The Shining Sun and Red Rose

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"So I guess it's finally time for me to leave the homestead and head out to Beacon. I am glad you aren't crying mom." I said smiling softly to her as I turned around dropping my bags on the ground pulling her into a hug.

I knew she was holding back for me and I love my mother and father with all my heart. So leaving them for the first time since birth is hard on all three of us.

"I am trying my best son. But this is gonna be the first time you are leaving us both for more then a week. I miss you already so much." She whispered out as I felt something wet hitting my chest as I held my mother.

Just feeling her tears made me want to cry, but father raised me to be a strong man so I didn't cry.

"Son lets run a quick check of your stuff before we send you off to Beacon." He said as I nodded letting go of mom as she went to father clinging to him crying. "Toothbrush, weapon, clothes, uniform, scroll, ammunition?" He asked as I went through my three bags and suitcase saying I got it all smiling to myself until I felt him approach me and place his hand on my shoulder.

"You have done so much growing boy I am proud of you and I always will be. We will be here waiting for your first message and don't forget." He said as I nodded standing up shaking his hand.

"A strong man will always stand tall no matter what." I said as he chuckled giving me a hug as I returned it before pulling away picking up my things.

"Well I am off you two I will see you both  first chance I get." I said as they nodded waving me off as I turned around and headed out the door. This was my chance to become the hunter we all know I can be.

After walking all the way to the tram station I saw tons of others just like me. Hopeful faces heading to the prestigious Beacon academy. But I also saw some nervous faces and softly chuckled to myself.

"I should be just like that but I am more excited..." I mumbled as the next tram stopped at the station opening the doors as we filed in.

I grabbed my bags and headed to a corner as soon as I got onboard to be less of an inconvenience to the others. I sat down on two of my bags looking at the metal suitcase to my left thinking about the long nights I toiled on my weapon to make it the perfect tool. However I felt like the odd one out since lots of people were looking at me and I noticed I was the only one that had any real luggage on me. I just ignored the judging looks they gave me knowing if I let it get to me then I am good as done here. However my thoughts were grabbed from this as the tram came to a sudden halt shaking all of us. I stood up looking around confused until I heard the screeching. 

My eyes went wide as I turned  around and saw it several nevermores were attacking the tram that was behind us.

"Man the Grimm now of all times?"

"I know none of us have a weapon we can only hope we can hold out till hunters can rescue us."

"Wait one of them is dragging out a person!!"

The weight of the cart shifted to the back as people were looking behind us. I clenched my fist before taking a deep breath unbuckling the latched opening my suitcase. I pulled out the crimson and ebony shotgun  looking at the door closest to the back as I pushed my way past everyone forcing the door open. I heard many people questioning me as I blocked them all out I held the trigger of my shotgun as it transformed into my scythe Crimson Darkness. I pulled myself onto the roof of the tram walking in the direction of the school until I hit the edge. I turned around and broke into an all out sprint leaping off the edge. I swung my arms in the air seeing the nevermore that had the girl by her red hood. I ducked down dodging its' beak grabbing onto the other claw as I dangled beside the girl. I sliced off the nevermores claw as it flew up in pain. The girl screamed as I held her as we were being lifted higher and higher by the nevermore.

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