You Belong to Me

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So this is from a sort of challenge from Just__Forgotten. He wanted a weiss x reader and I wanted to see what I could do. Especially since I have been doing a lot more darker au and stories contrary to what I normally write. But hey enough prattling on let's begin!

"Alright team let's move out."

"Last time I checked (Y/n) I am the leader here not you."

All I did was glance back at my leader and sigh rubbing the back of my head.

"Sorry, still trying to kick that habit from the army."

"...At least you aren't trying to fight me for it like you did last time."

Nervously I chuckled and nodded my head at my leader who was absolutely right.

"When they drill stuff into your mind at Atlas it's hard to resist what could essentially be natural instincts at this point. Thankfully I had a guardian angel looking out for me, which allowed me to escape. All it costed me was a few scars and a faked death and here we are today."

"And you are using the same name..."

"I am not! I am using my actual name right now, back at Atlas I had what you might say a dumbass moment and used a fake name."

They each looked at one another before beginning to laugh at me and pointing their weapons at me.

I just glared at them and activated my semblance Aimbot. I locked onto their weapons and fire a single bullet. It ricocheted off of their auras, but that didn't stop it from hurting them. They each yelped and dropped their weapons on the ground shaking their hands as I giggled happily to myself deactivating my semblance.

"That is not funny (Y/n)!!"

"And neither is laughing at me so we are now all even. Now leader if you would direct us I am pretty sure Team RWBY were being considerate of us and allowed us to talk. However they have completely ensnared us in a trap surrounding us on all sides. If we don't do something we will fail this test and be forced to take supplementary courses over break."


Was all that was said before what could best be described as chaos ensued.

From out of the trees Ruby and Yang launched their attack using their high speed and strength, they were able to knock out our leader who was completely caught off guard. Multiple copies of Blake descended on us from the treetops capturing another of my teammates. And one was frozen in a glyph casted by Weiss meaning they were caught as well. I managed to just barely escape as I kept looking behind me for someone. Once I was far enough away I took a few deep breathes and listened to the trees around me. I didn't move a muscle as I heard the leaves rustle to my right.

"...I've got you in my sights..."

I activated my semblance as my bionic eyes locked onto the figure dancing in the shadows.

Immediately I squeezed the trigger on my pulse rifle as several bullets were fired landing direct hits on the figure. They let out a gasp of pain revealing themselves to be Blake as I then noticed the two other targets running down the road. Both Yang and Ruby were making their way to me as I shifted my lock-on from Blake to those two. I started running and firing my pulse rifle as even with this much movement each shot was a clear hit.


I looked forward only to feel my heart drop seeing Weiss with probably one of the most creepy smiles on her face plant several massive glyphs around me.

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