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Humans, no matter what they are enjoy a good mystery. I mean, mystery was what triggered scientists to come up with solutions. Look at it like this, the mystery of a lover's eye is what keeps you coming back for more. If there was a mystery that took me aback myself was my own life. Shit was always on my mind 24/7.

As I tried to argue with my mind about how exactly the store had been burnt and a boss being involved in it all, it still didn't sit right with me. Not only the smoke was suffocating me, but everything to say the least. The last thing I heard before seeing all black was a worried Nate mumbling what seemed to be a phrase of him doing the best he could to be my knight in shining armour_mostly I preferred to have a vampire in a shining Volvo but oh well... whatever....

After opening my eyes, I was standing in a hallway.  On my right was a big screen that unravelled what seemed to be my life and all the sad moments I had.

Six, for most people was an unlucky and Evil number. The stigma surrounding it was actually kinda believable. For example, what's the number of the beast in Armageddon as stated in the bible? See, 666.
Another theory, that monster that had tried to eat that woman with moons on her head.... I think that's how the story goes... All I'm saying is the monster had 6 horns. I kinda think Lucifer has 6 heads... IDK. I think you get why 6 was that evil number.

As for me, 6 was actually significant. Not that I was a beast or that monster ... No... Because bad luck for me started on 6th of June ... A year and a half ago. Obviously with mum's death... Moreover, dad had died on 6th of April...three months before mum ... So yeah 6 was a bad number for me .

Almost forgot, Gina had betrayed me on 6th of some month over there. Wasn't that significant to me anyway. She still didn't know why I left without even ending things. I just stopped talking to her...why you ask? Gina had betrayed me in the worst way possible.

All the scenes from my pathetic measly life were playing on the screen as I sat in the middle of that hallway....

Seemed to be ghosting my own reality... Because this couldn't be true... More like ghost Danny phantom kind of trance. I could hear that farmiliar voice... That voice... Very farmiliar... And he was calling for fight on... To hold on and not succumb to my own mind playing tricks on me.

What if I told you I feel something
Would you take me
Would you open your heart
Let me in so I can see

I could never forget those words. As I cameto, the words became more clearer and sodid the image of the guy  kneeling beside me, my head in his laps...his hand stroking my face as he sang those farmiliar lyrics.

Nate... It was him.
I was sure. All the memories of him back then in elementary school came back just once. And he kept singing over and over again. We were a distance away from the inferno that was eating up the school store. But that wasn't my concern anymore...
He was...

I'm sorry I couldn't tell you earlier...

He spoke almost in a hush. As if he was hurt that I had to find out he was the Nate I liked back in elementary school...Nate the ugly... Nate with the hunch... But that wasn't what I had seen him was his heart that I adored.

I couldn't help but fight to breathe. This was too much to bear. Why was he here then? Why hadn't he told me before? What if he had been sent to kill me just like my parents? What if he was here to revenge for betraying him and landing him in juvee?

I had to gather energy and run. The smoke had weakened me and I was still giddy and dizzy af... As if he read my intentions clearly, he spoke...

I know you feel insecure and unsafe with me here ... But I can't leave you in this can hate me later...

Reaching out to his pocket, he pulled out a tiny photo of me in 6th grade...

Also ... I kept this for you...weird right? But just know one thing Bailey... I still love you... just like I always did... For now, life's bleeding... and I need to be here for you and do what I promised myself...

And that's....

I asked while maintaining a clinical look on my face...

To make sure no one ever hurts you...not even yourself my love...

What happened to my parents? Do you know?

Love... I also want to find out... That's why I'm here... It's fate my love...

Don't call me that... You should have just told me... God knows what else you might be hiding Nate...

It's up to you to choose who trust... Jason or me... Your life depends on it my love ...

My life's not a chessboard game Nate... I make my own choices... and I want one thing right now...

What's that... Anything for you Bailey...

Leave.... just go... please

But love....

I said leave! Get away from me...

Fine... Remember my words love... I love you...

Nate please... Go!

As he walked away, I took the chance to let the tears I had been fighting to hold back stream down my face.  How could he? Though dizzy, I still had to walk home to rest. It had been a long day. I picked up the file and newspaper cuttings that we had found in the store. Dragging my feet and my mind full of unanswered questions and puzzles, I began my lonely walk home.

The legend of the loneliest witch may just be a story parents told their kids to keep them well behaved and help them learn how to trust the right people. But to a stranger needing help , this legend might just save me. Who would I trust? And why was Jason even involved in this?

Unravelling my life's puzzles had just began. The chessboard game had just started... And I was the main player...I had to call the last shot no matter what...


So hey guys... It's been long... But hey... here's another POV... Also I do remember I haven't introduced Nate and Jason. I'll do it.

I love y'all ❣️🌺

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