Rejecting Destiny

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Continuation of Believing in Destiny

It had been well over a year since Pyrrha and myself left Beacon during the fall after we, no I killed Jaune. Ever since then Pyrrha has been very happy living at the base with me and my parents. Of course mom and dad never actually truly met her, mom did before the fall but not like this. It was a pretty big shock to her when she met my parents and with how forward my mother can be. But she still says she loves me and sticks around, and she even helps in our thievery which has become more fun with her around.


"(Y/n)? Dear are you alright?"

I just turned to my right to see Pyrrha cuddled up to me in bed as it was late in the night.

I just nodded my head with a small smile as she kissed my cheek running her fingers through my hair. I noticed how somewhat vacant she looked which scared me a bit. I signed at her with the moonlight and the heat lamp illuminating my hands for both of us to see.

"Is something wrong Pyrrha? Did I or my parents do something to make you upset? Do you regret coming with me, abandoning Beacon and your friends just for someone like me?"

"...Nothing is wrong my dear I am just tired after all the stealing today, I never really knew how much fun it was to steal and ride a dragon. So you and your... no our lovely parents are fine there will never be anything you or anyone can do to make me get upset with you.... But at the same time yes I do have some regrets coming here with you. I won't lie to you there are times I think of what it would be like if I never went to your dorm. If instead of confessing to you, you and I stayed as friends, but then I remember what life was like before that. How boring and how much I tried to make an idiot like me, and of course the Fall of Beacon is another reason I don't really feel too bad. So I do regret leaving, but then again I have enjoyed all this bad stuff we have been doing. It feels so invigorating when we steal stuff, hurt people who deserve it, cause property damage I love all of it! Cause this is the most bad deeds I have ever done... With you I get to relax and enjoy some darker human activities then I ever could be at Beacon trying to impress someone who didn't even care... But I always have dreams of what it would of been for us to continue at Beacon having our relationship there instead of here. Showing me off infront of Jaune to make him understand what he was missing for nearly a year, god I would of loved to see his face when we would kiss infront of him... I want it so badly cause he deserved to see just how much he fucked up chasing after Weiss instead of me... But yeah I do have a turmoil in my heart cause of this torn between my dreams of us at Beacon and my love for you..."

"If you want to leave we won't stop you. I love you, but if leaving the base right now and helping Ruby and them would make you happy the do it... If I am the cause of turmoil in your heart then do whatever it takes to put your heart at ease Pyrrha."

"You mean it, do you truly mean it?"

I just nodded as she looked at me with a sad smile getting out of my arms.

"Then I shall be taking something special from you, Dragon Master tonight your life will be mine."

She said as I tried to sit up, but she pinned me to the bed.

I just looked up thinking this was how I was gonna die, killed by the woman I loved. However things didn't go to plan as she just cupped my cheeks and planted a kiss on my lips. I was a bit confused but wrapped my hands around her waist pulling her closer as she laid on top of me. She pulled away and just slowly trailed a finger down my chest whispering in my ear.

"The hunt will continue for us as long as we are together no one will claim your life, for it belongs to me and mine belongs to you. I am the Fallen Maiden and you are the Dragon Master. Together we are the most powerful couple in the criminal underworld. Now we should continue this..."

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