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Weird title for this right? You'll get it as we move on... Has someone ever uttered words you have no idea what to relate them to so you just stand there and be!
Yeah I know...

I was in the same situation. Nate has been talking...but I really didn't know what to wrap my mind around or what to leave out. An experiment? Wait, how would this even go along with my parent's death? Wtf was the Hex all about?

And then I realized... From whatever little clue that exists, has come whatever worth man ever knew...the next to enlighten all the people in Hex might be us. All the missing people from the streets...all of them...they hadn't just disappeared or died. There was actually a whole cult pretending to correct God's work. Why? What for? No man equals God whatsoever.

This would not only get to the bottom of why and how my parents died but also stop whatever evil this group was involved in. It was much bigger than I thought. And way too dangerous. Two against the six wasn't going to be enough. Whatever my parents had left behind for me had to have some answers. And I was ready to know what exactly was there. I had to be strong.

The tears could not stop flowing. As he pulled me in for a hug, I felt all my sorrows would soon go away. That as long as I had him I was okay.

Hey .. don't cry... you're not alone

I'm sorry that happened to shouldn't have had to be treated like that...

Bailey... I'm here now, that's all that matters... right? I need you to be strong...

Thanks Nate... We should probably open the package... Then plan on what's next...

Yeah... We have a lot to do...but just a few hands to help...

As we sat next to the package, my hands couldn't stop shaking. It felt like that ultimatum moment where you get to unfold all the forgotten memories of your life. Like opening up a boxed second chance. Like opening up a chance to make things right. And if Hex needed a super hero...that would be us... The voice of all the lame people...all the blind people...all the people nature had damned... We would be that speak out and say... Everyone is beautiful ... God's creation has no mistake... and that we should accept people as they are.

I watched as Nate unwrapped the package, revealing its contents. There was no contingency plan. We were in this together... and all it took was faith. It was all about taking a step towards a staircase you can't see.

A cassette tape and a letter...

Very subtle cues but what was inside would probably be the key to finding that box and ending this once and for all. A year ago, I wouldn't have imagined myself sitting here with someone I had long lost ... digging to find secrets ...or even uncover the truth about my mum and dad.

Well... Looks like we'll need a cassette player... Do you have one here?

I'll ask my foster parents... there's a letter... It's addressed to you Bailey... Are you sure you want to do this?

Yes of course Nate... Just hold my hand okay?

I will never let go...

Let's fuckin do this...

The letter almost crampled in my hands. I was so nervous.  And I read it aloud...

Dear Bailey,
By the time you read this...I'm probably dead or something is definitely going to happen. I'm so sorry I couldn't talk to you earlier. I'm so sorry I left...but I'm in a good place baby. And your dad and I are finally together. You are not alone. We're still with spirit...
You need to be careful my daughter. The world is not safe. There is evil lurking everywhere. And our death was not in vain. And whatever you find out, just know we tried so hard to stay out of it but we couldn't.
We left you a cassette so that you'll have somewhere to start. Just remember not to trust anyone. Trust yourself. Find the dragon I told you about. And the box ... Get it before they do
It's the only way to save Hex town and avenge us.
And remember, nothing seems as it is. Still water runs deep.
When you walk and find no highway, no track, all being blind, the way to go shall glimmer in your mind.
And though you'll have conquered earth and charted sea... and planned the courses of all stars that be, adventure on...
More truth lies beyond.
And never forget that no matter how dark a cloud is...
There a silver lining .


This was a literal blow to my face. As my voice fought to be heard beyond my tears, I imagined how distraught mum must have been as she wrote the letter. But I didn't see her pain not even once. And I blamed myself for being too blind to notice. I had to fight to the end. And nothing would stop me.

Come here... Lemme hold you till it all goes away...

Nate...I'm scared...

Don't be boo...

Don't go...just stay here...

You don't need to ask... If it ever goes can always hold on to me... we're in this together...

Let's just do the cassette tomorrow...

Shh! Sleep Bailey... You've taken in too much already...

I couldn't sleep. But at least being cuddled up with Nate gave me comfort. Tomorrow was another day, we'de figure out what to do.
Mental fortitude is key in everything, no matter how bad the situation is.

I love y'all...

Spoiler alert : Someone will be back for it! Ha!

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