Double the Schnee Double the Worries

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Forewarning mentions and scenes of self harm, depression, and suicidal intentions.

"Weiss.... I don't know how to say this..."

"What do you mean (Y/n)?"

"I... I uh..."


"Hold on please for me? ...Weiss I asked you to meet me on the rooftop so I could tell you this."

"...Okay, but can you speed it up a bit, I'm sorry but Ruby needs me back at the dorm to study for that test tomorrow."

"Oh okay I wil- I FORGOT ALL ABOUT THAT!!!"

I just chuckled as he held his head looking around before staring at me.

"Can I study with you both tonight???"

"Of course you can, you dunce. I know how bad of a studier you are when you are alone."

"Thank you so much Weiss... This is one of the reasons I love you..."

I just smiled until he said the love part as I felt my cheeks start to burn, as he just looked at me confused until he realized what he did.

"...You love me?"


"(Y/n) I guess that is why you asked me up here? To confess to me?"

"Y-Yeah... I just couldn't take it anymore... I needed to get this off my chest. I love you Weiss Schnee, I have for a few months now since I saw you the first day of Beacon. While of course you were very mean and scary, I was able to look past that and see the kind, caring, beautiful, and intelligent girl standing before me right now. Honestly not a day went by that I didn't once think about you..."

"O-Oh w-well... I-I don't know what to say about this (Y/n)..."

"Honestly I am happy just to know I was finally able to tell you..."

"That's... That's good... but I am sorry... I don't see you in that same light..."

I watched as the color drained from his face, and his eyes lost all shine as he stopped smiling and instead had a very neutral look.

"I am flattered you think of me like that... But I must regretfully decline your offer of love. It's not you at all believe me it's entirely my fault... Under any other kind of different circumstances I would love to date you. I mean you are kind, charming, funny, an absolute joy to be around, and you aren't helpless in a fight... I do enjoy being around you, but I am not looking for love right now. I want to focus on my studies and continue improving as well as improving myself to be a girl worthy of your love."

I tried to make him understand it is absolutely not him that has a problem, but me and my depression.


He didn't sound happy or anything like he usually does as I reached out to give him a hug, he just started walking away not refusing to look up from the ground.

"I'm sorry to bother you then Weiss... Y-You can go back to Ruby now..."

"(Y/n) please look at me..."

"I'm sorry Weiss... I'm sorry I wasted your time up here... You can go and study with Ruby... Don't worry I won't goof off like I do..."

I reached out taken back by his words as I made him look at me, his eyes were shining again.

But they weren't the shine I knew, they were shining with sadness as tears streamed down his face. This man I never saw sad or flinch from anything was crying cause of me. I tried to hug him, but he escaped from me and walked down the steps as I just fell to my knees absolutely devastated by this.

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