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Okay. Goodnight bestie.

Jason had a habit of calling every night. Our best friend bond was one of a kind. Both of us cared for each other. Having a guy bff is actually better than a girl. First, drama was well avoided. Pouts of occasional jealousy were also out of the picture. I hang up the call and slid into my duvet. Tonight was kinda cold. My bunny pyjamas did me justice by keeping my bum warm.

Hunnie ,are you asleep yet?

Debbie was my foster mum. Her and her husband, Jose had been my parent's best friends and so, they took me in. Mainly cus they lived in the same neighborhood. One year had already gone by but all the memories still lingered in my mind. I missed my parents big time. No lie. The reality of being an orphan had yet to sink in. But I had to be strong for them. Because I still held on to mum's words...that no matter how dark a situation, there's always a silver lining.

No Debby, I'm just from a call with my best friend.

Debbie and Jose were a loving couple. No matter how much I loved them, it didn't equal my real mama and papa. Jose was Mexican. He taught me a little Spanish so I was getting fond of it. He has this huge tummy that always popped out of anything he put on. Always looked funny but I was already used to the sight of that hairy blob. I bet it would have shook any new person though.

Nosotros solo pasé para decir buenas noches y recordarles que los amamos.

By this time, both of them were already standing at my bedroom door. Their faces always made this sad expression. As if they pitied me. I can't blame them though. I was sad and devastated. And pity made it worse.

I love you too guys. Goodnight too.

They both gave me a weak smile and walked away. Calmly, I walked towards the door to my room and shut it, hit the lights and threw myself on the bed. My room was my only solace. All the pink dolls, mostly teddy bears, is what made me smile once in a while. Soon I drifted to sleep.

Mornings we're not my favorite thing at all. I had barely slept but my alarm went off. Fuck school!.

Bailey dear... Jason's already here. You better be ready.

Debbie was an early bird. Jason too. He always made sure to pass by my house to ' pick me up' that's in quotes because he literally did too much. His house was ten blocks from mine and much closer to school. So yeah I should pick him up. I'm not complaining.
In about thirty I was ready. Debby always made sure to iron my uniform. She was heaven sent...I was lazy ... terribly lazy. The black skater skirts and blazer always made me look good. The school had a nice choice for uniform color and design. Black...The blazer had a tiny pocket to the left on which was sewn the school's name LOCUS INTERNATIONAL. The guys would either wear skinny blue jeans or the black official trousers to school.
For girls, it was a short skater skirts or shorts to be precise.
The only thing that was compulsory was the blazer and black polos.
On my way out of the room, I gazed at my tennis racket. I had quit a lot of things since my parents died. Nothing really gave me zeal or purpose. My pom-poms we're of no use too. I was done being a cheerleader. Gina was obviously happy owing to the fact that she had always wanted that particular spot.

Let's go dumbass.

I yelled out to Jay as i hit his arm. He groaned just a lil, obviously a fake one to make me feel good about my strong arms.

Aren't you gonna have breakfast?...I prepared scrambled eggs and black coffee...just how you love it.

Debbie it's already fifteen minutes past eight...we have to be in school in half an hour.

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