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Mum,I'm home!

Finally the school day was over. I literally hated school a lot but the thought of coming back home to my mum always kept me alive in most of my classes.

Hey baby, how was school?

Mum yelled out from the kitchen happily.
Freya was my best friend. Despite being the best mum anyone could ever ask for , she made the best pasta. Her pasta was literally the talk of town. And damn was I lucky to have her.

Boring as usual mum... nothing new. Except the fact that I did well in tennis practice again.

I was the best tennis player in school. Not to mention that I was the school's lead cheerleader. You'd think that all these gave me ' The popular girl ' title in school but you're absolutely wrong. Gina was that girl. I'll talk about her later though.

And by the way mum, Jason said hi.

Jason was my best friend.

Hunnie I still think that boy has a huge crush on you. But you made him settle for the best friend title. Poor thing.

My mum and I talked about anything. Like I said we were literally best friends. She always thought Jason had a hard on crush on me. I always brushed that thought aside. I was quite satisfied with him as my best friend rather than what mum thought .

Mum, stop putting it like that. He doesn't have a crush on me. He just cares for his best friend a lot mum. What's for dinner?

By this time I was already done Changing into something else. Our house was quite huge and nice. The houses in our neighborhood were lined up and each of them was similar in design. The only difference was the furnishing inside and how you chose to design your compound. I always thought it looked like a suburban estate. There were Willow trees along the neighborhood's path. Normally I'd have my casual clothes in my bag so that I'd get home and change soon as I entered the door. Does school uniform bother you as much? Because it hella bothers me .

Oh I'm preparing pasta and meatballs...your favorite baby

Mum always knew the way to my heart and tummy too. I went into the kitchen to help her out.

Bailey... don't you have homework to do? I can cook on my own. You know the rule. Homework first. There's strawberry cake and juice in the fridge. Have that before dinner. I know you've had a long day.

Mum always made me do my assignments soon after I had had refreshments. As I said earlier I really didn't love school. I always admired all these celebrities. They didn't seem to have studied that much to get all those riches. I mean look at Ariana Grande !. Ariana is my idol people... Mostly because people say we look alike... almost like her twin...This statement always made me feel good...I mean I am drop dead gorgeous but oh well...still in school .

Okay mum. I'll just go upstairs to my room and do the assignments. It's not much anyway. Soon as I'm done I'll come help you out.

Okay baby. Be sure to do it nicely.

Mum I hear you loud and clear

My mum loved getting involved in my school work. She is like the main reason I'm in school. I always brought her good grades. Life was perfect I'd say. The only thing missing was my old man. Dad had died three months ago. Although you may see as if mum had no worries in life, she had changed. She was less talkative and stopped going out as much. The dirt on the linen cloth was that she had taken on to drinking.
Yeah...bummer right? I know...I understood her somehow and didn't judge. I mean she lost her husband...the love of her life.

By now I had taken a long trail down memory lane. I snapped back to reality as I wiped a tear streak from my face. Soon enough I was done with Mr.Bottom's assignment. Funny name for a botany teacher but yeah that was just it. Botany was my worst subject in school. Mostly because it involved practicals rather than school trips like normal subjects.
It was already 8pm. By the time I joined mum, she was already done cooking and had set the table. In fact she was reading a self-help book. Yeah, she read those to find herself. That's how she put it when I asked her why she read them.

Oh sweerie you're done. Come let's eat.

The rule in the Davidson family was that you should take on the habit of self service. Not waiting on someone to serve you.
Mum and I still held on to Dad's tradition despite his absence. Besides, someone's not dead unless you kill their name and what comes with it. His spirit was still alive in us.
I looked at mum while she ate. Her thoughts were far. I found mum's face pretty to look at. I took after her in many ways. The hazel eyes, long flowing black hair... though I mostly wore mine in a ponytail that hang to my mid back...her sharp chin, her jaw had a clear outline just like mine and obviously Ariana's. I would say I was the teen version of my mum.
The only thing I had and she didn't was deep dimples and pouting lips...I got this from my dad.
See...I did tell you I was drop dead gorgeous.


No response


Still nothing...she was staring straight into space. She had a premonition of doom written all over her face. I didn't like it when I saw her like this. It literally bothered my mind. I felt a feeling of remorse and walked over to her side.
The dining table was a circular set. My mum was good at choosing furniture. She had studied interior design back in University.
I pulled her into a warm hug and she literally broke down. I guess by instinct I broke down too. After a long 5 minutes of crying and sobbing she held my hand.

I always sit and remember your papi. Cena was a good man Bailey...he loved us so much. But the cruel world just took him away from us. Let's go out and look at the stars baby.

Okay mum...

We walked outside holding hands and sat on the porch. We all loved looking at the stars together. Only dad was missing on this night. This was the first time we were looking at the stars since Dad left.

Mum, do you believe there is a silver lining to everything that happens?

Bailey I do believe that nothing dark happens just out of the blue. There is a reason to everything baby. And no matter how bad the situation...every cloud, no matter how dark...has a silver lining. Never forget to equal your sorrows to a little bit of hope.

I love you mum.

I said hugging her again

I love you too baby. So much. You are everything I have. Do you remember eating too much candy that you got a terrible stomachache? Huh? know I love candy. And then you had to actually give me a pinch at my right ear. Calling it discipline. Typical mums.

We laughed together. Our laugh echoed through the dark. There was enough light from the light on the porch though. The echo is just to add to the effect of how much we laughed that night. Hearing mum laughing was the best music to my ears. Despite the snorting that came with the laugh. No wonder it was infectious.
We sat there reminding each other of the good memories we had had together.
Amidst all the laughter and happiness I didn't really think anything was wrong with mum.
Little did I know I would have to face the most painful thing a seventeen year old would be put through.
Amidst all the happiness I didn't notice the surge of certain doom on Freya's face.
Mum was deeply troubled.

Sleep being the best thing in my life except mum, I kissed mum goodnight upon the first hint of drowsiness.

And that was the last kiss...the last laugh...the last talk...the last of everything with my mum.

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