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Art class on a Monday morning. Wtf was school all about anyway? Too much effort for mostly nothing. I did love art...mostly because Bailey and I were in the same class. Yeah...the obsession I had for this girl was way above my head. She controlled everything I did. Mr.Rod was at the front of the class asleep on his desk. Yeah ... He came in ... All tired and grumpy...told us to draw something we would never forget. An incident that happened in our lives that changed everything in us.

And I had the perfect moment and scene to draw in mind. And so I began to work my brushes up and down. Covering every detail of that particular day.

Elementary school

Upon the sound of the scream ... All my suicidal thoughts left me... Everything came to a stand still as I took in the urgency of the scream.

As I ran towards the football pitch, my mind read...

Bailey... Bailey... Bailey...

She was definitely in trouble. Coming right up the entrance to the pitch I saw her. That huge excuse of a girl. All ready to hit Bailey... All her actions...her bullying...her words ... All the times she had beat me up and made mockery songs.

They all came tumbling down like an avalanche toppling down the mountain. Grabbing the penknife from my pocket I held it tightly and ran towards her. Just as she was turning...I met the knife's tip to her stomach...mostly a blob of meat. Phat ass bitch!

Shock and pain were written all over her face as she clutched her stomach and went to her knees.

Nate..stop... you'll kill her!!! Stop!!

Not even Bailey would stop me. 1...2...3
3 stand into her flesh. Her blood was dripping from my knife. She lay there, eyes wide open... motionless.

By now, a crowd of curious and shocked students had gathered around. Probably from the screams from Amber's minions.

Soon...her good for nothing brother was running towards me. Punch stretched out, ready to punch my face. Luckily, he had been stopped. I didn't feel a sense of guilt in me. This was all to defend Bailey... and she would definitely be on my side. Or so I thought.

When they put the shackles on me...I knew life wasn't going to be the same again. It was game over for me.

I watched them eyeing me like the worst criminal... In disgust and loathe. But they should have at least loved me when they had their chance. None if this would have happened.

If only Bailey had told them the truth...

My drawing was almost complete... I replayed the memories for purpose of drawing them out as a sketch. That moment had marked the beginning of hell for my life.


I kept throwing hesitant glances at the watch, hoping this class would be over soon. Time seemed to stop. I was looking forward to starting the history project with Nate. The project had been given utter priority so once this art class was over, the rest of the time was going to be history. It after all accounted for 50% of our grade. Two weeks were remaining so Nate and I had to do this soonest.

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