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As the members of the Hex gathered in their dimly lit meeting room, a sense of determination hung heavy in the air. They were on the brink of a major breakthrough, and nothing would stand in their way—not even the innocent lives they were about to upend.

Julius, Kiara, Tory, Chum, and Lilithia exchanged knowing glances, their expressions grim and resolute. They had worked tirelessly to bring their plans to fruition, and now, as they prepared to execute the next phase of their scheme, their resolve was stronger than ever.

"It's time to put our plan into action," Julius declared, his voice low and commanding. "We need to kidnap Bailey and ensure that she never interferes with our operations again."

Tory nodded in agreement, her eyes gleaming with anticipation. "We can't afford to let her ruin everything we've worked so hard for," she said, her voice tinged with determination. "Once she's out of the picture, we'll be one step closer to achieving our goals."

Chum and Lilithia exchanged a meaningful glance, their silent communication speaking volumes. They knew the risks involved in their plan, but they were willing to do whatever it took to bring down their enemies and reclaim their former glory.

"But how do we ensure that Bailey doesn't raise any suspicions?" Lilithia asked, her brow furrowed in thought. "We can't afford to let anyone connect her disappearance to us."

Julius nodded thoughtfully, his mind already racing with possibilities. "We'll need to stage her abduction to make it look like she was taken by someone else," he said, his voice calculated and precise. "That way, no one will suspect our involvement."

Kiara's eyes flashed with determination as she spoke up. "I'll make sure Nate is kept occupied while we carry out the plan," she said, her voice firm and unwavering. "He can't know what we're up to until it's too late."

With a final nod of agreement, the members of the Hex set their plan in motion, each one determined to see it through to the end. They knew the risks involved, but they were willing to do whatever it took to achieve their goals.

As they dispersed to carry out their assigned tasks, a sense of anticipation filled the air. The Hex was on the move, and nothing would stand in their way. With Bailey out of the picture, they would be one step closer to achieving their ultimate goal of reclaiming their former glory.

And as they set out to execute their plan with ruthless efficiency, they knew that their enemies would soon learn the true meaning of fear. The Hex was unstoppable, and woe betide anyone who dared to stand in their way.

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