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So life is really crazy y'all... Y'all ever just faced a scenario where you gave something your all but it didn't work out. No matter how much you pushed yourself or drank that coffee so that you stay up all night, how much prayer you laid out to God... It all didn't work out. What exactly follows?

Once something you've always want    fades completely?

Well this is almost as relatable as whatever I'm yapping about in that first paragraph. Don't mind it anyway.

No matter how hard you try to slam a sledgehammer into a wall,if it ain't ready to crack then just let it be. Okay this is totally different from what you hear...yk...the infamous don't give up on anything no matter how hard it is. Well giving up could entirely be both positive or negative.
You might be giving up a bad habit like oogling at your friend's cute boyfriend. Okay okay I'm talking too much and I should cut this down.

As I held the vase in my hand,I thought of how our friendship had seemed so real back then. How we had promises and dreams sworn to each other. How we had a damn tight friendship. And now it was all laid out... literally... Jason was on the floor,passed out. I had to do something. How does someone just creep up on you at night?....Like you ain't gon fuck up my sleep for nothing dude.

My hands shook as I tried to withhold all the hate I had towards him now. A sudden hug from behind reeled me back to my calm state.

Are you okay? What happened? I thought I heard something fall

Nate was beyond himself with worry and concern. He moved me to the side and sat me back on my bed.

He came at me...I had to do that...I just had to...

Hush mama! Hush! It's not your fault...

Emotion always takes over in a split of a second.It overwhelms you when you least expect it. Like how a bitch would promise herself not to get attached to a nigga but ends up getting attached anyway... (This is just an illustration ol
f the whole emotional wreckage crisis)

I couldn't help but cry. I wasn't sad that I had hit him in the head. On the contrary I was sad that I hadn't been lucky enough to know Jason's intentions. I'd have avoided a lot of shit. But it is what it is. Whatever's done is done. You can't change anything.
My only priority was why exactly he was creeping up on me and for what exactly.

You feel better now?

Yes yes Nate I'm okay...we should probably tie him up before he comes to...

Yeah, you're absolutely right!

We sat his sluggish body on the chair in the middle of my room. His drunk state must have played the bigger role in making him pass out from a hit on the head with a vase.
His head hang low from his neck.

Did I kill him???

No...relax...he's just passed out good... Nice hand...

Yow don't joke about this.... He might be dying as we speak..

Relax mama .... I'm worried about you actually

I'm fine... it's just....

The sound of something falling through the window did it all. Obviously by instinct,we both looked back to see who or what had fallen through the window.

So hey guys...
So sorry I haven't been writing...I have been facing a series of depression and lack of self Worth ft denial... here's something at least.

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