The Color of Fear

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Well I will say this here so everyone knows. Male Neo Reader.

Forewarning mentions and scenes of abuse and depression.

As the rain fell on me I just tipped my hat a bit more with my back against the brick wall of the alley. I looked at my hands seeing all the blood from over the years still there despite the rain, the blood on my clothes from the encounter earlier. I took Hush and opened it up shielding me from the rain as someone approached me. Before I could use my semblance to change my hair and eyes they knelt down and looked me in the eyes in shock as I did the same.



I mouth pondering just exactly how did I end up in this situation face to face with the girl I lied to and tried to kill.

"Oh... Oh my goodness I finally found you again..."

She said with tears in her eyes before I was able to register what she said she hugged me.

"I've missed you so much (Y/n)!"

'What the actual fuck is wrong with this girl? I literally tried to kill you and your sister over a year ago!!'

I thought to myself feeling my cheeks growing increasingly wet.

"I love you so much (Y/n)...."

'Yang look at my fucking hair and eyes. I am the (Y/n) that... that worked with Roman not the (Y/n) that lied his way into a relationship with you at Beacon. Look me in the eye and remember how I helped Beacon fall!!!!'

I thought to myself as she pulled herself away revealing her tear stained face.

"...I've been looking for you everywhere after the fall..."

"Yang... How can you say you love me after everything I've done to you and your friends?"

"It's because despite how I look and act... you were my first boyfriend and made me feel something special... Besides I still need to win a fight against you."

She smiled as I sighed shaking my head pushing her away.

"Listen I know you probably don't like all this rain so why not catch up on stuff over a cup of coffee my treat?"

"Why are you being so nice to me?"

"Don't you remember what I said? I still love you, despite everything. Now do you want that coffee or are you gonna tell me everything out here?"

She smiled at me as I sighed and nodded getting up and following her into a nearby cafe.

Once we got seat I pulled my scroll out as she made our order for coffee. I just looked at her still trying to figure out why after so long she still says she loves me. After everything I did to her and her friends she is treating me to some coffee.


"Give me about ten minutes Yang."

"Okay handsome take all the time you need, gives me more time to admire that all natural handsome face of yours~"

I paused typing out the message as she was doing just what she said, staring at my face.

I sighed shaking my head and resumed typing out the message. I don't care how much she loves me all I really care about is laying low till either all the stupid heroes are gone or Salem dies. But maybe it might help to remember how I got to this point.

One year and five months ago

"So (Y/n) you know how we are now working with that woman right?"

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