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So I'm kinda going to give you a scenario in your head. Imagine... On a good day, really the usual, you wake up, brush your teeth probably, get ready and sit lazying around... technically because you have nothing to do. While you're enjoying yourself alone watching an episode of your favorite 2020 series ( in this case I'd advice you watch WARRIOR NUN) ... But it's completely a choice...yk, I'm just giving an opinion here.

Anyway, your phone buzzes and you stretch out your hand lazily to pick it... And voila, it's your weed man... Otherwise known as a plug... Cus basically he's an extension cord... (Did you even get the pun?) So anyway he was around your area and had an extra blunt...but the catch is he doesn't smoke. So lucky day, he drops off a blunt for you at the gate.

And wow, you are all home alone so you light it up anyway. What are the chances?

All I'm trying to say in short is that actions have consequences. For example, Bailey now knew the truth. I mean, I had just sang to her a song I only used to perform in front of her. Touchè! So I was walking ... After she had practically pushed me away. She needed me now more than ever.

Yeah I get I'm probably a cancer in her eyes, ready to bring her down with me. But no, I had had my fair share of mistrust my whole life. But now, I had something to live for. I love Bailey... So I live for her.  She needed answers and I was her bridge... Jason would only be the river itself ...the one that would drown Bailey. She didn't even know the danger lurking around her. Everything was like a bomb waiting to go off only if the fuse was ignited. But there were two fuses,

a) ME
b) JASON...

There was no room for any mistakes. And option (a) was definitely the right one. My fuse would ignite better would ignite life... while Jason's...well that was one to ignite chaos. Bailey had to choose... Her life depended on it.

As I walked home, oblivious of how dark it was getting, rain started to pour down, at first lightly teasing me, but soon continued to drown me. My sneakers were caked in mud. I didn't care. I had hit an all time low. Somehow I wanted to give up. But taking all my memories back to juvee, I knew there was no turning back.


I was in a hospital bed after the incident when Tory Baker had smashed my face into a mirror and Jason had come to my aid. When I came to, an officer stood by my left, my right hand was shackled to the bed too . I spotted a hazy image of my mum as I tried to open my eyes lazily.

It's okay sweetie... You'll be fine soon...

She bluttered out in a hush, wiping a tear streak from her cheeks.

Mum... What did they do to me... How long have I been out?

Hush little lamb... Hush child...

Mum... Please... Don't go... Stay a while...

Nate, be strong... Mum and dad will get you out of there...

Somewhat, I had a kind of belief in her words. She would definitely get me out. I had been out for six months... I felt different, very my whole physical form had just been genetically engineered... I tried to pick myself up but I was still numb... Mum had already walked out leaving me with the blonde female officer.

Oh... Do you want to use the bathroom? Careful I'll help you...

She helped me up, removed the shakles from my hands and helped me up to my feet. It felt weird walking again. Like my legs would give way anytime. As I turned to look at myself through the bathroom mirror, I couldn't believe my eyes. There I was, the hunch gone, all tall and totally a knock out. How? Why? Emphasis on the how...

Suddenly the darkness came over me and everything went blank.

A flash of lightning brought me back to reality. And I began to think, the Hex was to blame for everything.

The rain was still pouring slight showers though. I didn't want to go home just yet. I needed to think. And me in the rain... Somewhere quiet ... Blunt in hand, was all I needed.

With Takeoff tapping in with his verse ... Volume on full blast in my ears, I began a thorough search through my mind as I sang along of course.

I bought them blues, talkin all blues
Beat it up black and blue
My dawg got dog food
If we can't win nigga we gonna all lose

Human  history is marked by tectonic shifts and changes, not only in how we live but how we perceive the world and live it. Science was born from life. It's the razor that separates supernatural and spirit realm from life itself. Just like how we believe in existence of divination and celestial bodies. But what if that razor is in fact a bridge. A bridge to venture deep into what lies beyond death. Like a gateway to heaven..we would definitely have a lot to tell God. But I had just one wish, to get Bailey back and to keep her safe.

Hex had been making big mistakes and contributing to a correction in God's work. And my own parents had done that to me. Altering God's creation in an attempt to make it all perfect. But that was way beyond human understanding. Only one thing wasn't altered in me after the whole engineering to my body precisely 6 years ago .... My love and memory for her. And no matter how many pills and drugs they gave me, that would never change. For feelings are in one's heart , not body.

And I wouldn't give up. Perhaps Bailey would forgive me for the dire sin of murdering someone in pursuit of greater good. It hadn't been intentional when I stabbed Amber thrice, I was defending her. She would definitely see the light.

Fate would definitely intervene. And if it all went wrong I would definitely be there to tell her to hold on...for the world turns .... No matter what happens in life.


If you don't get it, the words I just used are from a song I like. Not that it matters anyway. But what's life without some little music and humour in dark times.

Like they say, every cloud has a silver lining , no matter how dark. It's the balance of life.

That night as I slipped into the house through my room's window, I made a choice... My plan was just a prototype... I must succeed. Hex had to fall, and that included my own parents.

So hey guys!
Song is she gonn wink ... Takeoff ft Quavo
Also note I wrote it in the first person kind of way. Just wanted to show Nate's feelings in an open way. Like you get to feel what exactly is in his heart.
Love y'all ❣️

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