The Nevermore and the Raven

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To start a new book we need a bar set dont we? Well let's go!!

I wandered through the broken ruins of Vale as I scoffed removing my mask. I looked down at the object in my hands that hid my identity from the world. I chuckled at the beak wondering why I made it so long. But I stopped chuckling putting it back on grabbing one of my shotguns turning around.

(Y/n): "Who challenges the reaper?" I threatened scanning the area around me looking for movement. After the bombing incident years ago I was never the same just like that damn boy scout.
???: "Last time I checked I was the only reaper here." The mysterious person said as I looked all over for them.
(Y/n): "Show yourself to me!" I demanded pulling out the other shotgun I had aiming them i different directions. "Come out now." I ordered as I heard a sound behind me. I quickly turned around to find it was just some rubble that was sliding down the side of a building. I lowered the barrels towards the ground as I looked at the top of the building seeing a lone figure standing there. "I will say this only once. Unless you have a death wish leave me alone." I grumbled out turning away holstering my guns as no response was given. I started walking as the sounds of my boots hitting the cement echoed throughout the ruins. But I stopped as I heard rubble sliding down the building again. I only offered a quick glance back as I saw the figure had jumped up and was coming towards me. I laughed quickly grabbing my guns aiming the barrels at them. But I watched as they brandished a katana and sliced the air. I watched in shock as they opened a tear in space and vanished. On instinct I turned around raising one of the guns up to block the slash they attempted. I stared into their eyes meeting a mask similar to mine but more like those weak white fang. Their eyes were blood red like a grimms.

???: "Nice reactions but maybe it's time for the real show to start." The said as I laughed pushing them back firing four shots at them. Each one missed as I tossed the gun at them pulling out another one from my cloak.
(Y/n): "A death wish shall be granted today." I laughed out rushing them. They kept stepping back with every step I took closer to them. "What's wrong? You scared to face me? Your challenging the reaper you shouldn't be so scared." I said as they chuckled before slashing me. I just looked as my hand fell to the ground dropping the gun. I took it shaking violently as I starred at the place where my hand was. "W-What? M-My hand it hurts so much!!!" I shouted falling to my knees as they stepped closer. I lurched over staring at the ground as they were right infront of me. "...Is that what you expected me to say?" I asked shooting up grabbing them by their neck with a freshly regenerated hand. I heard a loud gasp of shock from them as I laughed. "Cut me down I will just get back up. Nothing you do can faze me anymore then that bomb." I said as they stopped struggling and lowered their hands to their side. I felt the wind pick up as their long ebony black hair fluttered in the wind.
???: "(Y-Y/n)? Is... Is it really you?" They asked as I flinched staring at them.
(Y/n): "How do you know that name?"
???: "B-Because..." They stuttered unable to speak as I stared at them curiously. I brought my face closer to theirs the only barriers were our masks as they collided together softly.
(Y/n): "Tell me now." I demanded from them as they just looked away before slicing my arm. I recoiled slightly stumbling back as they rushed me slashing all over. I took step after step back taking the full on assault from them. I felt my arm regenerate from smoke as I turned to them pulling out two shotguns firing blast after blast at them. They dodged around as we clashed in a melee. Their katana against my shotguns as sparks collided around us. I ducked under one of their attacks and swept their feet out from under them as they fell back. But they quickly regained their composure by using their hands to bounce back up with a flip. 

After hours of fighting it was very obvious we were both exhausted as I tried to fire a shot but only heard clicking. I groaned tossing both guns aside pulling two new ones out only to hear more clicks. I cursed under my breath realizing I was at my limits as the figure before me slowly approached me. I took slow steps back as they raised their hands up with their weapon brandished. I felt my back hit a wall making me smirk as they brought down the weapon with a slash. I twitched as the weapon entered my body and blood filled my mouth. I looked them dead in the eyes as they did the same.

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