The Boss' Son

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I walked up to the bar that mother told me about. I wiped my brow and searched my pockets for the picture mom left me before she died. I finally fished it out uncrumpling it and holding it up to the light for a better. I examined the picture of my mother when she was younger and my father Hei Xiong. I laid my bag outside beside the door intending to come back for it if he isn't the man I am looking for or he is.

I looked at the door and the sign reading it in my mind before confirming the multiple sightings people told me. I kicked down the door seeing it as a club like every person I asked told me. I watched as all the bouncers, djs', henchmen, bartenders, everyone just stopped what they were doing a looked at me.

"What's a kid like you doing here?" One of the bouncers asked me stepping infront of me.

I just looked at him and cracked my knuckles pushing him out of the way.

"Out of my way small fry I am here for the big fish."

"What the fuck kid I was being nice but now you're getting it!" He shouted as I glanced over at him to meet a fist to the jaw.

I staggered back slightly before looking up at him. I wiped my lips before spitting on his shoes smirking. He didn't take kindly to this as he punched me again and again. Soon I heard laughter spread behind him from everyone.

"How do you like it tough guy? Not so high and mighty now are you?"

"Two hundred ninety... two hundred ninety one..."

"What the actual fuck this kid has been counting the entire time? Well lets see how he likes thiiiis!!!"

Suddenly everyone even on the dance floor had their eyes on me has I had this bouncers wrist twisted behind his back.

"Five whole minutes and you spend most of them talking? What a mistake you made oh and you punch like a little kid." Was all I said before he fell to his knees in tears.

I walked past his collapsed form and went to the bar seeing the man I was here for with two ladies. I looked at the bartender and shook my head seeing the fear through his red glasses. I watched him slide me a water as I nodded take a sip out of the glass glancing to my left.

"Xiong, Hei Xiong also known as Junior."

"You seem to know me shrimp do you have a name?"

"I might or I might not I will let you know when I am ready. Besides you have another guest." I finished walking away from the bar with my glass of water entering into the dance floor.

I glanced back seeing the blonde women walking over to the man I suspected was who I was looking for. I read their mouths' as they spoke making out some words. Then I watched as more of the small guys started showing up infront of them. I just finished my drink as he started walking towards me with her in tow.

"First the shrimp now blondie what do both of you kids want?"

"You know what I want Junior if you don't want this place getting demolished by me tell me everything you know about the woman."

"I told you blondie I don't know a thing about that woman you showed me now if you want to leave intact the both of you I suggest you move along now."

"Hmm well Mr. Shrimp do you happen to have a name?"

"Well that depends on how you treat me blondie do you have a name?"

"Ooh you seem feisty I like that. Names' Yang that's all you're gonna get for now."

"Hmm well it seems he wasn't joking Yang we seem to have drawn in quite the crowd how about we dispatch them?"

With that said I tossed up a piece of ice making everyone but myself look up. I tossed the glass slightly in my hand before throwing it straight at one of the henchman's. He fell back as the glass shattered scaring off all the dancers and alerting everyone else. I watched as Yang activated her gauntlets slamming the floor. I jumped over the recoiling land she caused as the others went flying in the air. I worked on the ones left helpless in the air as she worked on the ones grounded.

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