Nightmare Vacation

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Very long read ahead, you have been warned. 

Modern Au...

"If.. If we were born at different times... Wo-Would we have been friends?"

I looked at the man that took everything from me and left me for dead.

I took off my helmet since the air was indeed breathable since the man dying before me was without a space suit. I stared right into his black and blue eyes as I raised the gun to his forehead. Every bad memory this man made me live with filled me with an unexplainable anger.

"No we will always be enemies."

I slowly shook my head as my finger slowly pulled on the trigger.


I watched the clip from my latest movie be played as the talk show host started clapping as did the audience.

"Wow just wow (Y/n) how did it feel after that scene?"

I offered a smile to the host while tapping my cheek.

"I gotta say... Pretty exhausted I mean have you ever worn an outfit like that!?"

Everyone was giggling and mumbling as I chuckled a bit myself.

"Let me tell you... The sheer number of times we had to redo that very specific scene I have that line and choreography engraved in my dreams. I even wake up in the middle of the final moments sometimes."

"Man (Y/n) must be hard being such a world renown actor at your age."

He was trying to flatter me as I dismissed him with a wave of my hand.

"I'm not world renown and being twenty-eight as an actor isn't that impressive. Just time consuming when you can't say no."

"Well I'd say you're pretty world renown we have a few clips from actors all over the world talking about you."

As he pressed a button on his remote a tv came downplaying many clips.

Just like he said an impressive number of actors from around the world talked about my movies and such. A majority of them were compliments and very few were negative. After several minutes I refused to believe these clips despite knowing them to be true.

"Now see you tried to hide it pretty well, but I can tell that was edited."

"Nope that was unedited footage everyone just watched. But that's all the time we have for tonight thank you again (Y/n) (L/n) for joining me tonight!"

"No please the pleasure was all mine, like I said I can't say no."

I stood up shaking the hosts hand before heading towards the exit.

As I passed the audience, I shook everyone's hands as they were cheering for me. Being polite as I left the building, I looked to my ride seeing the Honda Civic parked towards an alley. As I approached it, I noticed someone with a camera looking for something underneath.

"...Can I help you?"

"Yeah... I dropped the lens cap to my camera, and it rolled under this car..."

"Here take a step back."

They stepped back as I got in my car and started the engine.

I shifted my gear from park to drive and let go of the brake pedal as my car slowly rolled forward. Once I knew it was far enough, I stopped the car and shifted to park getting out once more. I pulled out my phone turning on the flashlight as the photographer saw the lens cap. They grabbed it and turned to me with such a thankful expression.

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