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Shh! Not a squeak. Not even a word to anyone. Promise?

Probably the very words that make up a juicy steamy story or secret someone told you. We all love secrets. But can you keep one? Could be someone's most treasured secret ... Sin or not...still a fuckin secret dude! Just fuckin keep it to yourself. Careful what you say to someone you think is a friend. Most are disguised as wolves in sheep clothing. But they love juicy secrets as if it was a fresh- prey- ready -to -eat -stake. And a secret could either destroy you or build you.

And I had a lot of them. Dark secrets I'd learnt how to keep. Some of which were people's burdens. Most were obviously my own demons. As I walked along the almost dark path to Bailey's house, I couldn't help but gaze into my past. Things had been done ... Just not said. And this was catching up with me fast. One way or another, Bailey and I had to sit and talk the why's each of us had clogged in their minds. Questions...a lot of them.

A cat at the sidewalk dashed into the bushes as I approached it (the whole time i had beeen fighting the urge to call the cute cat and pet it). The evening air was serene. Mr.Tod, the grumpy man, even raised a hand to say hi to me. He was shutting his blinds around that time. It was a perfect yet all too calm evening. Almost like something would happen.

As I turned towards Bailey's yard I noticed someone. A tall figure leaning in on the house's wall outline tracing slowly,not wanting to make a sound. The person was out of view. He reminded me of the man who had burnt the store down. It was already 7:30 pm. Why would someone be lurking so early in the night?

Following him from a distance, I crouched away, well hidden and took the other side of the yard. We'd obviously collide one way or another. As I rounded the house to the ladder leading to Bailey's room's window, my heart almost skipped a beat. I was tensed, anticipation got the better of me. I could have sworn I almost had a panic attack. Poking my head out to catch a glimpse of what awaited my eyes, I looked around for him.

But he was gone. Vanished. No.. I hadn't seen my own things. And then my mind rang... Bailey...was she okay? Quickly climbing up the ladder, I reached her room. The window was still open. I slipped my body mass inside stealthily, not wanting to make a sound. Darting my eyes across her room, I couldn't help but awe at how neat it was .

Great! You're here... you took so long...

I'm sorry Bailey..had to stop and stare at a stray cat.

You're weird...

Uhmm... thanks!

Whatever.... we need to talk...

Your room is really amazing... I love how everything is black.

I love the color...so dark yet beautiful and captivating.. almost like life itself...

Reminds me... Are you okay?

Yeah why...

Bailey I saw someone lurking around your yard...

Did she come back again?

Wait...are we talking of the same thing? Was someone else here?

Yeah, Gina... but that was way before I called you.

Whoever I saw was a man...like the one who burnt down the store...

I could see her lip quiver in fear and her eyes almost water.

Bailey... you're safe... we'll make it through... I'll help you. Let's end it before it ends us.

Yeah... actually that's part of why I called... I want to know everything. Before I open the package mum left me. Deby and Josè gave it to me.

Holy fuck....is that it?

The package lay on her bed, untouched. My hands ached to open it and look at what was inside. There was no going back. I had to tell her everything.

What do you want to know?

Let's start with why did you come back? And why you look so different...you're not the Nate I knew.

Good thing I brought a blunt... we'll need it.

Getting the nicely rolled joint, I lit it, puffing the smoke through the window.


I'm just an experiment. A research by my parents to correct a mistake of creation. One to rid me of my monstrous looks. They still run the experiments as the Hex. Most people with the creation mistake are people on the streets, the homeless who can't be loved, those who can't say anything to save themselves. Or like Hex like to call them...a burden. They believe deformities is being monstrous. They believe God made a mistake in creation. They call themselves pure just because they have riches and are perfect. And if you have no purpose to serve, you deserve to be corrected.

And so my hunch and weird face that everyone loved to tease in elementary school was a mistake. And my own parents cared about what their friends would say if they saw me. All my life was sad, neither did i attend any family function nor dinner. Because I was hideous and so hidden. What they failed to see was my pure heart. A beauty that's unparalleled to any physical look. A kind heart was supposed to kill them but I suppose my face was enough to make someone sick.

Both studied and researched. Put me under so much all in the name of making me the son they always wished to have. But everyday I thought of you. As someone who loved me for me. Someone who saw beyond my ugly face. Someone who sought for more than just what animal I resemble. And that reminded me never to forget. And it reminded me to stay strong for you.

And as for the reason why I came back, most of it was destiny's plan. Yes I stabbed Amber... and i still get haunted. But I was protecting you...the only person who knew how to love me. And because Jason would find you. And kill you... or worse take away someone you love. I have all the letters he sent me while I was still recovering from a beating he saved me from. All his dark secrets in ink and pen.


Her eyes were already moist as she tried to hold back her tears. She either felt sorry for me or felt guilty at herself for betraying me back then. Or for Jason being a sharade the whole time.

Betrayal is worst fed by the closest people. Someone you had all your trust put. Someone you shared good moments. Someone you thought was your ride or die.
Someone you thought would never lie to you.
Someone you called home.
The feeling that comes with it is heartbreaking. A feeling that couldn't be feigned. Felt to the core. More like someone killed the lights in your life. Or like a knife was stabbed deep into your flesh countless times.

And all that is left is you burning out mirrors and smoke. A scattered heart. One that can't be fixed.

But we all rise despite. Right?

Literally woke up at 1:28am in the night to write this POV!
Love y'all ❣️
No matter what people say, you are beautiful.

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