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So you happy or ....

Oh come on of all people know I'm the only sane girl in this class.

Of course bestie. Too bad we won't do this together.

Yeah I feel bad too. I really hate that guy. There's something about him.

Honestly I didn't feel any special. I loathed Nate. He was a complete nightmare. I was happy that at least tomorrow's the weekend.

Jason and I always had to go to lunch together. Our bond was more than just a bond. There was a lot to it.

Hey Bailey.. what does he smell like??

Really Carla?

She nearly bumped into me actually. Jason let out a laugh.

I wouldn't give a fuck about how he smells or even what he looks why don't you go ahead and hang around him. He sure loves attention.

I retorted.

Dang ... you're feisty!

Thanks Carla.

It wasn't supposed to be a compliment.

With that she walked away .
Carla was really annoying at times. Other times she was a complete angel.
The line at the cafeteria was moving slowly. Mostly because a weave of people preferred to stare...mouth agape at the tall handsome jerk.
I rolled my eyes at my internal thoughts.
I couldn't help but think he was actually hot.

We should go ahead. They aren't in any kind of hurry to eat.

Yeah right Jay.

We weaved through the throng of students forcing our way into the cafeteria. It was an elegant joint with perfect lighting and intricate fixtures on the deep rich wooden window panes and a strong pine scent which dulled the smell of different perfumes from everyone

The tables were mostly circular. Each space had a type. There was a table for jorks, nerds, rockstars and obviously the pops.
The pops were mostly cheerleaders and the hotties in the school.

Long before everything ...I sat at that particular table. Gina and I had been bossom friends. But you know, shit happens most times.
Jason and I liked to sit at the non table...for those who didn't want to belong to any group.

I loved that particular table owing to the fact that it was normal... nothing was done for clout. You got to be yourself there. And mostly because everyone was friendly. A four-foot aquaplant stood beside the table at the far right corner.
Most times my thoughts would trail off as I stared at the plant.

Pasta and meatballs....
My mum's favorite...
Our favorite...
They were serving that today...
It didn't quite remind me of her ...but it did strike a certain feeling.
Not a complete one because the lunch lady was a literal nightmare. So hefty. She had a mole on her right cheek...
Whenever someone came for a second helping, she would stare intently, curse profusely as she scratched her mole.

Ladies first.

Jason ushered me to sit and followed right after me. He was a dime.

Tomorrow's mum's memorial .

No wonder you've been spacing out of class. How are you?

I prefer to say I don't know how I am.

But we have an AP Chemistry make up class... remember?

Which is why I wanna ask for a favor Jay.

Name it Bear...

Cover for me ... find an know how important tomorrow is.

It's okay Bear. I understand. You can always count on me. I'm your day one.

Thanks Jay. We'll meet up later tomorrow evening. I'll catch up then.

My place?

Sure bestie. I owe you one.

That's why I'm your best friend and I....

Jason's words trailed off . He looked angry all of a sudden. More like he had seen someone.

Behind you Bear...

I couldn't deny that scent that emanated from his body. Though I couldn't see him I knew it was him. I started counting, refusing to look at him because a) looking at him made him real and b) he didn't have respect for my space.

A DARKER SILVER LININGOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant