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Gina's Warning.

I know what you're thinking. The whole title has a deeper meaning. Imagine yourself going under, without anyone to turn feel so don't know who to follow, who to trust, whose side to take, but you believe doing right will give you solace to heal from someone you love so much...yeah, that was definitely me at this point.

There was drunk Jay, trolling down the dark path towards Bailey's house to recover his sick ass diary which, by the way, I had stolen. Touché. I had to somehow warn Bailey. I didn't even have a phone with me, but somehow I had to make this work.

The light above us flickered, and a creepy black crow cooed... Definitely bad luck, in my opinion.

I had to act fast. With Bailey's safety on the line, I couldn't afford to waste any time. As I sprinted through the dimly lit streets of Hex, my heart pounded in my chest, matching the rhythm of my frantic footsteps. The weight of the situation pressed down on me, urging me to move faster, to reach Bailey before it was too late.

Reaching Bailey's house, I paused for a moment to catch my breath, the cool night air filling my lungs. The eerie silence of the night enveloped me, broken only by the distant sound of a dog barking in the distance. I steeled myself for what lay ahead, knowing that I had to be Bailey's guardian angel in this moment of peril.

Without hesitation, I approached the front door, my hand trembling as I reached for the doorknob. With a silent prayer on my lips, I pushed the door open, the hinges creaking softly in protest. I slipped inside, my senses on high alert as I scanned the dimly lit interior for any sign of danger.

Suddenly, a creaking sound echoed from upstairs, sending a chill down my spine. My instincts screamed at me to flee, to leave this place and never look back. But I couldn't abandon Bailey, not when she was in danger.

Gathering all my courage, I crept up the stairs, each step feeling like an eternity as I prayed for Bailey's safety. As I reached the top, I heard voices coming from Bailey's room, muffled but unmistakably tense.

With bated breath, I approached the door, my heart hammering in my chest as I prepared to face whatever lay beyond. I pushed the door open slowly, the hinges groaning in protest, and stepped inside, ready to confront the danger head-on.

And there, in the dim glow of the moonlight, I saw Bailey, Nate, and Jason locked in a tense standoff, each one grappling with their own demons. In that moment, I knew that I had to be the voice of reason, the beacon of hope in the darkness.

Taking a deep breath, I stepped forward, my voice steady as I spoke the words that could change everything. "Stop," I said, my voice ringing out with authority. "We need to talk."

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