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So hey y'all.
First of all, sorry, this isn't the ordinary POV.

Bailey's picture is on the side bar.
I thought I'd introduce her at this point because yk y'all have just a rough idea on what she looks like.

Thanks to all whole been sending comments to my email. Like you guys have such encouraging words that keep me going.

I'll introduce Gina later on the next breather.

As for Nate and Jason, I'm still battling the ideas of both...I don't know who's supposed to be who but as soon as I decide, I'll definitely introduce them😊

Also, from the next POV onwards...there will be lots of flashbacks of the past.
Like I'll take y'all on the whole story behind why things are how they are. There's a whole story behind it and I'm sure y'all will love it.

The truth is about to be uncovered.
Everything is about to fall.
Secrets unravelled.

But hey,
It won't be the end of the mystery.
The beginning is just the end.
Feel free to keep commenting.
All your thoughts are welcome.

In addition, they'll be a change in music genres. It will all be diverse but still great.
Watch out for the next POV.

I love you all❣️.
Keep voting.
Keep reading.
Keep following.

Most importantly, keep safe.

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