Special Eyes

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Gonna butcher the hell out of this also a trigger warning for those that are not okay with the concepts of betrayal, kidnapping, mindbreaking, as well as darker au for certain characters

3rd person pov

As (Y/n) a seven year old boy sat in the alleyway, the snow fell from the sky blanketing everything in its cold embrace. He tightened what little remnants of clothing he had left as the cold had numbed all, but the loneliness. Slowly he looked up staring at the brick wall across from him hoping praying that someone would come and end his suffering. End his torturous existence as an orphan and as someone without a place to call home.

"You look lost little one..."

A man said as (Y/n) slowly turned to his right seeing the man with a greyish black trench coat lined in red holding out an apple for him.

"Go on take the apple we all need help some time or another."

The man tried to coax the child with the offer of food, but (Y/n) refused.

"Fine then how about this... Let's play a game."

At the mention of the word game (Y/n) looked up showing a glimmer of emotion before realizing he was being played for a fool and returned to looking at the wall.

"I'm gonna sit this apple here and I want you to steal it without me noticing."

With those words (Y/n) watched intently on the apple his hunger overpowering his caution as the apple was slowly lowered to the ground.

"If you win you can keep the apple and I will leave you be, but if you lose... Well let's say you will wish you were dead."

The man said with a smile on his face as (Y/n) just stared in shock and confusion as his stomach roared in hunger.

The man made no mention or comment of the hungry stomach and sat down on the snow with the child. Starved for days with no food the child was desperate to taste even a morsel of food. Quickly he looked around trying to find something that would allow him to win this game and gain a semblance of food. The man just watched the child intrigued his eyes following the movements of the child every moment. (Y/n) just had an idea as he turned around showing the man his back he gathered as much snow as he could in his hands. The man didn't move an inch from his spot as (Y/n) spun around and smashed as much as he could into the mans face. The man was unfazed as he wiped the snow off of his face only to see the apple being hungrily devoured by (Y/n). The man just smirked and reached out to pat the boy as he was too busy devouring his meal to care.

"I'm sorry to say little one but you lost, I could tell you were going to blind me."

With those words out of the mans mouth (Y/n) tried to finish the apple before it could be taken away from him.

"Slow down, slow down... When I said you lose you will wish to die it was a test. You can have the apple and more if you come with me."

The man said as he stood up dusting the snow off of his legs and back as (Y/n) just stared at him.

"I will give you a place to call home, all I ask is you listen to my instructions and do as I say."

The man offered his hand as (Y/n) just looked at it then the apple in his hands.

For (Y/n) home isn't a place he has had for over two years living off the scraps and what he could steal. He also knew that it wasn't smart to trust a stranger and follow him, but the hunger in his stomach overshadowed his fear and concerns. So slowly the boy stood up and followed the man as a hat was placed on (Y/n)s' head.

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