she could, gently prying her hand away from Gloria's, as politely as she could. "I'm not upset with you, I promise. I want you to continue to be happy. I just feel really... dumb for waiting so long and expecting something out of it." Mia wiped tears from her eyes again and started to back up, bumping into a few drunks on the way out. "Hopefully I can see you again before you leave to say a proper goodbye this time. I'm around... this hotel often." She tried her best to smile again before fleeing the bar, immediately disappearing into the crowd.

Gloria stood there dumbfounded over what just happened. Her mind hadn't stopped racing and it was getting to the point where she was starting to feel dizzy. The alcohol wasn't helping. She sat back down at her seat and laid her head down, using her crossed arms as a cushion. She stayed there at the bar for a while, doing what she tried to do earlier: drown out the noise of all the people around her.


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