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Niggas love when the birds sing
White cocaine, pinky in the brain
Love when the box hit the mail
I love when the player wanna bail
I hate when a nigga want problems
But I love to give a nigga sells
God protect me from the evil

As I hit the king-size blunt, I let myself sail through my ocean of memories. Suddenly I felt like codeine moving like a dead body. Getting high had been my treatment to all the memories of juvee.


Next time I'll make sure to drown your sorry ass while tied to a chair.

The torture was immense. He made me immune to pain. Tory would always pick on me. A year after landing in juvee, I had tried to make friends. It was hard considering only bad boys were taken there. While making this statement, I had my hands held behind my head by one of his goons as they forced me to the toilet bowl. I guggled as I struggled to catch some air every time they pulled me up. Probably afraid I'd die from all the torture. They had beat me to pulp. All because I wouldn't let him have his way with me. My story is rather one of regret and shame. Never in my entire life did I expect to land in juvee with a gay molester who cared less. And when night came I would regret. For it would be a whole seven shades of dusk back in my cell.

A small room with bunk beds. Tory took the lower bed while I settled for the latter. Judging from his face, I could tell he was rather weird but who was I to judge.

And on one night, he had come to my bed... gotten snuggly and cuddly. I wouldn't scream out. He had a pen knife. And when I fought him off, grazing his left hand in the process, he had revenge planned at the back of his head. He was a psycho.




The tap was making noises in the middle of the night as I slept. I woke up. I wasn't one to sleep comfortably with noises around me. Yeah most people would prefer ASMR but not me. Pulling myself off the bed I walked towards the bathroom from where the noise was emanating from. I didn't even notice the weird quietness on the dark long corridor as I walked. I was still struggling to open my eyes amidst all the drowsiness. The sounds of crickets echoed back and drowned my footsteps. It was dark and the only thing illuminating the corridor was a flickering light at the corner.There's no point of being afraid of the dark though. I told myself. When I reached the sink, I twisted the tap and the drip sound came to a halt. noise. I gave myself a smile... probably because I felt proud at what I had done.

I had obviously saved all the boys from a night full of drip sounds. Looking at myself the mirror I thought I saw something. More like someone. A shadow perhaps. I wasn't sure. I was obviously hallucinating owing to how sleepy I was.


I heard a snapping noise. And the same farmiliar shortness of breath I had to battle whenever he was around.


The old library was my quiet place. It was an old abandoned building with spider webs all over. Dusty windows, broken book shelves, old papers torn off from books. The middle lights all hang lose from the ceiling. A rusted ceiling if I may say. Terrible environment to get high at but it was really worth. I don't think anyone else knew about this particular building. Obviously they did but no one had dared to come inside. Mostly because the worn out police tape surrounding the vicinity was still in place. I still didn't know what had happened in this place.

There was a punch bag in one corner of the library...weird right?
But I liked it. I would get super high on my stash , blast my headphones and begin punching the bag. It calmed my nerves. It helped me forget. All the terrible things at that correctional center. All the nights.

Someone had saved me though. I couldn't forget his face. Not even when I hadn't seen him in a long time. He had been released two years before me. I was sure he was the guy I saw at the school.

AP Chemistry wasn't my favorite unit in school but the tutor had supposedly scheduled a make up class today. Saturday wasn't a day to go to school. My parents forced me anyway.

She wasn't at school today. I had looked all over for her. With my eyes though since Gina wouldn't even let me walk to the bathroom alone. The bitch had made it all the way here in this renown institution but she real thotty. More like Maison Margiela dabbing on everybody kind of person. You get what I'm trying to say?

Immediately class ended, I had literally ran out before she could yell out my name. Today marked a dullm day In my life. The start of all my troubles in juvee. I still hadn't told anyone. Not even the Bailey. I figured it was still too early to tell her everything. I had to be sure she knew her best friend was a fake.He had told me things. Most of which didn't add up because they all matched the crime I had committed to land me in juvee. I was almost sure it was him. I had to confirm it first. Clear my doubts. And I needed a plan. And fast. He didn't seem to recognize me yet because I had changed a lot. I wasn't the freak everyone knew me to be back in elementary school.

I must have been hitting the punching bag so hard, way beyond my control. I decided to stop. Taking off my headphones, I let out a sigh.


I swear I heard someone crying. Only I couldn't make out where from. I litsened more intently and I could tell it all came from the back of the last shelf on the fourth row. From what I saw, I was sure it was a person... Her hair was a tangled mess. I could see her from the back. Dressed in all black...smoke forming whenever she let out a sob. Obviously she was getting high and at the same time crying.

I slowly approached the lonely girl. Taking each step cautiously...only advantage was that she wouldn't hear me. Her earphones we're doing me the favor. They were loud enough. She was definitely listening to Billie Eilish. No wonder she was so emotional at the moment.

I had a feeling it was her. Only I wasn't sure. It still felt all jittery around her. I couldn't forget the feeling she always gave me.

Song is cocoon ....Migos.
Remember to vote and comment. I kinda decided to start on the mystery part so that it feels more realistic.
I love y'all ❣️

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