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So... I'm still on a hiatus and I'm really sorry about that. But I don't know it just feels like I can't sit down and write. But I have been having all these ideas for stories and such so I plan on pushing past this rut soon. But I need help I don't know what to write about. Should I continue writing the Iron Monster and finish it up to the latest episode of RWBY, or maybe continue the story of Sebastian in the White Wolf, or the story of a fantasy land besieged by demons where only one thing remains the truth mankind fate relies on the actions of one boy and his journey through war in The Demons Plight, or maybe even one of the multiple new stories that is only an idea right now. I would like you guys to tell me what you would prefer to see me write in the future. Thank you for your input, thank you for understanding,  thank you for your continued support,  and thank you for giving someone like me hope. I read the comments and they always tend to make me smile. Till the next update see you guys then keep being amazing people.

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