Time Changes a Lot of Things

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Finally got around to writing this! Sorry for taking so long everyone. Anyway here we go with a modern au to top it off... Man these are becoming pretty common aren't they?

I sat down on the desk being stared at four girls. One of which I used to have a crush on but now I would rather stay as far away from her as possible.



All I could think about while I sat there was this one thing...

How did it come to this?

Then I remembered exactly how this all happened. And the one person to blame would be Headmaster of Beacon Ozpin inspiring our headmaster.

A few hours prior

I sat down beside my friends as all the student body was asked to meet in the auditorium. From how confused the teachers were it was obvious this was something even they didn't know about. But what exactly was it.

"So what do you think it might be (Y/n)?"

"I don't know Darvin it might be anything from surprise treats to horrifying tests."

"Tests... Well you know the tests here are awesome better then any other academy from what I hear."

"Really Jerome? How can you back this claim up?"

I raised a brow quizzically wanting to hear this explanation as well.

"Simple guys remember I'm the youngest of six. So while I am here at Shade my siblings are each going to different academies. Gerald is going to Atlas since it was his first choice. We share our tests with one another and from what they tell me this is the most fun and one of the top three academies rivaling Beacon and Atlas."

"Wow... You actually had something to back up your claim..."

"Yeah even I am shocked and I even thought you had something."

"You believe anyone can do/say anything (Y/n)!"

"That I do tis the philosophy I follow and believe."

"Well we are about to find out..."

I watched as Darvin hushed us all up and pointed at the podium the placed in the auditorium. The lights had all gone out and a single spot light shined on the edge of the curtains as Headmaster Kasath walked out. The entire auditorium silenced in mere moments of seeing him walk out. All eyes were trained on him as he stepped up to the podium and cleared his throat speaking into the microphone.

"Good afternoon my dearest students and faculty. I'm sure you all are wondering why I called you here after classes had ended."

He paused for a moment as murmurs could be heard throughout the entire room. With the sheer amount of bodies and voices the murmur quickly became a sea of noises. But that sea was calmed and silenced in moments as headmaster cleared his voice again.

"Now I hope that you all know that Shade Academy is ranked as the third best academy in all of Remnant. But as of late our test scores have dropped not much to be too alarmed about but we are starting to decay as third best. So I want to test out a theory the first place academy Beacon has boys and girls like yourselves sharing a singular room as you do now with three other people. What I want to test is if the barrier of teammates is preventing you all from succeeding. So I have chosen a team of four boys to break up and each go to a team of four girls. (Y/n) (L/n) will go and live with Nebula and her team... Darvin...."

I just stared at the ground as his words meant nothing to me after hearing who I was suppose to live with now. I am fine with Nebula, I am fine with Dew, I am fine with Gwen even, but... Octavia... anyone but Octavia...

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