Please Stop Apologizing

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I sat up in my bed letting out a quiet yawn. I reached over to my bedside stand and fumbled around for my scroll. When I finally found it I just clicked it and saw the time as the brightness auto-adjusted itself.

"Huh... It's four am.... on this day of all days..."

I sighed getting out of bed and looking at my sleeping teammates.

I quietly got dressed and headed out of the dorm wandering around the darkened halls of Beacon. I stretched my body all over hearing cracks and pops in my bones causing me great pleasure. I then cracked my neck in pain looking out one of the many windows seeing the shattered moon. I just rested my arms on the windowsill admiring the beauty of the world, while fighting back the painful memories.


I just turned to my left seeing Blake in her pajamas, she's a good friend of mine as well as a girl I had a huge crush on.

"H-Hey Blake..."

"What are you doing up right now? And why are you dressed?"

"Oh... I can't really say much... Just couldn't fall back asleep so why not enjoy the beautiful moon for once and watch the sun rise?"

"....Are you okay?"

"Pfft... Me? Not okay? Blake you are funny... of course I am okay..."

"But yo-"

"Sorry gotta run now, just... just remembered something I had to do."

I waved to her before walking past her at a brisk pace.

I felt her eyes on me as I rounded a corner and walked down some stairs. I found myself in the main lobby as I just flopped onto the floor pressing my back against the wall. I held my head in my hands letting out a sigh in frustration that I just blew off a perfectly good conversation with my crush.

"God... I fucking hate today already, and I know right now it's only going to get worse..."

I groaned out before looking out the front doors seeing the lights of the courtyard.

I slowly pushed myself up and decided to go outside and walk around Beacon. I felt my scroll go off as I saw it was a message from both my parents. I just looked at their messages and felt a smile on my face seeing them so concerned about me because of today. Thirteen years ago today I was abandoned by my birth parents and found by my foster parents. I replied to their messages of love and care with my own message of love and care for them. I smiled feeling a bit better finding myself infront of the cafeteria. Out of humor I tried to open the door only to find it locked chuckling to myself.

"Can't a man get some food at four am?"

I chuckled even more to myself before turning around figuring I would just lay in bed till my team woke up.

However I stopped seeing one of the many windows open as the half curtain blew in the wind. I just shook my head knowing exactly which team that specific dorm belonged to. The four most beautiful girls in all of Beacon, Team RWBY the four girls that stole my heart almost a year ago. I just waved at the curtains as they seemingly waved back due to the slight wind as I headed back inside Beacon to just lay in bed for hours until someone else got up or the cafeteria opened. Whichever one happened first.


I just felt my heart race as he waved at me. I know he couldn't see me cause he wasn't a faunus, but he just looked up here like he knew I was watching. I held my chest as my heart was pounding in excitement after getting to talk to him not too long ago.

Any Kind of RWBY Stories 2Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin