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We exist because humanity is spiraling dangerously toward disaster and ultimately, self-destruction. The world is overpopulated with no way of turning back. The project was necessary for the Hex. The box was even of more importance. They needed to find it before the teenagers did. The blueprint to the creation of a handful of humans and as well as their very own destruction. Science could be fucked up but nothing was impossible if you had money... and what a way to guise an organization in terms of free boarding school and often fat donations to the very leadership of the town.

The moon is hidden behind a thick dark cloud. The wind is picking up speed slowly. No stars however. A man is helping a girl out of a black town car. She looks scared. Her face is pale with evident worry. Obviously homeless...no shoes on her feet and her hair had seen better days. The tall man gave her a pat of assurance. And,in an instant,the girl seemed less worried. He then leads her toward a dreary looking building where you can see flickers of candlelight dancing through the windows.

Their shadows dance across the curtains under the moonlight. A moment later,the man steps out. The little girl runs after him crying and wailing. He turns, stop her and holds her hand. He slips a shiny ,star shaped copper pendant that hangs from a black leather string around her neck. One side is carved with the sun's image while the other is a crescent moon.

The project needs specimen. As the first trial. Little does she know the man had just signed her into a pretty cage as a lab rat. Unbecoming humans.... Immune to diseases, insanely stunning,uncanny strength,IQs higher than those of the average human... Humanity 2.0...could not be that bad of a trade...fair trade maybe?

Stations we're set up like an assembly line. An attendant stood at the door, reviewing individual charts and workups for the day. Needles were a routine here. Phlebotomists,at least four, were ready to draw vials of blood to test results. They would comb through her genetic makeup meticulously. This prospect would make her sick to her stomach years later....


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