Always by Your Side

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Modern au and I am gonna bs the shit out of this as an fyi

I looked down the track seeing the track team meeting up for practice. Sadly I smiled and sat down on the turf near the gates. I joined the team because I needed something to fill my time since I didn't like just wasting time. But as it stands I am just their benchwarmer and cheerleader, and as much as I would like to participate it seems that I will just be a background character.

"Hey (Y/n) just sitting on the ground again?"

I looked up to see the jubilant and smiling face of the ace for the track team Ruby Rose.

"I mean just waiting for the others to get here so I can cheer for all of you."

"Aww that's really sweet. I already was pumped for practice today but now I am super pumped!"

I just chuckled and stood up walking with her as we got informed by the captain of the team about the practice for today.

"Wa-Wait! You want me to participate in the relay!?!"

"I mean while you may be our benchwarmer don't think we haven't noticed the extra work you've put in after practice."

"N-No I-I mean..."

I looked away embarrassed as the rest of the team just laughed a bit at my shyness.

"Oh come on I bet you are tired of just cheering us on from the sidelines. Hey I will cheer this practice so you know how awesome it is."

I just turned to Ruby and felt my cheeks flare up a bit reluctantly accepting the offer.

"Alright so Ruby will sit out this practice so she is rested up for next weeks meet. I expect everyone to give one hundred percent."

"Yes captain!"

We shouted and began the warm up stretches as I just looked to see Ruby standing on one of the benches.

I slowly loosened myself up just kinda finding Rubys' eagerness to cheer us on so infectious. Now suddenly my shyness was gone and I was ready to run my legs off. We did the relay first as I was set to try out for the anchor. I watched the hand off as I followed the person carrying the baton with my eyes. As they got closer to me I slowly began jogging with my hand outstretched. Once the baton was in my hand I held it with an iron tight grip as I sprinted as fast as I could. I controlled my breathing as best as I could as I rounded the track getting close to the end I heard Ruby.

"Come on guys you got this!! Just a little further! Fight on! Fight on! Fight on!"

She shouted giggling and smiling as I felt an extra boost from her cheers.

I ran even faster then ever before as I crossed the finish line as I actually struggled to stop. I ended up running into the link fence as I wheezed and coughed a bit catching my breath. Some of the team came to check on me as I smiled it off rejoining the practice as the captain and teacher were reviewing the records.

"...(Y/n) you almost beat Rubys time and that in itself is an impressive feat."

"See! You did great! Everyone did great!"

Ruby said as I just chuckled a bit as she offered me some water.

I drank a bit before the captain decided to do some long distance sprints. All of us except for Ruby were lined up six at a time and told to do one lap around the track as fast as we could. As I was lined up in the third group Ruby just cheered us on being her ball of energy like always. I got into a starting position and waited for the start as the captain told us to go. I shot forward at top speed about to round the curve. However I felt my legs give out as my feet tripped on themselves and I tripped skidding my knee pretty badly on the track.

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