Miscommunicated Feelings

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Modern au and I am messing with Rubys' age just because I can, with that said hopefully you will enjoy.

Forewarning mentions and scenes of self harm, depression, and suicidal intentions.

I sat at the lunch table with my friends, Cardin, Sky, Russel, and Dove. We were having a nice talk as I watched them walk in, the quote unquote cool kids of the school. This group was just six students that were cool for athletic reasons or looks. This is what made them the cool kids for no reason, it was sophomore year when they earned that title and it just stuck with them. Out of all of them the smartest one was probably Weiss Schnee, followed close behind by Blake Belladonna.

"Yo (Y/n) you gonna eat that?"

Cardin asked pointing at my chips as I smirked grabbing them.

"No way Cardin you still owe me for pizza last week."

"Oh come on man!"

He said as we had a group laugh before tossing him the bag taking a spoonful of soup.

I slowly drank my soup as lunch seemingly went by so slowly. I looked up every once in a while to talk with my friends before seeing someone looking over here. I never caught who it was exactly but I knew someone was watching us. I then felt someone elbow me in the side as I turned to Dove glaring at me.

"I nearly spilled me fucking soup!"

"I think someone likes you~~"

"Oh hardy har har shut the fuck up Dove that isn't a funny joke!"

I elbowed him back as he just chuckled a bit before the bell rang.

"Me souppp!!"

I said before chugging the rest of the scalding liquid down my throat.

I coughed a bit before grabbing my milk and chugging that as well. The table was laughing at me as I beat my fist against my chest having trouble swallowing. They looked at me as I coughed up a lung clearing my throat picking up my tray.

"I'm good! I'm good!!"

"Hurry up then (Y/n) we got gym next!"

"I just chugged a decent amount of soup scalding my insides and three milk cartons!! I am gonna throw up in gym no matter what we do!!"

I shouted depositing my tray running up to them as we ran from the cafeteria.


"What a weirdo don't you think Weiss?"

"...I don't know it looked like he was having a bit of fun."

Everyone stopped talking and looked at me as I raised an eyebrow.


"Do you like that weirdo (Y/n), Weiss?"

Neptune asked as I just covered my mouth laughing.

"O-Of course I-"

I felt three pairs of eyes on me as I knew exactly who they were.

"Of course I do, I have been in love with him for four years now."

I thought to myself wanting to say these words, but knowing I was too much of a coward to say what I wanted.

"I don't like him, I can barely even stand being around that loser."

I finished as we began laughing joined by Sun as Ruby, Blake, and Yang sat there knowing my true feelings towards (Y/n).

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