Never Letting Go

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Here we go modern au hopefully it will meet my requesters expectations.

Forewarning mentions and scenes of self harm, depression, suicidal intentions, and abuse.

I sat down on the tree stump resting my head in my hands thinking about something I wish I didn't have to see nearly every day. I wish I didn't see Weiss with those tear filled eyes, or that bastard of a boyfriend she has. He acts like she isn't worth his time when she is quite literally worth more then he ever will be.

"...I should of been braver..."

I sighed out reaching down and running my hand over the etched heart I made.

It read out Weiss and my own name, remembering when I etched the heart when my feelings of love for her were overabundant. Softly, I sighed reminiscing the time when it was just our small group of friends. Now however I was the last one who still ties with Weiss after she started dating Sun. The blond haired boy who not only loved to not wear a shirt, but also to disrespect everything she ever liked.

"......What was it about Sun that you liked so much Weiss that you cut off so much of your life..."

I punched the stump as my hand stung with regret.

Looking up at the sky I noticed the hues of red signaling dusk. I just shook my head and laid down staring at the slowly fading sky. I closed my eyes remembering the scene in detail of Weiss in tears asking what she did wrong, and Sun that fucker saying her very existence was wrong. Never in my life did I ever think I would come to hate someone as much as I hate Sun now. I opened my eyes to see the twinkles of the stars in the sky as I sat up, but I noticed I wasn't alone anymore. Even in the darkness my uncanny ability to just feel something off told me someone was beside me. I quickly fished out my phone flashing a light ready to deck whoever decided to mess with me. However to my surprise instead of someone asshole, it was Blake one of Weiss' best friend.

"So this is where you go when you want to get away from the world?"

"Yeah, you nearly got punched in the face just so you know."

"You couldn't hit the broadside of a barn with your fist."

We shared a short chuckle together as I sat up feeling her move closer beside me.

"So... How is she?"

"....Not good, not good at all. Sun is treating her worse and worse by the day. It seems like he just enjoys breaking her down."

"...You are the last one that is able to really talk with her, and knowing how you feel about her I am sure this hurts you."

"It doesn't just hurt me... It kills me, if I would of sorted these damn feelings out sooner!!"

I slammed my fist in a ball of rage against the stump as a slight crack is heard.

I clasp my hands together in pain looking down in the moonlight seeing torn skin. I then watched as Blake placed her hand on mine as I looked at her.

"I understand how you feel, we all do... You know how bad it is back at our dorm when we have to try and not pry when she comes back in tears."

"Yet no matter how much we ask she won't tell us... Not a soul or a word she just ignores you or tells me it's fine. I can't bear to stand by and do nothing much longer... She is my best friend and the girl I love... No have loved for over three years now. I shouldn't have waited to see how our friendship would change I should of just told her... Cause of my cowardice... She is in this terrible relationship with a sack of shit..."

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