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Yeah... I'm the bad guy now.
Y'all ever heard of a varying section?
If for example you cut an apple into half you will see a flat surface of roughly circular shape. This is a cross section of the apple at the centre. If you now cut a slice nearer to the edge you will have another roughly circular piece but of small diameter. The apple is said to be of varying section.

That's exactly how life is. There are times you feel exactly like that apple. Some things you do aren't perfect...they come out as rough sections of your whole life. I know I'm getting all nerdy but think about's actually applicable. And any messy or not perfect thing is shaped to be better or worse .

In my case, my life had shaped me to be worse. Like a tornado that needed a switch to bring everything down. I was a walking shroud of darkness. A darkness that had been put there by death. One I wouldn't overcome until I served vengeance.

Nate had prevented my plan tonight. It would have been so perfect if he hadn't shown up. I would have found out where the box was. With my face all covered up I'd definitely be able to coarse Bailey to blurt everything out. But he had to show up. Always the savior. He was what I needed to pull out.

Hey son...any luck? We are running out of time ...

No mum...I failed...he was there...he could have seen me. Where's dad?

He's out taking care of your medication. We think you need to stop overthinking. You're going back to your condition...

Mum...I'm okay...I just need to lie down for a while...

She was right though and I knew it. But there was no way I was going to let my Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome stop me from getting what I wanted. That would be as bad as feigning weakness. And that wasn't me. Kissing her cheek, I walked away towards my room. I needed to cross my plan from my diary since it had failed.

But it wasn't there... I flipped over all my shelves, closet ... nothing...under my bed... nothing. I always had my diary of evil with me. The voice inside my head was eating through couldn't stop...I had failed. My plans would all fall apart if I didn't get it back. Who could have taken it? My mind would only click Bailey...or Nate...they had always been my worst enemies all along.

I couldn't focus...
Picking up my phone, I dialed her number...
She was the only one who understood me. She would help me get through my issues. busy?

Actually no... what's up?

I need you Gina... please...

Where are you?

Meet me at the old fifteen...

Okay...I'll be there...

I needed to let out all my emotions. I was crumbling down. And I wouldn't let myself fall. Gina always helped in burying all the feelings I had for Bailey. And it was working I guess. I felt much better... I think... And I still needed my dosage to be okay.

It's like having self medication and the moment you stay without it or stop, it gets worse. And the more you think about something so bad, you become worse... and you start turning into a monster ... One you can't let out until it's time.

And life has to be a harmonic mode. I relate it to a squad if soldiers. Just as they are about to march over a bridge. The commander will obviously tell them to stop to break step, because the clump of their feet in unison would set up a pattern of vibration of harmonic mode which could obviously weaken the bridge. Take your life to be the bridge and the soldiers to be all decisions and thoughts that pull you down. You need to halt them at some point before it all falls down.

I really hope you get and understand my predicament. The box had to be found... and fast.

As I walked down the path towards the library, I kept reflecting on where I had let my guard down. I never lose my diary. Just like a serial killer never loses his killing pattern. I had to set my mind right...and fast... Before all was in vain.

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