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Locus International was a beautiful school. My parents had already done the bigger part. Settling me in and getting me uniform. This was just another two years of moulding so that we ( I mean the students) would join a renown institution for further studies. My dream was to excel and join  Oxford University. I was 19 and yeah I did have dreams.

But that wasn't the main reason I was in Locus...I was here for a purpose. A goal. I felt that this place was the perfect place. I had that feeling that she was here. Taking out my wallet, I took a look at the picture from six years ago back in Boli. The girl should be here... I knew that for a fact. Once you've loved someone you'd know the feeling of them being present even in a new place. The starting point was rather difficult. So many girls went to Locus. How would I find her?

My parents obviously dropped me off. They liked to flaunt their riches. Typical rich folks.

Be nice son.

Mum always thought I'd have some sort of relapse. I gave her a weak smile. The kind of smile that never breaks free. I walked towards the black gate. The school had somehow captured my entire self. I mean, I adored black and it made me stand out do well. It was easy moving up and about because I had a map. The school provided new students with maps, which I preferred rather than a boring guide to get farmiliar with the school. My first period was History with a supposed Mr.Bottom.  According to my timetable, classes altered between History, Botany,Zoology and Spanish. Art was just something I took up since the school had it on free offer.

My parents preferred such an institution to a normal high school owing to the fact that here, we would get to join big institutions without a say. Furthermore this provided ground for learning a new language. In addition, life skills were taught in a rather serious manner.

I scoffed at the history teacher's name. Bottom...I assumed his name would match his appearance.

By now I was sure that mum and dad were already at the winery. It wasn't that far from school anyway. As soon as I stepped into the hallway, giggles, chuckles, smiles and winks were being thrown my way. Obviously but girls. And probably some few gay guys. Anyway, I was used to all this attention. My calf muscles must have triggered the sudden release of hormones... everyone was looking my way. It was kind of a celebrity moment. Only the red carpet was missing. A pale looking girl, probably German, even stopped to have me sign her palm. Dang! My first day was smooth. Not that I expected any less.

My glorious moment did not last longer than a spectacular five minutes. Okay 4 minutes and 38 seconds. Some girl...angry I suppose, was trying to open my locker. I mean the map clearly showed that was mine. Was she crazy?  By now all students were looking her way.

'She must be agitated'...I thought to myself. I mean who struggles this much with a simple lock? The bell for the start of the first period didn't seem to startle her either. She had her headphones on so obviously she didn't hear it.... neither did she realize she was causing a scene.

It was my first day. I didn't expect the tutor to be punish me whatsoever. She would definitely get one coming her way though. The hall was clear as everyone had already walked to their respective classes. I walked towards her and tapped her shoulder.

She didn't seem to notice that either...I took off her headphones to get her attention. She turned around angrily. Dang...her neck would have probably snapped. Her ponytail got loose and most of my her hair was already covering her face. Tf was she angry at?...As a gentleman, I had to like shove it away. In a nice those soaps on TV. Apparently, it would be romantic. In doing so, I prayed she was pretty.

Her hair smelled nice so I assumed she was definitely cute.

Bummer! Guess who?

The lonely devastated girl on my porch last night.

Why  you forcing your way into my locker psycho? And why do I always run into you anyway?

She was pretty... No lie, but I thought she was weird and rather lonely. A weirdo...a psycho. There was a story to her alluring eyes as she stared right through mine.

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