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I knew we'd become one right away no matter the distance


We both know ( as in me and you who's reading) that I was there when the store burst into flames. But that hadn't been my fault. Neither was it Nate's. As much as I might look like a pathetic measly pawn in this whole shenanigan, I promise I'm quite the realer here. Not to mention I'm the one everyone lies to and kisses without permission just because they think my best friend is a enemy. Yes, I'm talking of Nate... and that kiss, it was all fake... Just like he was... And I had made sure to hit his dick with my fist as he forced his lips into mine ( not that I didn't enjoy it).

Jason and I walked hand in hand to the school hall where everyone had assembled. Most students were speaking in low tones, mostly about who they thought had set the store on fire. I kinda felt all jittery.

So who do you think did it?

I don't know... maybe one of the bad kids yk...those with real problems...

Jay's question had caught me off guard. My answer was based on what caught my eyes. The clique at my right. Mostly bad boys and girls in school. Those who dyed their hair, had weird tattoos and random piercings. There was a rumour that one of the girls, Maze, had a piercing right on her clit and both nipples. Talk of bad bitch ...more like punched bitch.

Trying so hard to avoid Jay's eyes as we took our seats, I turned to look at the K-pop kids. The strains of a very notorious Korean song blasted from a phone as they bobbed their heads to it. The K-pop clique's strong opinions and the fact that they actually felt free and comfortable to blast music undisturbed were a clear indication that they gave no fucks at all. Cool right?

My eyes darted across the hall and landed on Gina's...with her squad of minions. More of scary dolls. Like little Annabells. Our eyes locked for a while. I let myself take in her clear hatred and disgust for me. She still hadn't forgiven me... But why did I need forgiving? She was the one who dumped me after all. So whatever... Quickly tearing my eyes off her I turned to face our professors and the school's director, Chum, as they walked in like a council of judges.

Well, here goes a long lecture on fire safety...

Oh shut up Jay... Let's hope he doesn't take long...

The hall went silent at the sound of Chum clearing his throat. I was honestly panicking. What if someone had seen Nate and I. I glanced over at him, and as if by instinct, he glanced back, shooting me an I'm-also-tensed smile. If I'd have to put this situation in deep metaphorical terms like something out of a pretentious poem I'd like it to be a court case, where only you know who's guilty.

So I won't take long... First the school's history project has been cancelled owing to the recent accident.The south store was set to flames. A wire was obviously tampered with by one of you students. If you have any person in mind, with evidence obviously, feel free to put in names in the suggestion boxes, which are sadly now active. Go forth and be snitches... enjoy the rest of your periods.

Murmurs rent the air as a hand shot up. It was Kharl, the football team captain. As usual he had good grades and a good set of muscles and face to match his entire godly self.

Yes Kharl...

Why cancel the project was supposed to account for 50% of our grade this semester..

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